A class for carrying out general, single-step linear feature selection protocols: protocols that include both forward and reverse search steps. Best results seen so far are stored, allowing for review. This also allows for a search to be continued with repositioning or step protocol adjustments, as desired.
Keys of this dict correspond to feature subset size. The value for a given
key is also a dict -- one characterizing the best subset seen so far of this
size. These inner dicts have two keys, s
and cod
. The first holds a
Boolean array specifying which features were included in the subset and the
second holds the corresponding COD.
: numeric variable typeComputations will be carried out using this level of precision. Note: Lower precision types result in faster computation. However, for nearly redundant data sets these can sometimes result in nan results populating the
Set the operating conditions of the stepwise search.
X: np.array, (n_examples, n_features)
The data set to be fit. This must be passed in the first call to this method, but should not need to be passed again in any following repositioning call. Must be numeric.
s: np.array, (n_features)
This is a Boolean array that specifies which predictor set to use when we begin (or continue) our search. If the index
is set toTrue
, the corresponding featurei
will be included in the initial predictor set. -
mobile: np.array, (n_features)
This is a Boolean array that specifies which of the features are locked into or out of our fit -- if the index
is set toTrue
, the corresponding featurei
can be moved into or out of the predictor set. Otherwise, the featurei
is locked in the set specified by the passeds
argument. -
targets: np.array, (n_features)
This is a Boolean array that specifies which of the columns of
are to be fit -- analogs ofy
in theFwdSelect
algorithms. If the indexi
is set toTrue
, the corresponding columni
will be placed in the target set. Once set, this should not be passed again in any following repositioning call.
(Continue) stepwise search and update elements of best_results
protocol: tuple of 2 ints
First element is number of forward steps to take each iteration. The second is the number of reverse. E.g., default is
(2, 1)
. This results in two forward steps and one reverse step being taken each iteration. E.g., if(1, 0)
is passed, one forward step is taken followed by zero reverse steps. That is, we do a forward search, etc. -
steps: int
The total number of steps to take. Note that if a step is requested but there are no mobile moves available no step will be taken. This can happen, e.g., when requesting a forward step, but all mobile features are already in the predictor set
Returns the COD increase that would result from each possible movement of an element outside of the predictor set inside.
cod_gains : np.array (self.dimension, )
This array's index
specifies the gain in target COD that would result if featurei
were to move intos
. Values corresponding to unavailable moves are set to 0.
Returns the COD decrease that would result from each possible movement of an element inside of the predictor set outside.
cod_costs : np.array (self.dimension, )
This array's index
specifies the drop in target COD that would result if featurei
were to move outside ofs
. Values corresponding to unavailable moves are set to 0.
The code below carries out a forward and a reverse sweep on a random,
correlated dataset, X
: After generating the data set, we initialize the
search by setting the last column of X
as the target and fix this as a
non-predictor. We start the search at the point where no features are
included as predictors and take a forward sweep. Finally, we continue the
search with a backwards sweep. Because we did not reposition before this, the
reverse sweep starts off where we left off -- i.e., at the point where all
allowed features are included as predictors. Notice that the second sweep
resulted in an improved three feature fit.
import numpy as np
from linselect import GenSelect
# Constants
M = 50 # example count
N = 5 # feature count
K = 3 # best results sample point
# Generate a random, correlated data set
c = np.random.rand(N, N)
C = np.dot(c.T, c)
X = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(N), C, M)
# Initialize the selector and position search with last column as target.
s = np.array([False for i in range(N)]) # initially no predictors
targets = s.copy(); targets[-1] = True # last feature is target
mobile = ~targets # fix target as non-predictor
selector = GenSelect()
selector.position(X, s=s, targets=targets, mobile=mobile)
# Take a forward sweep and print best K feature model found
selector.search(protocol=(1, 0), steps=N-1)
print selector.best_results[K]
# {'s': array([False, True, True, True, False], dtype=bool), 'cod': 0.912}
# Continue search with a reverse sweep
selector.search(protocol=(0, 1), steps=N-1)
print selector.best_results[K]
# {'s': array([ True, True, True, False, False], dtype=bool), 'cod': 0.914}
The code below carries out an unsupervised selection analysis on a random,
correlated data set, X
. After generating the data set, we initialize the
selector and position it by passing in X
. The arguments s
, mobile
, and
are not passed, so are set to their default values. This starts the
search with no features as predictors, all features mobile, and all features
as targets -- i.e., unsupervised selection. We take a forward sweep,
reposition at the best three feature fit seen in that sweep, then sweep back
and forth a few times. Note that the best three feature model found beats
that from the first sweep.
import numpy as np
from linselect import GenSelect
# Constants
M = 50 # example count
N = 5 # feature count
K = 3 # best results sample point
# Generate a random, correlated data set
c = np.random.rand(N, N)
C = np.dot(c.T, c)
X = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(N), C, M)
# Initialize the selector and position search with last column as target.
selector = GenSelect()
# Take a forward sweep and print best K feature model found
selector.search(protocol=(1, 0), steps=N-1)
print selector.best_results[K]
# {'s': array([ True, False, True, False, True], dtype=bool), 'cod': 4.89}
# Continue search with a few reverse and forward sweeps
selector.search(protocol=(N-1, N-1), steps=6*(N-1))
print selector.best_results[K]
# {'s': array([ True, True, False, True, False], dtype=bool), 'cod': 4.95}