This is a contractual arrangement regarding the use of the information contained in this directory and, if they exist, its sub-directories (hereinafter referred to as "the Program") between the individual or legal entity that obtained that information by whatever means (hereinafter referred to as "You", or "Your") and Wolf-Ekkehard Blanz, the author of this information, of legal age and resident in the United States of America (hereinafter referred to as "I", "Me", or "My").
Unless specifically noted otherwise, the Program was developed solely by Me. All of My development was done on My own time and equipment. It does not substantially relate to any work that I was doing for any former employer or employers with which I had a contractual relationship at any time in the past or at present. Also, no specific knowledge that I have gained through such employment was used in developing the Program. Therefore, according to My interpretation of all contracts under which I was ever bound, which is made in good faith and after careful examination of such contracts, none of My employers, former or present, can claim any rights to the Program based on such employment contracts. Hence, the copyright to the Program or the part of the Program that was authored solely by Me belongs to Me and the rights to use, distribute, or modify it are determined by Me, and they are as stated below.
The Program is free and open source software: You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms outlined in the file LICENSE.md. If work or derived work of other authors has been used, it has been clearly marked as such and, to the best of My knowledge, any and all such work is governed either by the same license or by one of the other common Open Source licenses. If work by other authors is governed by terms different from those in LICENSE.md, the work shall not be considered a Contribution to this work and rather stands on its own. Therefore, where work of other authors is involved and when in doubt whether such work is covered by the same license as outlined in LICENSE.md, You must contact the other author or authors to inquire about their particular license requirements.
All information which is produced as the intended output from the Program does not automatically fall under the copyright of the Program, but belongs to whomever generated it using the Program and may be distributed freely or sold commercially under conditions determined solely by the owner.
My name and that of other co-authors, if applicable, may not be used by You other than is customary to refer to or cite the original work. In particular, You may not use My name and that of other potential co-authors to endorse or promote any product, including work derived from the Program, without prior written consent of all involved authors.
The effective date of this arrangement is the date at which You obtained the first copy, electronic or otherwise, of the Program.
If You do not agree with the terms as outlined above and in the file LICENSE.md, You must not use or modify the Program, and You have to completely remove all instances of the Program and any derivative work from Your computer and all storage media in Your possession.