- Circuitry
- Voltage, Current, and Resistance
- Ohm's Law
- BJ Transistors
- Mosfets
- Amplifiers
- Capacitors
- Batteries
- Power Supplies
- AC Circuits
- Inductors
- RLC Circuits
- Diodes
- Electrical/Mechanical Relays
- Oscillators
- Number format system
- Basic Logic gates
- Combinatoric Logic gates
- Flip flops
- Binary Decoders
- Multiplexers
- Counters
- Shift Registers
- Voltage Comparators
- Analog Digital Converters
- Digital Analog Converters
- General Purpose Input/Output - GPIO
- Universal Asynchronous Reciever/Transmitter - UART
- Serial Peripheral Interface - SPI
- Analog Digital Converter - ADC
- Two Wire Interface - TWI
- Pulse Width Modulation - PWM
- DIY Protocol
- Static Libraries
- Dynamic Libraries
- Static V.S. Dynamic libraries
- Embedded Design Patterns
- Composite Pattern
- Finite State Automata (FSA)
Disclaimer: this section is for fun and to explore how the memory works under the hood, it's not the best practice by any means.
- C arrays and Pointers Overview
- Expandable memory using "Dynamic Memory Allocation"
- Manually partitioning memory
- Memory Packing
- Struct hacks
- Pointers Alternatives
- Pointers in Java
- Memory Ownership, shared memory, restricted memory, and limited access memory