(This list is outdated)
- Global (Changes on every game page)
- Preloading
- Cache event bar's position (moving it before page loads)
- Submenu needs click to change (prevent menu change if mouseover)
- Enable page horizontal-scroll
- Item shadow based on their quality
- Onload
- Resolve game mode (travel / underworld / dice event / server quest / location event / Service wait screen)
- Event timers (event / dice event / server quest / location event)
- Resolve page's direction Left-to-Right or Right-to-Left
- Show addon's version on the bottom (also add link to homepage)
- Extend hp/xp info
- Show more info
- Life potion shortcut next to hp bar
- Time for full life
- Button bar
- Option to enable/disable buttons
- Online friends
- Guild donate
- Player stats
- Auction status bar + notifications
- Move event bar (if button bar / auction status / hp-xp info)
- Top bar when scrolling down, showing various info
- Add life bar on scroll bar
- Advance menu
- Remember toggle tabs
- Attacked timers
- Quest timer
- Merchants Timer
- Forge Timers (forge/smelt)
- Dice event timer
- Remember merchants tabs
- Guild application alert + Check Interval
- {Underworld} Pray buff shortCut
- Sound / Browser notifications for Missions, Dungeons and Arenas
- Gold / Experience stats monitor
- Go-to-top button on fixed-top-bar
- Centurio + PowerUps timers
- Inventory gold info
- Durability+Conditioning is shown on items, bottom left (default disabled)
- Warning when durability+conditioning of your gear is under a % (default 25%)
- "New version" installed message
- Improved Traveling Interface (disabled buttons and menus that you can not visit)
- Packages Expire Warning (Set the number of hours for the warning + Tooltip with the next expire hours on packages button)
- Share an item's stats to guild message
- Bag Interface:
- Storage Info (Under every bag! Guild, Overview, Merchants...)
- Move checkbox on the side
- Work / Pray / Traveling, The exact finish time (date-time) is shown next to remaining time
- Link to addon's relevant settings page (bottom right corner)
- Show durability on items (like level indicator)
- Tooltips compare enable-disable on mouse press (or on some pages)
- Resolve game mode (travel / underworld / dice event / server quest / location event / Service wait screen)
- Preloading
- Resolve overview (get doll etc)
- Eat/food features
- Food life gain (onmouseover)
- Items that will give you more Life Point than you need will be transparent
- Food show best food (yellow shadow)
- Show red when in underworld
- Daily bonus log
- Show the cap values of Resilience and Block
- Display for each mercenary its tooltip (base stats)
- Mercenaries management Interface
- Items' shadow
- Save costume's properties
- Drag&Drop item to see the material needed to repair it
- Show buff's detailed timer on tooltip
- Show average item durability
Overview Stats
- Show more stats
- Show information of gathered data to be posted on the server
Overview Achievements
- Improve Layout
Overview Family
- List of other players you are interested in
Overview Costumes
- Show part number for each costume
Pantheon Quests
- Quests order by category
- Finished and Failed quests on top
- Quests detailed rewards
- Last location indicator
- Save timer
Pantheon Missions
- Show completed missions
Pantheon Gods
- Percent(%) of points, red color on 100%
Pantheon Mystery Box
- Open all
- Reload reward until you find selected OR reload when "opening all" if no selected
- Show rewards' value in rubies
Guild Jail Interface
- UI improvements: Visible cells with the creatures inside
- Creatures are sorted by level
Guild Library Interface
- Level of each buff and what the buff do are now directly visible
- Transparency for item that you can't store in library
- Gold in guild bank after the use of buff is displayed in a tooltip over the buff cost
- Cost per stat point of each buff is displayed in a tooltip over the buff time
- Some style changes (ex. enable/delete buttons)
Guild Bank Interface
- Better style (Counting)
- Correcting the donate field code to number type
- Button to add all the gold in the donate field
- Advanced Guild Bank Book Interface
- The sum of donations (total) is displayed
- Percent of donated amount of each player
- Ex-guild members are combine
- Merge multiple donations of the same player
- Day separators
- Highlight me
Guild Medic Interface
- More information over your life changes
- Guild's life preview page
Guild War Camp
- Link to Gladiatorius and direct attack button for each enemy guild
- More stats & better win-lost-draw icons features
- Member reports features
- Button that shows the raided gold next to each attack
Guild Buildings
- Upgrade Calculator
Guild Mail Interface
- Improved style (like what?)
- Check all by default (like what?)
Guild Members List Interface
- See which members have been attacked within 75 min
Guild Admin Interface
- Search for players with no guild, from the guild admin page
- Work
- Interface improve (like what?)
- Arena
- Global Arena
- Order players by level on Cross Server Arenas
- Show "Nemesis list"
- Simulator buttons
- Option to ignore attack confirmations (default: disabled)
- Training
- Show basic points bars
- Show stats changes on upgrade
- Training Cost calculator
- Propose points to upgrade
- Stats breakdown calculator (Block, Critical hits, Avoid critical, Double hits, hits, heal etc...)
- Advance calculation (load heal from dungeon player + choose target player to calculate hits etc)
- Merchants
- Mouse click events (double click sell buy)
- Remember merchants tabs
- Fade items you can not buy
- Colored items based on quality
- Magus
- Fade items you can not improve
- Colored items based on quality
- Auction
- Colored items based on quality
- Items you can afford
- Hide your gold system / More info about prices (value compared to price)
- Advance search options (Gold limit, Damage for weapons, etc)
- Item Preffix/Suffix search list
- More levels in the search options
- Level of each item is visible (up-right corner)
- Item levels you can see in auction are shown in building's description
- Number of Price/Value % on auction Auction (ex. "(153%)")
- Button announcing to guild, with a mail, the auction status
- Multiple bids without page refresh
- Hide the last row (guide line) of mercenaries' tooltips (better compare view)
- Display for each mercenary its tooltip when on mercenaries
- ✎ Extra stats shown on item images (only on food for now) (what else?)
- More min-levels in search options (from min to max item levels you can see, with a step of 2)
- Market
- Item Preffix/Suffix search list
- More levels in the search options
- Cancel all items with one button (if "load all pages" is open this will also work)
- Item levels you can see in market are shown in building's description
- Select the default sell duration (2h, 8h etc) in the GCA options (default 24h)
- Price per unit
- Constant sell value (selling mode)
- Red bg on items that are souldbound & confirmation on buy
- Orange bg on 1g items
- Remember last chosen sell duration (default disabled)
- Remember last items' sort order (default disabled)
- Improve item's sort order with proper icons on table's header
- Default sell duration can be changed from settings
- Toggle button changing sell price to 1 gold
- Locations
- ✎ Show enemies' materials most dropped (drops changed? new drops? new area... - underworld/events)
- Underworld enemies interface converted to old style
- New Layout
- Guild message
- Private message
- Announcement
- Guild Mates informations (level - rank)
- Highlight unread messages
- Day separators
- Show message links below
- Load guild battles report
- Sidebar buttons
- Show number of messages (per type)
- Click to go on message
- Fixes
- Fix header link click bug
- Auto-remove last lines of each message, if they are empty (trim messages)
- Warning icon and item links on auction bid messages
- New Layout
New Message
- Auto focus message
- List of friends and guild mates to choose a player
- Bigger textarea
- Reports
- Improved style / Day separators
- Rewarded items stats on mouse over (tooltips)
- Gather information (materials dropped)
- Gather stats
- Show battle chances next to theoretical
- Post gathered drops to server every 24h
- ✎ Packages
- Filters on the side
- Compact layout
- Item shadow
- ✎ Better item add/remove wrapper - catch no item etc.
- ✎ Load more pages - paging fix (has a bug when on last page)
- New item category "Event items"
Player Interface (Logged in or not)
- Simulator Button (direct to results link for premium users)
- Show which item stats points are coming from clear points and which from percent bonus
- Mercenaries
- visible mercenary's tooltip (base stats, same as in overview)
- Visible mission type (icon: Medic, Damage, Protect yourself - with tooltip)
- Player Stats page ratios and totals
- Buff bar over players
- Show battle chances (ex. Double-Hit %)
Player Description
- Preview when you edit your description
- Forge/Smelt/Workbench/Hurreum Interface
- Links to your bag and the market of the remaining needed materials (Forge/Workbench)
- Guild message with the remaining needed materials + probable quality (Forge/Workbench)
- Forge/Smelt timer on main menu + Notifications when done
- Button when forge fails, to re-craft the item (scripted - has problems)
- New storage interface
- Translations
- ✎ New system
- Audio Manages
- Setup system