Releases: EPIC-model/epic
Releases · EPIC-model/epic
EPIC version 0.14.2
What's Changed
- Optimise nearest algorithm tree resolve step by @matt-frey in #561
- Implement generalised damping, including surface damping by @sjboeing in #562
- Add optimised rejection method by @matt-frey in #563
- Update webpage by @matt-frey in #564
- Add labels to code by @sjboeing in #565
- Reset labels and dilution when writing to netCDF by @sjboeing in #566
- Support for 64-bit integers by @matt-frey in #560
- Set total number of parcels before parcel_communicate by @matt-frey in #567
- Fix input to acos by @matt-frey in #568
- Fix rejection method by @matt-frey in #570
- Explicitly set the attributes to write by @matt-frey in #571
- Bugfixes to labelling by @sjboeing in #569
- Move GitHub page to organisation by @matt-frey in #573
- Add index.html which is a symbolic link to html/intro.html by @matt-frey in #574
- Update version string from 0.14.1 to 0.14.2 by @matt-frey in #575
Full Changelog: 0.14.1...0.14.2
EPIC version 0.14.1
What's Changed
- Added/changed ifort style flags by @RuiApostolo in #494
- Fix .zenodo.json by @matt-frey in #542
- Generalise by @matt-frey in #492
- Selective parcel attribute writes by @matt-frey in #543
- Need to calculate buoyancy extrema for total buoyancy by @matt-frey in #546
- Update writing statistics to improved interface by @matt-frey in #545
- Fix rk_timer by @matt-frey in #547
- Collect merger statistics by @matt-frey in #544
- Update conda environment by @matt-frey in #550
- Damping implementation by @sjboeing in #549
- Add missing stop_timer; fix resetting parcel split and merge diagnostics by @matt-frey in #552
- Fix loop for nearest parcel check by @sjboeing in #555
- Gridded strain by @sjboeing in #553
- Ensure link exists before calling netcdf routine by @matt-frey in #558
- New release 0.14.1 by @matt-frey in #559
New Contributors
- @RuiApostolo made their first contribution in #494
Full Changelog: 0.14.0...0.14.1
EPIC version 0.14.0
What's Changed
- Fix the write frequency by @matt-frey in #527
- Add boundary surface fluxes by @matt-frey in #451
- Add missing field statistics timer stop by @matt-frey in #537
- Calculate squared buoyancy frequency only if not provided by @matt-frey in #538
- Compilation flag based 1-point par2grid and grid2par by @sjboeing in #539
- Overwrite default Zenodo metadata by @matt-frey in #536
- Dev 0.14.0 by @matt-frey in #541
Full Changelog: 0.13.1...0.14.0
EPIC version 0.13.1
What's Changed
- Write specific fields only by @matt-frey in #520
- Remove -fPIC flag by @matt-frey in #519
- Do halo swap for nparg and nsparg by @matt-frey in #523
- Fix OpenMP pragmas by @matt-frey in #528
- Change default value from 1/40 to 1/20 by @matt-frey in #526
- Initialise buoyancy, vorticity and humidity by @matt-frey in #534
- Buoyancy perturbation mode by @matt-frey in #532
- Update Python packages by @matt-frey in #522
- Update Python tools by @matt-frey in #529
- Increase buffer in parcel communication by @matt-frey in #530
- Add data coarsening post-processing tool by @matt-frey in #521
- Update changelog for version 0.13.1 by @matt-frey in #535
Full Changelog: 0.13.0...0.13.1
EPIC version 0.13.0
MPI-parallel version of the 3D model.
What's Changed
- Rename comm to comm_world by @matt-frey in #364
- Extend NetCDF interface to MPI by @matt-frey in #363
- Fix MPI reduction by @matt-frey in #366
- Field decomposition by @matt-frey in #361
- Grid halo swap by @matt-frey in #369
- Parcel and field diagnostics in parallel by @matt-frey in #368
- Read and write fields in parallel by @matt-frey in #367
- Read and write parcels in parallel by @matt-frey in #365
- Parcel exchange by @matt-frey in #362
- Parallel parcel initialisation by @matt-frey in #373
- Parallel par2grid by @matt-frey in #374
- Parallel grid2par by @matt-frey in #375
- Parallel parcel split by @matt-frey in #376
- Parcel rejection method by @matt-frey in #377
- Parallel gradient correction by @matt-frey in #383
- Forward and backward FFT by @matt-frey in #438
- MPI parallel FFT by @matt-frey in #428
- MPI parcel Laplace correction by @matt-frey in #442
- MPI timer module by @matt-frey in #443
- Pull from main branch into 3d-mpi-model branch by @matt-frey in #444
- Improve MPI communication by @matt-frey in #445
- MPI passive communication in nearest algorithm by @matt-frey in #448
- Remove reference potential energy calculation for 3D by @matt-frey in #449
- Parallel nearest algorithm by @matt-frey in #384
- Improve the search for libraries by @matt-frey in #452
- Changes on halo swapping branch by @sjboeing in #456
- Fix MPI related issues by @matt-frey in #453
- Make RK4 variables part of the parcel container by @matt-frey in #457
- Fix MPI related issues by @matt-frey in #460
- Read parcels in chunks by @matt-frey in #459
- Explicit array bounds by @matt-frey in #458
- Recover lost changes from main to MPI branch by @matt-frey in #467
- Cleanup and additional debug check in parcel nearest by @matt-frey in #466
- Proper de-allocation of allocatable arrays by @matt-frey in #468
- Print on rank 0 only and use MPI_Abort instead of stop by @matt-frey in #469
- Communicate multiple fields in a single call by @matt-frey in #470
- Fix write_netcdf_axis_3d by @matt-frey in #473
- Single comm sum based by @sjboeing in #476
- Fix MPI unit tests by @matt-frey in #477
- Allocate RMA windows in MPI tests by @matt-frey in #480
- Change nearest comparison script by @matt-frey in #481
- Fix lower boundary of local box by @matt-frey in #482
- Fix the vorticity correction by @matt-frey in #486
- Use request-based RMA by @matt-frey in #472
- 3rd order RK stepper by @matt-frey in #487
- No allocatable strings by @matt-frey in #479
- Implement algorithm by Scherzinger and Dohrmann by @matt-frey in #488
- Ensure argument to dacos is within bounds by @matt-frey in #495
- Use amax instead vmax as parcel splitting criterion by @matt-frey in #489
- Resize parcel container by @matt-frey in #493
- Communicate veta and vtau by @matt-frey in #496
- Fix timer by @matt-frey in #499
- Use MPI_Win_allocate instead of MPI_Win_create by @matt-frey in #498
- Fixes from serial version by @matt-frey in #501
- Fixes issue with zero-indexing in inversion module by @sjboeing in #502
- Replace eta and tau as part of parcel_replace subroutine by @sjboeing in #503
- Parcel interpolation simplifications by @sjboeing in #505
- Fix closing bracket in the gradient correction by @matt-frey in #507
- Apply #507 to development branch by @matt-frey in #508
- Fix parcels on periodic edge by @matt-frey in #509
- Avoid array temporaries by @matt-frey in #504
- Remove max_vratio from configuration files by @matt-frey in #510
- Simplify parcel merge routine call by @matt-frey in #514
- Fix unit-tests -- register missing timer and fix function call by @matt-frey in #513
- Fix communicator issue by @matt-frey in #512
- Do not use MPI_COMM_WORLD as default in collectives by @matt-frey in #515
- MPI version of 3D model by @matt-frey in #511
- Fix OpenMP race condition in inversion_utils.f90 by @matt-frey in #516
- Update changelog version 0.13.0 by @matt-frey in #518
Full Changelog: 0.12.6...0.13.0
EPIC version 0.12.6
What's Changed
- Pull optimizations to serial version by @matt-frey in #500
Full Changelog: 0.12.5...0.12.6
Note: This is the last version of EPIC with a serial 3D model.
EPIC version 0.12.5
What's Changed
- Update requirements.txt by @matt-frey in #450
- Fix the calculation of the vorticity correction by @matt-frey in #484
Full Changelog: 0.12.4...0.12.5
EPIC version 0.12.4
What's Changed
- Fix field reading in 2D genspec and add 3D genspec by @matt-frey in #346
- Divergence form and nearest parcel fix by @matt-frey in #399
- Rename RK4 constants by @matt-frey in #401
- Use named indices for n-rank arrays by @matt-frey in #400
- Clean up flux form code by @matt-frey in #402
- Unreadable timings by @matt-frey in #405
- Apply nearest fix in 2d by @matt-frey in #403
- Generalise NetCDF dimension and axis names by @matt-frey in #406
- Monitor number of splits and merges by @matt-frey in #407
- Clean up par2grid by @matt-frey in #409
- Zeta zero on boundary by @matt-frey in #408
- Fix compilation with config.f90 by @matt-frey in #410
- Update the manual by @matt-frey in #411
- Fix python scripts due to NetCDF interface by @matt-frey in #412
- Fix writing z axis to NetCDF by @matt-frey in #413
- Changes to moist setup: shorter run, smooth edge bubble by @sjboeing in #414
- Humidity diagnostics by @sjboeing in #415
- Sgs diagnostics by @sjboeing in #416
- Restarts with zeta flags by @sjboeing in #417
- Update requirements.txt by @matt-frey in #418
- Update the input section of the manual by @matt-frey in #419
- Add more statistics by @matt-frey in #420
- Fix parcel interpolation by @matt-frey in #423
- Use central differencing in solenoidal correction and tendency calculation by @matt-frey in #425
- Peref in NetCDF output by @matt-frey in #422
- Linear extrapolation central diffz by @matt-frey in #426
- Fix buoyancy extrema calculation by @matt-frey in #427
- Check if file exists by @matt-frey in #430
- Domain averaged quantities in 2D and 3D and protected parameters in 2D by @matt-frey in #431
- Update python scripts by @matt-frey in #432
- Setting 3D default n per cell to 8 (a cube) by @sjboeing in #434
- Add missing factor 1/2 to peref calculation by @matt-frey in #437
- Fix verbose mode and update initialisation in parcel correction unit tests by @matt-frey in #435
- APE calculation by @matt-frey in #440
- Initialise parcels like grid2par by @matt-frey in #441
- Add 3d setups by @matt-frey in #433
Full Changelog: 0.12.3...0.12.4
EPIC version 0.12.3
What's Changed
- Make variables private for safety by @matt-frey in #359
- Calculate KE on the grid by @matt-frey in #358
- Change vmin and vmax and lambda_max by @matt-frey in #345
- Use relative error by @matt-frey in #360
- Change to criterion used in paper by @matt-frey in #344
- Fix gridded KE calculation by @matt-frey in #381
- Add split merge unit test by @matt-frey in #380
- Flux form including new inversion and net vorticity correction by @matt-frey in #379
- Fix B matrix advection by @matt-frey in #388
- Write time in by @matt-frey in #389
- Write vorticity tendency in diagnose mode by @matt-frey in #390
- Add parcel enstrophy diagnostic by @matt-frey in #391
- Fix energy unit by @matt-frey in #392
- Write nparg and nsparg to NetCDF by @matt-frey in #393
- Add missing symbol in strings by @matt-frey in #394
- Additional FFT unit test by @sjboeing in #395
- Update requirements.txt by @matt-frey in #396
- Porting new inversion to EPIC by @matt-frey in #397
- Lagrangian vorticity tendency calculation by @matt-frey in #398
Full Changelog: 0.12.2...0.12.3
EPIC version 0.10.8 with static TG
This version of EPIC can only simulate the static Taylor-Green vortex test case.