First test of an Invensense MPU-6050 3-Axes Accelerometer Gyroscope Module.
I have this mpu-6050 module from an aliexpress seller. It is similar to this module from sparkfun.
It is based on the Invensense MPU-6050, but packaged in a module that operates on 3-5V. These are the specs according to the seller:
- 3-Axes Accelerometer Gyroscope Module For Arduino MPU 6050
- Use chip: MPU-6050
- The power supply: 3-5 v (internal low voltage difference voltage stabilizing)
- Communication: standard IIC communication agreement
- Chip built-in 16 bit AD converter, 16 bits of data output
- The gyroscope range: + 250 500 1000 2000 ° /s
- Acceleration range: ± 2 ± 4 ± 8 ± 16 g
- Pin Pitch 2.54 mm
- Size: approx. 20151.2 mm(max)
Pin | Function | Arduino Pin Connection |
Vcc | 3-5V | 5V |
Gnd | Ground | GND |
SCL | I²C clock | A5 |
SDA | I²C data | A4 |
XDA | I²C data for external compass | n/a |
XCL | I²C clock for external compass | n/a |
AD0 | selects I²C address 0x68 (low) and 0x69 (high) | n/a |
INT | Interrupt out | optional |
The AccelGyroTest.ino sketch is a basic demonstration of reading raw values from the MPU-6050 using the Arduino Wire library. It is based on a sample from the Arduino playground MPU-6050 page.
It sends the readings out the serial connection:
- MPU-6050 module - from aliexpress seller
- similar module from sparkfun
- MPU-6050 - Invensense product page
- MPU-6050 datasheet
- Arduino playground MPU-6050 page
- Arduino Wire Library
- I²C - wikipedia
- Gy521-Dev-Kit - tools and examples for Gy521-compatible modules
- i2cdevlib - general I²C library, supports MPU-6050
- mentioned on my blog