This file contains ideas to be done. Before working on something, issues must be created to clarify details.
This file is ordered by priority. After something is done, remove it from here.
Assignee: Jannis
allow to talk to opensesame via Nextcloud
add/rem PIN code
Configurable corrections on Temperature
warn on fast raising values, next to MQ135 (temperature, CO2, VOC, Pressure)
proper Bat impl svartalf/rust-battery#96
publishing data to Nextcloud analytics
better error handling
replace ssh code
implement all error codes
warn if battery < 30%
switching off heat pump if no sunshine (MOD-2 relay)
Writing to SD-Card should be reduced as much as possible, read-only as much as possible
close garage door on reboots (needs up to 2x 10 sec wait)
Buttons and Environment without hardware (i.e. mock):
cmd-line arguments, env variables in files/opensesame.spec
make nice TOML sections in config files (set via spec)
allow async
allow generic serialization with specializations (e.g. for bool) maybe using serde (get rid of get_bool and get_hash_map_vec_u8)
important tasks of ElektraInitiative/libelektra#4411 (to be prioritized)
better support for arrays in TOML ElektraInitiative/libelektra#4988
fix hanging bug: ElektraInitiative/libelektra#4981
also install opensesame (via repo)
"pcm.front cards.pcm.front" must be updated to "pcm.front cards.pcm.default"
see also