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Actions: Emmet-Finance/emmet.sdk.v3

Generate a build and push to another branch



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184 workflow runs
184 workflow runs

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Explorer: Adapt to Updated Multisig
Generate a build and push to another branch #34: Commit 1a662bc pushed by imsk17
June 9, 2024 17:58 26s main
June 9, 2024 17:58 26s
Explorer: Add Detailed Tx Fetching
Generate a build and push to another branch #33: Commit 1645d05 pushed by imsk17
June 9, 2024 13:54 23s main
June 9, 2024 13:54 23s
Factory: Add Tx Count Method
Generate a build and push to another branch #32: Commit 8c6a0d4 pushed by imsk17
June 9, 2024 12:17 25s main
June 9, 2024 12:17 25s
SDK: Configure factory to fetch transactions
Generate a build and push to another branch #31: Commit 1ec6f5e pushed by imsk17
June 9, 2024 09:27 26s main
June 9, 2024 09:27 26s
Web3: Use nonce 0 for eth/sepolia
Generate a build and push to another branch #30: Commit af376f6 pushed by imsk17
June 7, 2024 20:15 22s main
June 7, 2024 20:15 22s
Helper: Web3: Dont Decode Error in Web3
Generate a build and push to another branch #29: Commit 618c428 pushed by imsk17
June 7, 2024 20:13 29s main
June 7, 2024 20:13 29s
Config: Sepolia and Amoy Config
Generate a build and push to another branch #28: Commit 07563e8 pushed by imsk17
June 7, 2024 12:52 27s main
June 7, 2024 12:52 27s
Fees: Update fee calculation
Generate a build and push to another branch #27: Commit bbb888c pushed by imsk17
June 6, 2024 18:36 25s main
June 6, 2024 18:36 25s
EVM: Decode Errors If Any
Generate a build and push to another branch #26: Commit 3a6f762 pushed by imsk17
June 1, 2024 21:31 22s main
June 1, 2024 21:31 22s
Factory: Update Chain ID Fetching
Generate a build and push to another branch #25: Commit 73c887a pushed by imsk17
June 1, 2024 11:45 26s main
June 1, 2024 11:45 26s
Format: Lint
Generate a build and push to another branch #24: Commit 9f0fd5c pushed by imsk17
June 1, 2024 11:38 27s main
June 1, 2024 11:38 27s
SDK: Allow fromSymbol in send installment
Generate a build and push to another branch #23: Commit f3b4236 pushed by imsk17
May 31, 2024 10:28 26s main
May 31, 2024 10:28 26s
Config: Insert BSC in Chain Info
Generate a build and push to another branch #22: Commit d126b81 pushed by imsk17
May 31, 2024 10:14 28s main
May 31, 2024 10:14 28s
EVM: Update as per AddressBook
Generate a build and push to another branch #21: Commit 5ea6b27 pushed by imsk17
May 31, 2024 10:07 28s main
May 31, 2024 10:07 28s
contracts: ton: bump
Generate a build and push to another branch #20: Commit 24eba13 pushed by imsk17
April 21, 2024 14:32 21s main
April 21, 2024 14:32 21s
helpers: ton: return hash
Generate a build and push to another branch #19: Commit 64eb598 pushed by imsk17
April 21, 2024 12:59 21s main
April 21, 2024 12:59 21s
helpers: ton: fix burner transaction
Generate a build and push to another branch #18: Commit e7b7ac9 pushed by imsk17
April 21, 2024 12:58 24s main
April 21, 2024 12:58 24s
helpers: ton: increase fees
Generate a build and push to another branch #17: Commit f7f230e pushed by imsk17
April 21, 2024 12:35 23s main
April 21, 2024 12:35 23s
ton: contract: update bindings
Generate a build and push to another branch #16: Commit 358709f pushed by imsk17
April 21, 2024 12:21 29s main
April 21, 2024 12:21 29s
ton: helper: return hash in case of ton connect sdk
Generate a build and push to another branch #15: Commit 826aef9 pushed by imsk17
April 21, 2024 11:49 25s main
April 21, 2024 11:49 25s
contracts: ton: bump
Generate a build and push to another branch #14: Commit 5e63966 pushed by imsk17
April 20, 2024 22:51 21s main
April 20, 2024 22:51 21s
config: testnet: bridge: update address
Generate a build and push to another branch #13: Commit 4f05a17 pushed by imsk17
April 19, 2024 19:52 26s main
April 19, 2024 19:52 26s
config: testnet: polygon: update rpc and contract
Generate a build and push to another branch #12: Commit 3c21255 pushed by imsk17
April 18, 2024 11:19 22s main
April 18, 2024 11:19 22s
packages: import buffer
Generate a build and push to another branch #11: Commit 1148908 pushed by imsk17
April 17, 2024 23:24 22s main
April 17, 2024 23:24 22s
Helpers: Ton: Remove hardcoded transfer amount
Generate a build and push to another branch #10: Commit 13cd52d pushed by imsk17
April 17, 2024 21:32 22s main
April 17, 2024 21:32 22s