Next: How to analyse output data, Previous: Setting up the environment, Up: Main page
In this workshop we simulate a rising moist bubble. The liquid-water buoyancy
with edge-smoothing function
We provide you with a Python script that creates the gridded input fields for this setup. After following the instructions on how to load the Python virtual environment, you can run the script input/ using the following command:
which creates a file called moist_<nx>x<ny>x<nz>.nc
, where <nx>
, <ny>
and <nz>
are replaced by the number of grid cells per dimension (default: nx = ny = nz = 64
You can call the script with the --help
argument to get further information.
The basic command to run a three-dimensional EPIC simulation is
epic3d --config <file.config>
where <file.config>
is a placeholder for a configuration file that specifies all simulation parameters.
The configuration file for the moist bubble test case is already given in input/moist.config.
The argument field_file
which is currently set to ''
points to a netCDF file
which contains the initial gridded input data as well as domain specifications and physical quantities.
Cirrus uses the SLURM job scheduling system. To run a simulation please use the provided batch script. A job is submitted with
Our resources for this workshop are limited, so we kindly ask users to only use a maximum of 1 computing node per job. In addition, jobs should not run longer than 20 minutes.
You can check the status of your submitted jobs with
squeue --me
A submitted or running job with id <jobid>
is cancelled calling
scancel <jobid>
Next: How to analyse output data, Previous: Setting up the environment, Up: Main page