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Project Features-Regions-Explorer - by EidrianGM Adrian Garcia Moreno

(all the code given as an example can be run by the folder example_data) Imagine that we have a bed file where a genomic regions is associated to a certain feature or whatever. This asociation can have an score. We might like to do the analysis for each feature, or even, for each feautre whose genomic region has a score above a certain threshold. Here I give you a group of scripts that it might interest you to solve this issue. I recommend you to use directly the FULL ANNOTATION MODE.

python ../ -HP_selection initial_file_4testing.bed 5,3,4

This first mode -HP_selection just retrieve and divide the genomic regions by its feature. The input file is initial_file_4testing.bed 5-3-4 means that the threshold is in the fifth column and the score should be above or equal to three, and the criteria is in the fourth column. we should obtain a folder with the division and a .txt with all the features together above the threshold.


In case that you already have a bed file o a directory with bed files you can start annotating using -annotation mode, later you must give the input (folder with beds or bed file) and download the annotation or provide one, lastly you must set the name of the output folder where results will be stored.

Download annotation mode:

python ../ -annotation initial_file_4testing_3-up_divided/ -download:ncbi_hg19 ncbi_hg19_run

Other available annotation sources to download: (any further suggestion will be thanked)

python ../ -annotation initial_file_4testing_3-up_divided/ -download:ncbi_hg20 ncbi_hg20_run
python ../ -annotation initial_file_4testing_3-up_divided/ -download:gcode_hg19 gcode_hg19_run
python ../ -annotation initial_file_4testing_3-up_divided/ -download:gcode_hg20 gcode_hg20_run

As you might notice, you can download the annotation of the previous or nowadays assembly for the annotation of NCBI(EntrezID) or GENECODE(Ensemble)

A way to run this also is giving it any gff3 file with a format compatible with our initial file (should have the same chromosome annotation)

python ../ -annotation initial_file_4testing_3-up_divided/ ncbi_hg19.gff3 ncbi_hg19_run

works also with a certain query file downloading a gff3 or providing it

python ../ -annotation initial_file_4testing_3-up_divided/Feature_N1.bed ncbi_hg19.gff3 ncbi_hg19_run


Middle transformation for an easier annotation extraction handling. Works with original output folder or any folder with a folder inside called ".*annotated/"

python ../ -tsver ncbi_hg19_run/

works with first forced output folder or any folder

python ../ -tsver ncbi_hg19_run/annotated/

works with any annotated file

python ../ -tsver ncbi_hg19_run/annotated/annoted_Feature_N1.bed


takes the input like TSVER but this script extracts the genes and the score related to a feature. By now its only able to extract the genes of Ensembl and NCBI, an option to extract any possible gene annotation from the gff3s will be provided

python ../ -extract_genes ncbi_hg19_run/
python ../ -extract_genes ncbi_hg19_run/tsvs/
python ../ -extract_genes ncbi_hg19_run/tsvs/annoted_Feature_N1.tsv


This following script that I am going to explain is based on TopGO, and performs an enrichment analysis. You can perform this by having a mapping file gene-to-goID, and genes lists as query. In case that you do not have a mapping file, the script can download for you geneID2GO map of ncbi ( This file contains the mapping of several taxons, by default it is going to retrieve the mappings of the tax 9606, homo sapiens, however you can retrieve the tax id that you want. We run this analisys using Rscript (what is between <> is optional):

Rscript ../TopGOer.r ncbi_hg19_run/genes_lists/ gene2go:download/gene2go/.*.map <-taxid="9060" taxid> <-mode="MF-CC-BP" "BP-CC"> <-pval_thres=0.05 "0.03"> output

Now the optional arguments must have a previus flag to be identified, as I hope that you understands, each of one has a default value (human tax, all GO categories, pval_threshold 0.05) which will be their value in case that they are not explicitly given.

Download mode

Rscript ../TopGOer.r ncbi_hg19_run/genes_lists/ gene2go:download <-taxid="9060" taxid> <-mode="MF-CC-BP" "BP-CC"> <-pval_thres=0.05 "0.03"> output

Extract a new tax of your gene2go file previously downloaded and only two categories

Rscript ../TopGOer.r ncbi_hg19_run/genes_lists/ gene2go -taxid 9596 -mode CC-BP -pval_thres 0.03 enrich

Give a map yourself (it would make no sense determine the taxid here) and only two categories and 0.04 threshold

Rscript ../TopGOer.r annotation_results/genes_lists/ -mode CC-MF -pval_thres 0.04 enrich


This script lets you sum up all your results per each feature that you have in your initial file. This files will contain the name of the feature, the region and the genes that contains at least one base pair inside, and at the end, the results of the GO enrichment, that again you can filter with a given threshold. If none is given then it will report all the results of your previous enrichment annalysis.

python ../  ncbi_hg19_run/ 0.005


It reformats the output of sumarizer in a by now gorgeous way adding url to each GeneID, HP, GO ID, and gives you, what I called, AmiGO GRAPH (given by the representation of the GOs selected after the summary and a TopGO Graph (taken from the results of the enrichment annalysis). Please be aware, that AmiGO gives you all the sourrounding GOterms and TopGO gives you the minimun path of the top 10 scoring GO terms and both are drawn according to the GO.ID that have passed the threshold of each script (sumarizer and TopGOer). If you want to understand thoser results please see the TopGO package documentation.

python ../ ncbi_hg19_run/summed_up_annot/
python ../ ncbi_hg19_run/summed_up_annot/Feature_N2_summary.txt


All the previous steps could be done with a single command, the enrichment is performed with the default values by now (pval = 0.05) (need to work on a way to personalize this with the arguments given after calling I guess I will create a flag -enrichment and parse everything that is after it according to TopGOer.r). Also sumarizer is given a default threshold of 0.003 (I will also need to do something to pass this second threshold as an argument to

python ../ -full initial_file_4testing.bed 5,4,4 ncbi_hg19.gff3 ncbi_hg19_run/


(Working on it)