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Developing pywatershed

This document describes how to set up a development environment, install dependencies, compile C/Fortran code, generate example data, and run the tests and example notebooks.



Git is required to contribute code back to the repository. GitHub's Guide to Installing Git is a good source of information.


C and Fortran compilers are required. We are currently using gnu (gcc, gfortran) 11 and 12 as well as intel (icc, ifort) 2021 on Windows, Linux, and MacOS (including Apple Silicon). Both of these are freely obtainable but the installation process varies widely. We are looking for a conda-based approach to obtaining compilers, but currently do not have a solution. Compilers are needed for two applications:

  1. Compiling and running C/Fortran PRMS code to generate testing/verification data 2. Compiling (installing) and running fortran backends/kernels for some hydrological process representations in pywatershed

On Apple Silicon, the PRMS source code is only currently known to compile with intel while the fortran kernels in pywatershed only compile with gnu.


Python >= 3.9 is required.

Creating a virtual environment

We suggest Mamba over a Python virtual environment (venv), but a venv is better than nothing and can be created with Python's builtin venv.


We highly recommend using Mamba. To create a mamba/conda environment with all core, testing and optional dependencies, run from the project root:

mamba env create -f environment.yml

The conda environment.yml contains all dependencies needed to develop, test, and run example notebooks. More detailed Conda environment installation instructions can be found in examples/00_python_virtual_env.ipynb.


To install all dependencies with pip:

pip install ".[all]"

Several dependency groups are defined in pyproject.toml and can be selected instead of all for a more lightweight environment:

  • lint
  • test
  • optional

Installing pywatershed in development mode

Once the python environment and dependencies are established and activated (e.g. conda activate pywatershed or, assuming a virtual environment in venv in the root, source venv/bin/activate), pywatershed can be installed in editable development mode with:

pip install -e .


The numpy extension F2PY is used to provide fortran compiled kernels of core calculations to boost performance. F2PY is documented within numpy. This repository is configured NOT to compile on install by default. Currently, we have not established this compilation procedure for Windows. On Linux and MacOS, compilation of fortran kernels on package installation is achieved by setting several environent variables before installing the pywatershed module. For instance, from the project root:

export SETUPTOOLS_ENABLE_FEATURES="legacy-editable"
export CC=path/to/gcc  # for example
export FC=path/to/gfortran  # for example
export PYWS_FORTRAN=true
pip install -e .

Note that an editable (-e above) is required to compile the fotran code.

Branching model

This project uses the git flow: development occurs on the develop branch, while main is reserved for the state of the latest release. Development PRs are typically squashed to develop, to avoid merge commits. At release time, release branches are merged to main, and then main is merged back into develop.


The automated practices of installing, linting, and testing described below are all formally encoded in .github/workflows/ci.yaml and .github/workflows/ci_examples.yaml files.


Once the dependencies are available, we want to verify the software by running its test suite. However, we first need to generate the test data. This consists of running binaries (PRMS) and then converting the output to netcdf files used by autotest as the answers or reference results. In the autotest/ directory, test data is generated using the following command.

python -n=auto

Additional options may be supplied to For more details on generating the test data, see test_data/

Finally, the tests can be run from the autotest directory:

pytest -v -n=auto

All tests should pass, XPASS, or XFAIL. XFAIL is an expected failure. The flag -n auto to automatically use all available cores on your machine.

For more details on the autotests, see autotest/


Automated linting procedures are performed in CI and enforced, these are

ruff check .
ruff format .

And you'll need to run these locally to pass CI checks.

Committing Jupyter Notebooks

All outputs are required to be stripped from jupyter notebooks prior to committing. To facilitate this we have pre-commit hooks which will strip outputs and metadata from jupyter notebooks. When a git commit is attempted, the hook will check all staged *.ipynb files. If the file is modified after running the hook (which runs nbstripout), then the commit is abandoned and the changes resulting from the hook need added/staged before the commit can be attempted again.

The pre-commit hook is highly recommended because it acts at the appropritae time to keep very large diffs out of the repository history. If you are using environment.yml this will be installed. Othewise, your commits will be bloating the repository and versions of noteboks may need removed from the history.

The maximal amount of metadata can be stripped from Jupyter notebooks by following the example configuration found in the nbstripout section on stripping metadata.

pre-commit hooks

Pre-commit hooks apply actionas at commit-time. These are available when pre-commit is installed in the environment, as in the environment.yml supplied. To install yourself

pre-commit install

As specified in .pre-commit-config.yaml, we adopt the following pre-commit hooks

  • nbstripout: strip outputs from jupyter notebooks
  • blackdoc: apply black within documentation
  • doctoc: auto generate tables of contents in markdown docs


Google-style docstrings are used for documenting source code. (Though numpy style is supposedly handled as well by Napolean, preference is for google-style.)


Locating the root

Python scripts often need to reference files elsewhere in the project. To allow scripts to be run from anywhere in the project hierarchy, scripts should locate the project root relative to themselves, then use paths relative to the root for file access, rather than using relative paths (e.g., ../some/path).

For a script in a subdirectory of the root, for instance, the conventional approach would be:

Python project_root_path = Path(__file__).parent.parent