- Update dependencies
- Fix selecting case-based populations strata
- Move migrant functionality to package HivEstInfTime
- Streamline logging of adjustments
- Update Windows deployment package to R 4.3.0
- Update manual
- Merge security issues fixes
- Move Github repo to https://github.com/nextpagesoft/hivPlatform
- Update Windows deployment package to R 4.2.3
- Release version 3.0.0
- Dynamically compute the number of cuts for RD with trend
- Set constraints and step in delta4Fac input
- Fix wrong case-based data (non-bootstrap specific) passed to modelling
- Fix loading UI state propagating unwanted actions to server
- Update dependencies
- Fix loading state
- Fix fitting Cox model in RD with trend adjustment
- Support exporting HIV modelling XML files
- Add draft HIV model saving
- Implement saving and loading state
- Fix combining case based data populations (use "and" instead of "or")
- Update dependencies
- Fix running the package when installed
- Read details of the tool from R package DESCRIPTION
- Update dependencies
- Correct data passed to RD adjustment after MI adjustment
- Update dependencies
- Update dependencies
- Move migrant connection to "Run Main Fit" tab
- Complete migrant connection for HIV modelling main fit (pre- and post-processing)
- Update dependencies
- Implement custom charts series for plotting confidence bounds
- Fix order of categories in diagnositic plots of migrant module
- Fix matching of RD weights to the output object
- Adjust deployment script for R 4.2.0
- Remove pre-existing Weight column in RD with trend
- Remove NAs when creating summary per notification quarter
- Rotate X axis label in RD total plots
- Update dependencies
- Allow loading a single aggregated data file (for instance "Dead")
- Update dependencies
- Adjust user interface to use MUI5 (https://mui.com/) library
- Update dependencies, including hivModelling where a fix to performing main fit is implemented
- Update dependencies
- Support incomplete input data of HIV model
- Release version 2.0.0
- Fix loading incomplete aggregated data
- Fix combining aggregated data with case-based data (overwrite instead of add)
- Fix processing changes in aggregated data selection
- Fix preparation of HIV model input data (categorization of CD4)
- Fix preparation of HIV model input data (allocation of cases with missing AIDS diagnosis date)
- Fix running RD with trend when there is no reporting delay in the input data
- Fix visiting output tables page second time (double bind)
- Fix issues with all deployment processes
- Deployment process reimplemented
- Add download of HIV model outputs as Excel (tables and charts)
- Add downloads for reporting delays (weights)
- Add background icons for case-based and aggregated data uploads
- Fix priting start and end time in adjustments
- Support setting random seed
- Implement collecting entire UI state in JSON
- Implement manual documentation (placeholder used)
- Implement opening another instance of the tool
- Enhance fix saving thetaF params in the main fit (hivModelling package)
- Do not show "page leave" popup when downloading files
- Fix saving thetaF params in the main fit (hivModelling package)
- Fix applying changes to HIV model paremeters (types)
- Add exit confirmation dialog
- Fix applying changes to diagnosis rates matrix
- Download links for HIV model outputs, boostrap iterations and statistics added
- Support allowed year ranges and optimal year ranges in HIV model inputs
- Print tables next to charts in the HIV model outputs
- Fix loading and handling time intervals and diagnosis rates matrix
- Fix tasks errors being propagated to the main thread
- HIV Modelling and parametric bootstrap implemented
- Adjust summary plots visual style
- Implement HIV output plots
- Change JS charting library from apexcharts to echarts
- Optimize client webpack setup
- Introduce draft implementation of HIV Model outputs charts using echarts library.
- Fix setting selected sub tab.
- HIV Modelling page reimplemented
- Reimplement population combination
- Fix filtering of data in Reporting Delays adjustment
- Reimplement UI for aggregated data selection
- Fix creating adjustments report when data is filtered
- Fix stopping reports that are failing
- Clear current report when a new is being generated
- Reimplement creation of case-based data populations
- Support 'YYYY-MM' and 'MM-YYYY' date formats in input data