All about hardware PWM with the ATtiny85.
See the AvrHardwarePWM project for all about hardware PWM with the Arduino UNO/ATmega328.
This project takes the same background and exercises hardware PWM with an ATtiny85 processor.
There are two timers in the ATtiny85 that can be used to generate PWM signals:
- Timer 0 is an 8-bit timer. capable of phase correct and Fast PWM (similar to the ATmega). It is used for functions such as delay() and millis() - these will be affected if PWM frequency is changed.
- Timer 1 is an 8-bit timer, capable of two Fast PWM outputs. It acts as an up-counter, with TOP defined by OCR1C. It also with complementary outputs.
Compare Register | Timer output | Chip pin | Pin name |
OCR0A | OC0A | 5 | PB0 |
OCR0B | OC0B | 6 | PB1 |
OCR1A | OC1A | 6 | PB1 |
OCR1B | OC1B | 3 | PB4 |
OCR1A | OC1A, complementary output | 5 | PB0 |
OCR1B | OC1B, complementary output | 2 | PB3 |
- the chip pin references are for the PDIP/SOIC/TSSOP package.
Summary of the Timer-related registers:
The ATtiny85 can use an external clock, but by default it uses an internal oscillator. The internal oscillator runs at 8 MHz, prescaled to 1 MHz by default.
The clock settings are in the fuses. I used avrdude to read the fuses:
$ avrdude -c stk500v1 -p attiny85 -P /dev/cu.usbmodem14521 -b 19200 -U lfuse:r:-:i
avrdude: AVR device initialized and ready to accept instructions
Reading | ################################################## | 100% 0.05s
avrdude: Device signature = 0x1e930b (probably t85)
avrdude: reading lfuse memory:
Reading | ################################################## | 100% 0.02s
avrdude: writing output file "<stdout>"
avrdude: safemode: Fuses OK (E:FF, H:DF, L:62)
avrdude done. Thank you.
The engbedded fusecalc site is invaluable for decoding or calculating fuses values.
It confirms that E:FF, H:DF, L:62 are factory defaults: 8 MHz internal oscillator with CKDIV8 prescaler: so it is running at 1 MHz.
ATtiny.ino exercises the PWM modes, primarily so they can be captured with an oscilloscope. The push-button attached to pin 7 is used to cycle through a few demonstration modes.
The demonstration modes are not exhaustive, but show off most of the PWM capabilities.
I'm using consistent scope connections in all examples:
Timer output | Chip pin | Pin name | Scope Channel |
OC0A | 5 | PB0 | 2 (blue) |
OC0B | 6 | PB1 | 1 (yellow) |
OC1A | 6 | PB1 | 1 (yellow) |
OC1B | 3 | PB4 | 3 (red) |
OC1A, complementary output | 5 | PB0 | 2 (blue) |
OC1B, complementary output | 2 | PB3 | 4 (green) |
- Fast PWM, TOP=0xFF (WGM01, WGM00)
- Prescaler: 1 (CS00), frequency = 3.906 kHz, Measured: 3.935 kHz
- Outputs:
- PB0 duty cycle = 127/256 = 49.6%
- PB1 duty cycle = 191/256 = 74.6%
- no output on PB3, PB4 (except some crosstalk/noise)
- Phase Correct PWM, TOP=0xFF (WGM00)
- Prescaler: 1 (CS00), frequency = 1.961 kHz, Measured: 1.984 kHz
- Outputs:
- PB0 duty cycle = 127/256 = 49.6%
- PB1 duty cycle = 191/256 = 74.6%
- no output on PB3, PB4 (except some crosstalk/noise)
- not the phase correction between the two outputs; start/end of each period is at the top/bottom of the count
- Fast PWM, TOP=0xFF (WGM01, WGM00)
- Prescaler: 64 (CS01, CS00), frequency = 61 Hz, Measured: 61 Hz
- Outputs:
- PB0 duty cycle = 127/256 = 49.6%
- PB1 duty cycle = 191/256 = 74.6%
- no output on PB3, PB4 (except some crosstalk/noise)
- Fast PWM, TOP=0xFF (WGM01, WGM00)
- Prescaler: PCK (CS10), frequency = 7.874 kHz, Measured: 7.905 kHz
- 4-bit counter: OCR1C = 127
- Outputs:
- PB1 (PWM1A); duty cycle = 50/127 = 39.4%
- PB4 (PWM1B); duty cycle = 100/127 = 78.7%
- no output on PB0, PB3 (except some crosstalk/noise)
- Fast PWM, TOP=0xFF (WGM01, WGM00)
- Prescaler: PCK (CS10), frequency = 3.906 Hz, Measured: 3.953 kHz
- 8-bit counter: OCR1C = 255
- Complementary outputs enabled (COM1A0, COM1B0)
- Outputs:
- PB1 (PWM1A); duty cycle = 127/256 = 49.6%
- PB0 (COM1A0); complementary; duty cycle = 1 - 127/256 = 50.4%
- PB4 (PWM1B); duty cycle = 100/256 = 39.1%
- PB3 (COM1B0); complementary; duty cycle = 1 - 100/256 = 60.9%
- LEAP: AvrHardwarePWM - All about hardware PWM with the Arduino UNO/ATmega328
- ATtiny85 datasheet
- ATtiny85 PWM: why does COM1A0 need to be set before PWM B will work?
- engbedded fusecalc
- mentioned on my blog