Twitchat offers a websocket API through OBS-Websocket to control some features and receive some events.
This documentation needs to be updated !
It's missing many things and may contain outdated other things.
This API needs OBS-Websocket V5 to be installed and running!
After installing OBS-Websocket, start OBS, you may want set a password on Tools -> obs-websocket Settings
Once done, go on Twitchat, open the parameters and on the OBS panel specify the credentials to connect with OBS.
OBS will act as a bridge to transmit Twitchat messages to any connected client.
To connect with OBS-Websocket you can use the obs-websocket-js package that already handles everything.
Bellow is a typescript example to use the API via OBS-Websocket-js
The example refers to TwitchatActionType
and TwitchatEventType
You can find their signatures here.
import OBSWebSocket from 'obs-websocket-js';
const ip:string = "";//Configure this
const port:number = 4455;//Configure this
const pass:string "";//Configure this
const obs = new OBSWebSocket();
* Connect to OBS-websocket
async function connect(ip:string, port:string, pass:string):Promise<boolean> {
try {
await obs.connect(`ws://${ip}:${port}`, pass, {rpcVersion:1});
}catch(error) {
setTimeout(()=> {
//try again later
connect(ip, port, pass);
}, 5000);
return false;
obs.addListener("ConnectionClosed", ()=> {
connect(ip, port, pass);
//"CustomEvent" not yet declared in obs-websocket-js types. Need @ts-ignore to avoid lint/compile errors
obs.on("CustomEvent", (e:{origin:"twitchat", type:TwitchatEventType, data:unknown}) => onTwitchatEvent(e))
return true;
* Send a message to Twitchat
function sendMessage(type:TwitchatActionType, data:unknown):Promise<void> {
const eventData = { origin:"twitchat", type, data };"BroadcastCustomEvent", {eventData});
* Called when receiving a message from Twitchat
function onTwitchatEvent(e:{origin:"twitchat", type:TwitchatEventType, data:unknown}):void {
if(e.type == undefined) return;
//Ignore any message not coming from twitchat
if(e.origin != "twitchat") return;
console.log(`Twitchat event ${e.type} received !`);
console.log(;//JSON data of the event
if(e.type == "MESSAGE_NON_FOLLOWER") {
console.log(`The user ${} is not following the channel and sent this message : ${}`)
connect(ip, port pass).then(()=> {
//Marks 1 message as read in the "Greet them section"
sendMessage("GREET_FEED_READ", {count:1});
Here are the types signatures used on the above examples
//Events fired by Twitchat
export type TwitchatEventType =
//Actions you can request to Twitchat
export type TwitchatActionType =
List of the events fired by Twitchat you can listen to and the JSON data sent in parameters.
Sent when clicking a message on the chat to mark it as read. Only sent for users' messages and whispers. Poll results, sub/bits/.. alerts, notices, etc... won't fire this event
Sent when a non-follower sends a message
user: {
Sent when a message is deleted.
user: {
Sent when a user sends their first message of the stream ("Greet them" section).
tags:any,//IRC tags data
Sent when a user sends their first message on the channel.
tags:any,//IRC tags data
The actual message received isn't sent for privacy reasons.
unreadCount:number,//Number of unread whispers
id: string,
login: string,
displayName: string,
Sent when a user follows the channel
user: {
id: string,
login: string,
displayName: string,
Sent when a poll starts, updates (when someone votes) and ends.
channel_id: string;
id: string,
duration_s: number,
started_at: number,
ended_at?: number,
choices: {
id: string,
label: string,
votes: number,
id: string,
label: string,
votes: number,
Sent when a prediction starts, updates (when someone votes) and ends.
channel_id: string,
title: string,
duration_s: number,
outcomes: {
id: string;
label: string;
votes: number;
voters: number;
pendingAnswer: boolean,
started_at: number,
ended_at?: number,
id: string;
label: string;
votes: number;
voters: number;
Called when a message contains a mention of your nickname
display_name: string,
username: string,
user_id: string,
Sent when a new track is playing on spotify or when playback is stopped
Sent when a new track is added to the queue\
Sent when a raffle completes
id:string;//user ID in case of a chat raffle
score:number;//Score value if using ponderation options
Sent when a countdown start
startAt:string,//formated date
startAt_ms:number,//Timestamp in ms
duration:number,//Duration formated
duration_ms:number,//Duration in ms
Sent when a countdown completes
startAt:string,//formated date
startAt_ms:number,//Timestamp in ms
endAt:string,//formated date
endAt_ms:number,//Timestamp in ms
duration:number,//Duration formated
duration_ms:number,//Duration in ms
Sent when a timer is started
startAt:number,//Timestamp in ms
Sent when stoping a timer
startAt:number,//Timestamp in ms
stopAt:number,//Timestamp in ms
Sent when a timer overlay advertises its presence
Sent when a wheel overlay advertises its presence
Sent when the emergency mode is started or stopped
Sent when a chat highlight overlay advertises its presence
Sent when changing voicemod voice effect
List of actions you can request Twitchat to perform.\
Marks "count
" messages as read in the "Greet them" section.
Default value = 1
"count": number,
Marks all the messages as read in the "Greet them" section
Marks "count
" messages as read in the chat feed.
value can be negative to move the read mark back.
Default value = 1
"count": number,
Marks all the messages as read in the chat feed.
Pauses the chat
Resumes the chat by scrolling back to bottom
Scroll the chat feed up by the number of pixels specified in the scrollBy
Default value = 100
Scroll the chat feed down by the number of pixels specified in the scrollBy
Default value = 100
Toggle current poll's visibility
Toggle current prediction's visibility
Toggle current bingo's visibility
Toggle current raffle's visibility
Toggle viewer count's visibility
Toggle moderation tools' visibility
Toggle the censorship of the deleted messages
If censorship is enabled, deleted messages content is replaced by <deleted message>
Request the currently playing spotify track\
Start a wheel animation.
contains the list of wheel items to display on the wheel. There must be between 1 and an infinity of items.
param is the id
of the entry the wheel should stop to.
Ask of a wheel overlay exists.
If it does you'll receive the WHEEL_OVERLAY_PRESENCE
Request current timer / countdown values
If it does you'll receive the TIMER_START
Ask if a timer overlay exists.
If it does you'll receive the TIMER_OVERLAY_PRESENCE
Starts or stops the emergency mode. If no JSON is given it will simply toggle the current state
Ask if a chat highlight overlay exists.
If it does you'll receive the CHAT_HIGHLIGHT_OVERLAY_PRESENCE
Send a chat message on the "chat highlight" overlay Send no data to hide the current message
message: string;//Message with emotes parsed as HTML tags
id: string;
login: string;
display_name: string;
type: string;
broadcaster_type: string;
description: string;
profile_image_url: string;
offline_image_url: string;
created_at: string;
Send a clip to be displayed on the chat highlight overlay
//This is the same JSON as the one sent by the Twitch API
broadcaster_id: string;
broadcaster_name: string;
created_at: string;
creator_id: string;
creator_name: string;
duration: number;
embed_url: string;
game_id: string;
id: string;
language: string;
thumbnail_url: string;
title: string;
url: string;
video_id: string;
view_count: number;
Starts the emergency mode as the user clicked the emergency button
Stop the emergency mode
Sends a shoutout to the latest raider
Stops any currently playing text to speech audio
Enabled the speech recognition to control twitchat with your voice
Disable the speech recognition
Send chat notifications only visible by you on Twitchat.
The icon
props can have one of those values:
ad add alert animate announcement anon api automod badge ban bingo bits block boost bot broadcast broadcaster change channelPoints chatCommand chatPoll checkmark clearChat click clip coffee coin color commands conversation copy count countdown credits cross date debug delete dice discord donor download dragZone easing edit elevated elgato emergency emote enter filters firstTime fix follow follow_outline font fontSize fullscreen gift github goxlr goxlr_bleep goxlr_fx hand heat help hide highlight history hypeChat idea info internet kofi leave list live loader lock loop magnet markRead max merge microphone microphone_mute microphone_recording min minus mod move music mute newtab next noMusic notification number obs offline online orderable overlay params partner patreon pause paypal pin pipette placeholder play poll polygon prediction premium presentation press prev prime pros qna raid read refresh reply returning reward_highlight rightClick rotate save scale scroll scrollDown scrollUp search shadow shield shieldMode shoutout show skip slow spotify stars stop sub test thickness ticket tiktok timeout timer train train_boost translate trash tts twitch twitchat twitter ulule unban unblock unfollow unlock unmod unmute unpin unvip update upload url user vibrate vip voice voicemod volume watchStreak whispers youtube
//Message to display
message?: string;
//Defines if the close button should be disaplay
//defaults to "true" if omitted
//Defines if the message should be displayed on the "greet them" section
//User info
user?: {
name: string;
color?: string;
//Column index to display the message to
col?: number;
//Button icon see list of values above
icon?: string;
//Color of the message for "highlight" style
highlightColor?: string;
//Message style
style?: "message"|"highlight"|"error";
//Option quote displayed in a dedicated holder
//buttons to add
actions?: {
//Button icon see list of values above
//Button label
//Type of action
//Page to open in a new tab for "url" actionType
//window target for "url" actionType
//Trigger to execute for "trigger" actionType.
//Use CTRL+Alt+D on your triggers list to show their IDs
//Message sent on chat for "message" and "discord" actionType values
//Button style