From f2000cbae0d4de69074ca013660ec691512655b8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tangzx <>
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2020 17:37:27 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] fix performance issue!!!

 .../tang/intellij/lua/lexer/    | 677 +++++++++---------
 .../main/java/com/tang/intellij/lua/lua.flex  |  73 +-
 2 files changed, 367 insertions(+), 383 deletions(-)

diff --git a/EmmyLua-Common/src/main/gen/com/tang/intellij/lua/lexer/ b/EmmyLua-Common/src/main/gen/com/tang/intellij/lua/lexer/
index e9f20eb7..caf21bc8 100644
--- a/EmmyLua-Common/src/main/gen/com/tang/intellij/lua/lexer/
+++ b/EmmyLua-Common/src/main/gen/com/tang/intellij/lua/lexer/
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ public class _LuaLexer implements FlexLexer {
    * l is of the form l = 2*k, k a non negative integer
   private static final int ZZ_LEXSTATE[] = { 
-     0,  0,  1,  1,  2,  2,  3,  3,  4,  4,  5,  5,  6, 6
+     0,  0,  1,  1,  2,  2,  3,  3,  4,  4,  5,  5,  4, 4
@@ -77,24 +77,23 @@ public static int ZZ_CMAP(int ch) {
   private static final int [] ZZ_ACTION = zzUnpackAction();
   private static final String ZZ_ACTION_PACKED_0 =
-    "\1\0\1\1\5\0\1\2\1\3\1\4\1\5\1\6"+
+    "\1\0\1\1\4\0\1\2\1\3\1\4\1\5\1\6"+
-    "\1\33\1\34\1\35\1\36\2\37\1\2\1\0\2\40"+
-    "\1\5\2\0\1\5\1\0\1\5\1\41\1\42\4\4"+
-    "\1\43\1\44\1\45\2\4\1\46\1\47\1\0\1\50"+
-    "\12\4\1\51\1\52\1\53\1\54\1\55\1\56\1\57"+
-    "\1\60\1\37\4\0\1\61\2\0\3\5\1\62\4\0"+
-    "\2\4\1\63\2\4\1\64\1\65\1\66\2\4\1\67"+
-    "\6\4\1\0\1\61\1\70\1\0\1\5\6\0\2\4"+
-    "\1\71\1\72\5\4\1\73\1\74\1\4\1\75\2\0"+
-    "\1\76\1\5\2\0\1\77\1\100\3\4\1\101\1\102"+
-    "\1\103\1\4\1\104\1\105\1\0\1\5\2\0\1\106"+
-    "\1\107\1\110\1\4\3\0\1\4\1\0\1\111\2\0";
+    "\1\33\1\34\1\35\1\36\2\37\1\0\1\5\2\0"+
+    "\1\5\1\0\1\5\1\40\1\41\4\4\1\42\1\43"+
+    "\1\44\2\4\1\45\1\46\12\4\1\47\1\50\1\51"+
+    "\1\52\1\53\1\54\1\55\1\56\1\37\2\0\1\57"+
+    "\1\0\3\5\1\60\4\0\2\4\1\61\2\4\1\62"+
+    "\1\63\1\64\2\4\1\65\6\4\1\57\1\66\1\5"+
+    "\6\0\2\4\1\67\1\70\5\4\1\71\1\72\1\4"+
+    "\2\0\1\5\2\0\1\73\1\74\3\4\1\75\1\76"+
+    "\1\77\1\4\1\100\1\101\1\0\1\5\2\0\1\102"+
+    "\1\103\1\104\1\4\3\0\1\4\1\0\1\105\2\0";
   private static int [] zzUnpackAction() {
-    int [] result = new int[186];
+    int [] result = new int[173];
     int offset = 0;
     offset = zzUnpackAction(ZZ_ACTION_PACKED_0, offset, result);
     return result;
@@ -119,33 +118,31 @@ private static int zzUnpackAction(String packed, int offset, int [] result) {
   private static final int [] ZZ_ROWMAP = zzUnpackRowMap();
   private static final String ZZ_ROWMAP_PACKED_0 =
-    "\0\0\0\75\0\172\0\267\0\364\0\u0131\0\u016e\0\u01ab"+
-    "\0\u01e8\0\u0225\0\u0262\0\u01ab\0\u029f\0\u02dc\0\u0319\0\u0356"+
-    "\0\u0393\0\u03d0\0\u040d\0\u044a\0\u0487\0\u01ab\0\u04c4\0\u01ab"+
-    "\0\u0501\0\u053e\0\u01ab\0\u01ab\0\u01ab\0\u057b\0\u05b8\0\u05f5"+
-    "\0\u0632\0\u066f\0\u06ac\0\u06e9\0\u0726\0\u0763\0\u07a0\0\u07dd"+
-    "\0\u01ab\0\u01ab\0\u081a\0\u01ab\0\u01ab\0\u01ab\0\u01ab\0\u0857"+
-    "\0\u01ab\0\u01ab\0\u01ab\0\u0894\0\u08d1\0\u090e\0\u094b\0\u01ab"+
-    "\0\u0988\0\u09c5\0\u0a02\0\u0a3f\0\u0a7c\0\u0ab9\0\u0af6\0\u0b33"+
-    "\0\u0b70\0\u0bad\0\u0bea\0\u0c27\0\u0c64\0\u0225\0\u0225\0\u0225"+
-    "\0\u0ca1\0\u0cde\0\u0225\0\u01ab\0\u0501\0\u01ab\0\u0d1b\0\u0d58"+
-    "\0\u0d95\0\u0dd2\0\u0e0f\0\u0e4c\0\u0e89\0\u0ec6\0\u0f03\0\u0f40"+
-    "\0\u01ab\0\u01ab\0\u01ab\0\u01ab\0\u01ab\0\u01ab\0\u01ab\0\u01ab"+
-    "\0\u01ab\0\u0f7d\0\u0fba\0\u0ff7\0\u090e\0\u1034\0\u1071\0\u0af6"+
-    "\0\u01ab\0\u10ae\0\u10eb\0\u01ab\0\u1128\0\u1165\0\u11a2\0\u11df"+
-    "\0\u121c\0\u1259\0\u0225\0\u1296\0\u12d3\0\u0225\0\u0225\0\u0225"+
-    "\0\u1310\0\u134d\0\u0225\0\u138a\0\u13c7\0\u1404\0\u1441\0\u147e"+
-    "\0\u14bb\0\u14f8\0\u1535\0\u1572\0\u15af\0\u15ec\0\u1629\0\u1666"+
-    "\0\u16a3\0\u16e0\0\u171d\0\u175a\0\u1797\0\u17d4\0\u1811\0\u0225"+
-    "\0\u184e\0\u188b\0\u18c8\0\u1905\0\u1942\0\u0225\0\u0225\0\u197f"+
-    "\0\u14f8\0\u19bc\0\u19f9\0\u1a36\0\u1a73\0\u1ab0\0\u1aed\0\u1b2a"+
-    "\0\u1b67\0\u1ba4\0\u1be1\0\u1c1e\0\u0225\0\u0225\0\u0225\0\u1c5b"+
-    "\0\u0225\0\u0225\0\u1c98\0\u1cd5\0\u1d12\0\u1d4f\0\u0225\0\u0225"+
-    "\0\u0225\0\u1d8c\0\u1dc9\0\u1e06\0\u1e43\0\u1e80\0\u1ebd\0\u0225"+
-    "\0\u1efa\0\u1f37";
+    "\0\0\0\75\0\172\0\267\0\364\0\u0131\0\364\0\u016e"+
+    "\0\u01ab\0\u01e8\0\364\0\u0225\0\u0262\0\u029f\0\u02dc\0\u0319"+
+    "\0\u0356\0\u0393\0\u03d0\0\u040d\0\364\0\u044a\0\364\0\364"+
+    "\0\u0487\0\364\0\364\0\364\0\u04c4\0\u0501\0\u053e\0\u057b"+
+    "\0\u05b8\0\u05f5\0\u0632\0\u066f\0\u06ac\0\u06e9\0\u0726\0\364"+
+    "\0\364\0\u0763\0\364\0\364\0\364\0\364\0\u07a0\0\364"+
+    "\0\364\0\364\0\u07dd\0\u081a\0\u0857\0\u0894\0\u08d1\0\u090e"+
+    "\0\u094b\0\u0988\0\u09c5\0\u0a02\0\u0a3f\0\u0a7c\0\u0ab9\0\u0af6"+
+    "\0\u0b33\0\u01ab\0\u01ab\0\u01ab\0\u0b70\0\u0bad\0\u01ab\0\364"+
+    "\0\u0bea\0\u0c27\0\u0c64\0\u0ca1\0\u0cde\0\u0d1b\0\u0d58\0\u0d95"+
+    "\0\u0dd2\0\u0e0f\0\364\0\364\0\364\0\364\0\364\0\364"+
+    "\0\364\0\364\0\364\0\u0e4c\0\u0e89\0\u0ec6\0\u09c5\0\364"+
+    "\0\u0f03\0\u0f40\0\364\0\u0f7d\0\u0fba\0\u0ff7\0\u1034\0\u1071"+
+    "\0\u10ae\0\u01ab\0\u10eb\0\u1128\0\u01ab\0\u01ab\0\u01ab\0\u1165"+
+    "\0\u11a2\0\u01ab\0\u11df\0\u121c\0\u1259\0\u1296\0\u12d3\0\u1310"+
+    "\0\u134d\0\u138a\0\u13c7\0\u1404\0\u1441\0\u147e\0\u14bb\0\u14f8"+
+    "\0\u1535\0\u1572\0\u15af\0\u15ec\0\u01ab\0\u1629\0\u1666\0\u16a3"+
+    "\0\u16e0\0\u171d\0\u01ab\0\u01ab\0\u175a\0\u1797\0\u17d4\0\u1811"+
+    "\0\u184e\0\u188b\0\u18c8\0\u1905\0\u1942\0\u197f\0\u19bc\0\u01ab"+
+    "\0\u01ab\0\u01ab\0\u19f9\0\u01ab\0\u01ab\0\u1a36\0\u1a73\0\u1ab0"+
+    "\0\u1aed\0\u01ab\0\u01ab\0\u01ab\0\u1b2a\0\u1b67\0\u1ba4\0\u1be1"+
+    "\0\u1c1e\0\u1c5b\0\u01ab\0\u1c98\0\u1cd5";
   private static int [] zzUnpackRowMap() {
-    int [] result = new int[186];
+    int [] result = new int[173];
     int offset = 0;
     offset = zzUnpackRowMap(ZZ_ROWMAP_PACKED_0, offset, result);
     return result;
@@ -168,157 +165,154 @@ private static int zzUnpackRowMap(String packed, int offset, int [] result) {
   private static final int [] ZZ_TRANS = zzUnpackTrans();
   private static final String ZZ_TRANS_PACKED_0 =
-    "\1\10\3\11\1\12\1\13\2\12\1\14\1\12\1\15"+
-    "\3\12\1\16\1\17\1\20\1\21\1\22\1\23\1\24"+
-    "\1\25\1\26\1\27\1\30\1\31\1\32\1\33\1\34"+
-    "\2\10\1\12\1\35\1\36\1\37\1\12\1\40\1\12"+
-    "\1\41\1\42\1\12\1\43\2\12\1\44\1\45\1\10"+
-    "\1\46\1\47\1\50\1\51\1\52\1\53\1\54\1\55"+
-    "\1\56\1\57\1\60\1\61\1\62\1\63\1\2\2\0"+
-    "\72\2\34\0\1\64\100\0\1\65\34\0\31\10\1\66"+
-    "\43\10\17\0\1\67\55\0\17\70\1\71\55\70\76\0"+
-    "\3\11\75\0\4\12\1\0\5\12\2\0\6\12\1\0"+
-    "\1\12\7\0\1\12\1\0\14\12\25\0\1\13\1\0"+
-    "\1\72\2\0\1\13\1\0\1\73\1\74\1\75\2\0"+
-    "\1\72\60\0\1\13\1\0\1\72\2\0\1\13\1\76"+
-    "\1\73\1\74\1\75\2\0\1\72\60\0\1\77\4\0"+
-    "\1\77\3\0\1\100\75\0\1\101\61\0\4\12\1\0"+
-    "\5\12\2\0\1\12\1\102\4\12\1\0\1\12\7\0"+
-    "\1\12\1\0\14\12\24\0\4\12\1\0\5\12\2\0"+
-    "\5\12\1\103\1\0\1\12\7\0\1\12\1\0\3\12"+
-    "\1\104\10\12\24\0\4\12\1\0\5\12\2\0\4\12"+
-    "\1\105\1\12\1\0\1\12\7\0\1\12\1\0\14\12"+
-    "\24\0\4\12\1\0\5\12\2\0\5\12\1\106\1\0"+
-    "\1\12\7\0\1\12\1\0\5\12\1\107\6\12\24\0"+
-    "\4\12\1\0\5\12\2\0\1\110\5\12\1\0\1\12"+
-    "\7\0\1\12\1\0\14\12\24\0\4\12\1\0\5\12"+
-    "\2\0\3\12\1\111\1\112\1\12\1\0\1\12\7\0"+
-    "\1\12\1\0\14\12\24\0\4\12\1\0\5\12\2\0"+
-    "\4\12\1\113\1\12\1\0\1\12\7\0\1\12\1\0"+
-    "\14\12\51\0\1\114\1\115\74\0\1\116\46\0\4\12"+
-    "\1\0\5\12\2\0\5\12\1\117\1\0\1\12\7\0"+
-    "\1\12\1\0\14\12\24\0\4\12\1\0\5\12\2\0"+
-    "\1\120\5\12\1\0\1\12\7\0\1\12\1\0\14\12"+
-    "\24\0\4\12\1\0\5\12\2\0\4\12\1\121\1\12"+
-    "\1\0\1\12\7\0\1\12\1\0\14\12\24\0\4\12"+
-    "\1\0\5\12\2\0\4\12\1\122\1\12\1\0\1\12"+
-    "\7\0\1\12\1\0\1\123\5\12\1\124\5\12\24\0"+
-    "\4\12\1\0\5\12\2\0\5\12\1\125\1\0\1\12"+
-    "\7\0\1\12\1\0\14\12\24\0\4\12\1\0\5\12"+
-    "\2\0\1\126\5\12\1\0\1\12\7\0\1\12\1\0"+
-    "\12\12\1\127\1\12\24\0\4\12\1\0\5\12\2\0"+
-    "\6\12\1\0\1\12\7\0\1\12\1\0\12\12\1\130"+
-    "\1\12\76\0\1\131\50\0\1\132\24\0\1\133\47\0"+
-    "\1\134\25\0\1\135\46\0\1\136\126\0\1\137\101\0"+
-    "\1\140\3\0\34\64\1\141\1\142\37\64\35\65\1\143"+
-    "\2\65\1\141\34\65\31\0\1\144\1\145\61\0\1\146"+
-    "\74\0\1\147\62\0\1\77\2\0\1\150\1\0\1\77"+
-    "\4\0\1\150\72\0\1\74\74\0\1\151\64\0\1\152"+
-    "\4\0\1\152\67\0\3\153\2\0\1\153\6\0\1\153"+
-    "\5\0\1\153\11\0\2\153\3\0\1\153\1\0\1\153"+
-    "\31\0\1\77\4\0\1\77\100\0\1\154\76\0\1\155"+
-    "\1\156\4\0\1\157\1\0\1\160\50\0\4\12\1\0"+
-    "\5\12\2\0\6\12\1\0\1\12\7\0\1\12\1\0"+
-    "\10\12\1\161\1\162\2\12\24\0\4\12\1\0\5\12"+
-    "\2\0\6\12\1\0\1\163\7\0\1\12\1\0\14\12"+
-    "\24\0\4\12\1\0\5\12\2\0\6\12\1\0\1\12"+
-    "\7\0\1\12\1\0\4\12\1\164\7\12\24\0\4\12"+
-    "\1\0\5\12\2\0\6\12\1\0\1\12\7\0\1\12"+
-    "\1\0\10\12\1\165\3\12\24\0\4\12\1\0\5\12"+
-    "\2\0\6\12\1\0\1\12\7\0\1\12\1\0\3\12"+
-    "\1\166\10\12\24\0\4\12\1\0\5\12\2\0\6\12"+
-    "\1\0\1\12\7\0\1\12\1\0\10\12\1\167\3\12"+
-    "\24\0\4\12\1\0\5\12\2\0\6\12\1\0\1\170"+
-    "\7\0\1\12\1\0\14\12\24\0\4\12\1\0\5\12"+
-    "\2\0\1\12\1\171\4\12\1\0\1\12\7\0\1\12"+
-    "\1\0\14\12\24\0\4\12\1\0\5\12\2\0\6\12"+
-    "\1\0\1\12\7\0\1\12\1\0\7\12\1\172\4\12"+
-    "\24\0\4\12\1\0\5\12\2\0\1\173\5\12\1\0"+
-    "\1\12\7\0\1\12\1\0\14\12\24\0\4\12\1\0"+
-    "\5\12\2\0\6\12\1\0\1\12\7\0\1\12\1\0"+
-    "\3\12\1\174\10\12\24\0\4\12\1\0\5\12\2\0"+
-    "\5\12\1\175\1\0\1\12\7\0\1\12\1\0\14\12"+
-    "\24\0\4\12\1\0\5\12\2\0\6\12\1\0\1\12"+
-    "\7\0\1\12\1\0\10\12\1\176\3\12\24\0\4\12"+
-    "\1\0\5\12\2\0\6\12\1\0\1\12\7\0\1\12"+
-    "\1\0\6\12\1\177\5\12\24\0\4\12\1\0\5\12"+
-    "\2\0\1\12\1\200\4\12\1\0\1\12\7\0\1\12"+
-    "\1\0\14\12\24\0\4\12\1\0\5\12\2\0\3\12"+
-    "\1\201\2\12\1\0\1\12\7\0\1\12\1\0\14\12"+
-    "\21\0\2\64\2\0\70\64\1\0\2\65\2\0\70\65"+
-    "\33\144\1\202\41\144\1\203\2\0\14\203\1\204\55\203"+
-    "\31\0\1\205\50\0\1\152\1\0\1\72\2\0\1\152"+
-    "\6\0\1\72\60\0\2\153\1\206\1\0\1\207\1\153"+
-    "\1\0\1\73\1\74\1\210\2\0\1\206\5\0\1\153"+
-    "\11\0\2\153\3\0\1\153\1\0\1\153\1\0\1\207"+
-    "\43\0\1\211\100\0\1\212\75\0\1\213\76\0\1\214"+
-    "\50\0\4\12\1\0\5\12\2\0\6\12\1\0\1\12"+
-    "\7\0\1\12\1\0\6\12\1\215\5\12\24\0\4\12"+
-    "\1\0\5\12\2\0\1\12\1\216\4\12\1\0\1\12"+
-    "\7\0\1\12\1\0\14\12\24\0\4\12\1\0\5\12"+
-    "\2\0\1\12\1\217\4\12\1\0\1\12\7\0\1\12"+
-    "\1\0\14\12\24\0\4\12\1\0\5\12\2\0\4\12"+
-    "\1\220\1\12\1\0\1\12\7\0\1\12\1\0\14\12"+
-    "\24\0\4\12\1\0\5\12\2\0\6\12\1\0\1\12"+
-    "\7\0\1\12\1\0\1\221\13\12\24\0\4\12\1\0"+
-    "\5\12\2\0\6\12\1\0\1\12\7\0\1\12\1\0"+
-    "\1\222\13\12\24\0\4\12\1\0\5\12\2\0\6\12"+
-    "\1\0\1\12\7\0\1\12\1\0\4\12\1\223\7\12"+
-    "\24\0\4\12\1\0\5\12\2\0\6\12\1\0\1\12"+
-    "\7\0\1\12\1\0\7\12\1\224\4\12\24\0\4\12"+
-    "\1\0\5\12\2\0\3\12\1\225\2\12\1\0\1\12"+
-    "\7\0\1\12\1\0\14\12\24\0\4\12\1\0\5\12"+
-    "\2\0\1\12\1\226\4\12\1\0\1\12\7\0\1\12"+
-    "\1\0\14\12\24\0\4\12\1\0\5\12\2\0\5\12"+
-    "\1\227\1\0\1\12\7\0\1\12\1\0\14\12\24\0"+
-    "\4\12\1\0\5\12\2\0\6\12\1\0\1\12\7\0"+
-    "\1\12\1\0\3\12\1\230\10\12\20\0\32\144\1\202"+
-    "\1\231\41\144\1\203\2\0\72\203\1\204\1\232\1\233"+
-    "\72\204\31\0\1\234\1\205\47\0\2\153\1\206\1\150"+
-    "\1\207\1\153\1\0\1\73\1\74\1\210\1\150\1\0"+
-    "\1\206\5\0\1\153\11\0\2\153\3\0\1\153\1\0"+
-    "\1\153\1\0\1\207\32\0\1\150\6\0\1\150\62\0"+
-    "\3\235\2\0\1\235\6\0\1\235\5\0\1\235\11\0"+
-    "\2\235\3\0\1\235\1\0\1\235\46\0\1\236\101\0"+
-    "\1\237\73\0\1\240\76\0\1\241\50\0\4\12\1\0"+
-    "\5\12\2\0\1\242\5\12\1\0\1\12\7\0\1\12"+
-    "\1\0\14\12\24\0\4\12\1\0\5\12\2\0\6\12"+
-    "\1\0\1\12\7\0\1\12\1\0\1\243\13\12\24\0"+
-    "\4\12\1\0\5\12\2\0\3\12\1\244\2\12\1\0"+
-    "\1\12\7\0\1\12\1\0\14\12\24\0\4\12\1\0"+
-    "\5\12\2\0\6\12\1\0\1\12\7\0\1\12\1\0"+
-    "\2\12\1\245\11\12\24\0\4\12\1\0\5\12\2\0"+
-    "\6\12\1\0\1\12\7\0\1\12\1\0\3\12\1\246"+
-    "\10\12\24\0\4\12\1\0\5\12\2\0\1\12\1\247"+
-    "\4\12\1\0\1\12\7\0\1\12\1\0\14\12\24\0"+
-    "\4\12\1\0\5\12\2\0\6\12\1\0\1\12\7\0"+
-    "\1\12\1\0\10\12\1\250\3\12\24\0\4\12\1\0"+
-    "\5\12\2\0\6\12\1\0\1\12\7\0\1\12\1\0"+
-    "\3\12\1\251\10\12\24\0\4\12\1\0\5\12\2\0"+
-    "\1\12\1\252\4\12\1\0\1\12\7\0\1\12\1\0"+
-    "\14\12\22\0\1\233\75\0\1\233\13\0\1\253\55\0"+
-    "\75\234\5\0\2\235\1\254\1\0\1\207\1\235\6\0"+
-    "\1\254\5\0\1\235\11\0\2\235\3\0\1\235\1\0"+
-    "\1\235\1\0\1\207\45\0\1\255\71\0\1\256\54\0"+
-    "\1\240\2\0\72\240\1\241\2\0\72\241\4\0\4\12"+
-    "\1\0\5\12\2\0\5\12\1\257\1\0\1\12\7\0"+
-    "\1\12\1\0\14\12\24\0\4\12\1\0\5\12\2\0"+
-    "\6\12\1\0\1\12\7\0\1\12\1\0\10\12\1\260"+
-    "\3\12\24\0\4\12\1\0\5\12\2\0\6\12\1\0"+
-    "\1\12\7\0\1\12\1\0\5\12\1\261\6\12\24\0"+
-    "\4\12\1\0\5\12\2\0\3\12\1\262\2\12\1\0"+
-    "\1\12\7\0\1\12\1\0\14\12\37\0\1\263\62\0"+
-    "\2\235\1\254\1\150\1\207\1\235\4\0\1\150\1\0"+
-    "\1\254\5\0\1\235\11\0\2\235\3\0\1\235\1\0"+
-    "\1\235\1\0\1\207\46\0\1\264\71\0\1\265\57\0"+
-    "\4\12\1\0\5\12\2\0\4\12\1\266\1\12\1\0"+
-    "\1\12\7\0\1\12\1\0\14\12\37\0\1\204\102\0"+
-    "\1\240\71\0\1\267\56\0\4\12\1\0\5\12\2\0"+
-    "\5\12\1\270\1\0\1\12\7\0\1\12\1\0\14\12"+
-    "\43\0\1\271\75\0\1\272\75\0\1\241\47\0";
+    "\1\7\3\10\1\11\1\12\2\11\1\13\1\11\1\14"+
+    "\3\11\1\15\1\16\1\17\1\20\1\21\1\22\1\23"+
+    "\1\24\1\25\1\26\1\27\1\30\1\31\1\32\1\33"+
+    "\2\7\1\11\1\34\1\35\1\36\1\11\1\37\1\11"+
+    "\1\40\1\41\1\11\1\42\2\11\1\43\1\44\1\7"+
+    "\1\45\1\46\1\47\1\50\1\51\1\52\1\53\1\54"+
+    "\1\55\1\56\1\57\1\60\1\61\1\62\1\2\2\0"+
+    "\72\2\34\0\1\63\100\0\1\64\150\0\1\65\56\0"+
+    "\3\10\75\0\4\11\1\0\5\11\2\0\6\11\1\0"+
+    "\1\11\7\0\1\11\1\0\14\11\25\0\1\12\1\0"+
+    "\1\66\2\0\1\12\1\0\1\67\1\70\1\71\2\0"+
+    "\1\66\60\0\1\12\1\0\1\66\2\0\1\12\1\72"+
+    "\1\67\1\70\1\71\2\0\1\66\60\0\1\73\4\0"+
+    "\1\73\3\0\1\74\75\0\1\75\61\0\4\11\1\0"+
+    "\5\11\2\0\1\11\1\76\4\11\1\0\1\11\7\0"+
+    "\1\11\1\0\14\11\24\0\4\11\1\0\5\11\2\0"+
+    "\5\11\1\77\1\0\1\11\7\0\1\11\1\0\3\11"+
+    "\1\100\10\11\24\0\4\11\1\0\5\11\2\0\4\11"+
+    "\1\101\1\11\1\0\1\11\7\0\1\11\1\0\14\11"+
+    "\24\0\4\11\1\0\5\11\2\0\5\11\1\102\1\0"+
+    "\1\11\7\0\1\11\1\0\5\11\1\103\6\11\24\0"+
+    "\4\11\1\0\5\11\2\0\1\104\5\11\1\0\1\11"+
+    "\7\0\1\11\1\0\14\11\24\0\4\11\1\0\5\11"+
+    "\2\0\3\11\1\105\1\106\1\11\1\0\1\11\7\0"+
+    "\1\11\1\0\14\11\24\0\4\11\1\0\5\11\2\0"+
+    "\4\11\1\107\1\11\1\0\1\11\7\0\1\11\1\0"+
+    "\14\11\52\0\1\110\46\0\4\11\1\0\5\11\2\0"+
+    "\5\11\1\111\1\0\1\11\7\0\1\11\1\0\14\11"+
+    "\24\0\4\11\1\0\5\11\2\0\1\112\5\11\1\0"+
+    "\1\11\7\0\1\11\1\0\14\11\24\0\4\11\1\0"+
+    "\5\11\2\0\4\11\1\113\1\11\1\0\1\11\7\0"+
+    "\1\11\1\0\14\11\24\0\4\11\1\0\5\11\2\0"+
+    "\4\11\1\114\1\11\1\0\1\11\7\0\1\11\1\0"+
+    "\1\115\5\11\1\116\5\11\24\0\4\11\1\0\5\11"+
+    "\2\0\5\11\1\117\1\0\1\11\7\0\1\11\1\0"+
+    "\14\11\24\0\4\11\1\0\5\11\2\0\1\120\5\11"+
+    "\1\0\1\11\7\0\1\11\1\0\12\11\1\121\1\11"+
+    "\24\0\4\11\1\0\5\11\2\0\6\11\1\0\1\11"+
+    "\7\0\1\11\1\0\12\11\1\122\1\11\76\0\1\123"+
+    "\50\0\1\124\24\0\1\125\47\0\1\126\25\0\1\127"+
+    "\46\0\1\130\126\0\1\131\101\0\1\132\3\0\34\63"+
+    "\1\133\1\134\37\63\35\64\1\135\2\64\1\133\34\64"+
+    "\17\0\1\136\62\0\1\73\2\0\1\137\1\0\1\73"+
+    "\4\0\1\137\72\0\1\70\74\0\1\140\64\0\1\141"+
+    "\4\0\1\141\67\0\3\142\2\0\1\142\6\0\1\142"+
+    "\5\0\1\142\11\0\2\142\3\0\1\142\1\0\1\142"+
+    "\31\0\1\73\4\0\1\73\100\0\1\143\76\0\1\144"+
+    "\1\145\4\0\1\146\1\0\1\147\50\0\4\11\1\0"+
+    "\5\11\2\0\6\11\1\0\1\11\7\0\1\11\1\0"+
+    "\10\11\1\150\1\151\2\11\24\0\4\11\1\0\5\11"+
+    "\2\0\6\11\1\0\1\152\7\0\1\11\1\0\14\11"+
+    "\24\0\4\11\1\0\5\11\2\0\6\11\1\0\1\11"+
+    "\7\0\1\11\1\0\4\11\1\153\7\11\24\0\4\11"+
+    "\1\0\5\11\2\0\6\11\1\0\1\11\7\0\1\11"+
+    "\1\0\10\11\1\154\3\11\24\0\4\11\1\0\5\11"+
+    "\2\0\6\11\1\0\1\11\7\0\1\11\1\0\3\11"+
+    "\1\155\10\11\24\0\4\11\1\0\5\11\2\0\6\11"+
+    "\1\0\1\11\7\0\1\11\1\0\10\11\1\156\3\11"+
+    "\24\0\4\11\1\0\5\11\2\0\6\11\1\0\1\157"+
+    "\7\0\1\11\1\0\14\11\24\0\4\11\1\0\5\11"+
+    "\2\0\1\11\1\160\4\11\1\0\1\11\7\0\1\11"+
+    "\1\0\14\11\24\0\4\11\1\0\5\11\2\0\6\11"+
+    "\1\0\1\11\7\0\1\11\1\0\7\11\1\161\4\11"+
+    "\24\0\4\11\1\0\5\11\2\0\1\162\5\11\1\0"+
+    "\1\11\7\0\1\11\1\0\14\11\24\0\4\11\1\0"+
+    "\5\11\2\0\6\11\1\0\1\11\7\0\1\11\1\0"+
+    "\3\11\1\163\10\11\24\0\4\11\1\0\5\11\2\0"+
+    "\5\11\1\164\1\0\1\11\7\0\1\11\1\0\14\11"+
+    "\24\0\4\11\1\0\5\11\2\0\6\11\1\0\1\11"+
+    "\7\0\1\11\1\0\10\11\1\165\3\11\24\0\4\11"+
+    "\1\0\5\11\2\0\6\11\1\0\1\11\7\0\1\11"+
+    "\1\0\6\11\1\166\5\11\24\0\4\11\1\0\5\11"+
+    "\2\0\1\11\1\167\4\11\1\0\1\11\7\0\1\11"+
+    "\1\0\14\11\24\0\4\11\1\0\5\11\2\0\3\11"+
+    "\1\170\2\11\1\0\1\11\7\0\1\11\1\0\14\11"+
+    "\21\0\2\63\2\0\70\63\1\0\2\64\2\0\70\64"+
+    "\1\171\2\0\14\171\1\172\55\171\5\0\1\141\1\0"+
+    "\1\66\2\0\1\141\6\0\1\66\60\0\2\142\1\173"+
+    "\1\0\1\174\1\142\1\0\1\67\1\70\1\175\2\0"+
+    "\1\173\5\0\1\142\11\0\2\142\3\0\1\142\1\0"+
+    "\1\142\1\0\1\174\43\0\1\176\100\0\1\177\75\0"+
+    "\1\200\76\0\1\201\50\0\4\11\1\0\5\11\2\0"+
+    "\6\11\1\0\1\11\7\0\1\11\1\0\6\11\1\202"+
+    "\5\11\24\0\4\11\1\0\5\11\2\0\1\11\1\203"+
+    "\4\11\1\0\1\11\7\0\1\11\1\0\14\11\24\0"+
+    "\4\11\1\0\5\11\2\0\1\11\1\204\4\11\1\0"+
+    "\1\11\7\0\1\11\1\0\14\11\24\0\4\11\1\0"+
+    "\5\11\2\0\4\11\1\205\1\11\1\0\1\11\7\0"+
+    "\1\11\1\0\14\11\24\0\4\11\1\0\5\11\2\0"+
+    "\6\11\1\0\1\11\7\0\1\11\1\0\1\206\13\11"+
+    "\24\0\4\11\1\0\5\11\2\0\6\11\1\0\1\11"+
+    "\7\0\1\11\1\0\1\207\13\11\24\0\4\11\1\0"+
+    "\5\11\2\0\6\11\1\0\1\11\7\0\1\11\1\0"+
+    "\4\11\1\210\7\11\24\0\4\11\1\0\5\11\2\0"+
+    "\6\11\1\0\1\11\7\0\1\11\1\0\7\11\1\211"+
+    "\4\11\24\0\4\11\1\0\5\11\2\0\3\11\1\212"+
+    "\2\11\1\0\1\11\7\0\1\11\1\0\14\11\24\0"+
+    "\4\11\1\0\5\11\2\0\1\11\1\213\4\11\1\0"+
+    "\1\11\7\0\1\11\1\0\14\11\24\0\4\11\1\0"+
+    "\5\11\2\0\5\11\1\214\1\0\1\11\7\0\1\11"+
+    "\1\0\14\11\24\0\4\11\1\0\5\11\2\0\6\11"+
+    "\1\0\1\11\7\0\1\11\1\0\3\11\1\215\10\11"+
+    "\20\0\1\171\2\0\72\171\1\172\1\216\1\217\72\172"+
+    "\5\0\2\142\1\173\1\137\1\174\1\142\1\0\1\67"+
+    "\1\70\1\175\1\137\1\0\1\173\5\0\1\142\11\0"+
+    "\2\142\3\0\1\142\1\0\1\142\1\0\1\174\32\0"+
+    "\1\137\6\0\1\137\62\0\3\220\2\0\1\220\6\0"+
+    "\1\220\5\0\1\220\11\0\2\220\3\0\1\220\1\0"+
+    "\1\220\46\0\1\221\101\0\1\222\73\0\1\223\76\0"+
+    "\1\224\50\0\4\11\1\0\5\11\2\0\1\225\5\11"+
+    "\1\0\1\11\7\0\1\11\1\0\14\11\24\0\4\11"+
+    "\1\0\5\11\2\0\6\11\1\0\1\11\7\0\1\11"+
+    "\1\0\1\226\13\11\24\0\4\11\1\0\5\11\2\0"+
+    "\3\11\1\227\2\11\1\0\1\11\7\0\1\11\1\0"+
+    "\14\11\24\0\4\11\1\0\5\11\2\0\6\11\1\0"+
+    "\1\11\7\0\1\11\1\0\2\11\1\230\11\11\24\0"+
+    "\4\11\1\0\5\11\2\0\6\11\1\0\1\11\7\0"+
+    "\1\11\1\0\3\11\1\231\10\11\24\0\4\11\1\0"+
+    "\5\11\2\0\1\11\1\232\4\11\1\0\1\11\7\0"+
+    "\1\11\1\0\14\11\24\0\4\11\1\0\5\11\2\0"+
+    "\6\11\1\0\1\11\7\0\1\11\1\0\10\11\1\233"+
+    "\3\11\24\0\4\11\1\0\5\11\2\0\6\11\1\0"+
+    "\1\11\7\0\1\11\1\0\3\11\1\234\10\11\24\0"+
+    "\4\11\1\0\5\11\2\0\1\11\1\235\4\11\1\0"+
+    "\1\11\7\0\1\11\1\0\14\11\22\0\1\217\75\0"+
+    "\1\217\13\0\1\236\62\0\2\220\1\237\1\0\1\174"+
+    "\1\220\6\0\1\237\5\0\1\220\11\0\2\220\3\0"+
+    "\1\220\1\0\1\220\1\0\1\174\45\0\1\240\71\0"+
+    "\1\241\54\0\1\223\2\0\72\223\1\224\2\0\72\224"+
+    "\4\0\4\11\1\0\5\11\2\0\5\11\1\242\1\0"+
+    "\1\11\7\0\1\11\1\0\14\11\24\0\4\11\1\0"+
+    "\5\11\2\0\6\11\1\0\1\11\7\0\1\11\1\0"+
+    "\10\11\1\243\3\11\24\0\4\11\1\0\5\11\2\0"+
+    "\6\11\1\0\1\11\7\0\1\11\1\0\5\11\1\244"+
+    "\6\11\24\0\4\11\1\0\5\11\2\0\3\11\1\245"+
+    "\2\11\1\0\1\11\7\0\1\11\1\0\14\11\37\0"+
+    "\1\246\62\0\2\220\1\237\1\137\1\174\1\220\4\0"+
+    "\1\137\1\0\1\237\5\0\1\220\11\0\2\220\3\0"+
+    "\1\220\1\0\1\220\1\0\1\174\46\0\1\247\71\0"+
+    "\1\250\57\0\4\11\1\0\5\11\2\0\4\11\1\251"+
+    "\1\11\1\0\1\11\7\0\1\11\1\0\14\11\37\0"+
+    "\1\172\102\0\1\223\71\0\1\252\56\0\4\11\1\0"+
+    "\5\11\2\0\5\11\1\253\1\0\1\11\7\0\1\11"+
+    "\1\0\14\11\43\0\1\254\75\0\1\255\75\0\1\224"+
+    "\47\0";
   private static int [] zzUnpackTrans() {
-    int [] result = new int[8052];
+    int [] result = new int[7442];
     int offset = 0;
     offset = zzUnpackTrans(ZZ_TRANS_PACKED_0, offset, result);
     return result;
@@ -356,17 +350,16 @@ private static int zzUnpackTrans(String packed, int offset, int [] result) {
   private static final int [] ZZ_ATTRIBUTE = zzUnpackAttribute();
   private static final String ZZ_ATTRIBUTE_PACKED_0 =
-    "\1\0\1\1\5\0\1\11\3\1\1\11\11\1\1\11"+
-    "\1\1\1\11\2\1\3\11\13\1\2\11\1\1\4\11"+
-    "\1\1\3\11\3\1\1\0\1\11\2\1\2\0\1\1"+
-    "\1\0\15\1\1\11\1\0\1\11\12\1\11\11\4\0"+
-    "\1\1\2\0\1\11\2\1\1\11\4\0\21\1\1\0"+
-    "\2\1\1\0\1\1\6\0\15\1\2\0\2\1\2\0"+
-    "\13\1\1\0\1\1\2\0\4\1\3\0\1\1\1\0"+
-    "\1\1\2\0";
+    "\1\0\1\1\2\0\1\10\1\0\1\11\3\1\1\11"+
+    "\11\1\1\11\1\1\2\11\1\1\3\11\13\1\2\11"+
+    "\1\1\4\11\1\1\3\11\2\1\1\0\1\1\2\0"+
+    "\1\1\1\0\15\1\1\11\12\1\11\11\2\0\1\1"+
+    "\1\0\1\11\2\1\1\11\4\0\24\1\6\0\14\1"+
+    "\2\0\1\1\2\0\13\1\1\0\1\1\2\0\4\1"+
+    "\3\0\1\1\1\0\1\1\2\0";
   private static int [] zzUnpackAttribute() {
-    int [] result = new int[186];
+    int [] result = new int[173];
     int offset = 0;
     offset = zzUnpackAttribute(ZZ_ATTRIBUTE_PACKED_0, offset, result);
     return result;
@@ -446,16 +439,27 @@ private boolean checkBlock() {
         return false;
-    private int checkBlockRedundant() {
-        int redundant = -1;
-        String cs = yytext().toString();
-        StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder("]");
-        for (int i = 0; i < nBrackets; i++) s.append('=');
-        s.append(']');
-        int index = cs.indexOf(s.toString());
-        if (index > 0)
-            redundant = yylength() - index - nBrackets - 2;
-        return redundant;
+    private int checkBlockEnd() {
+        int pos = zzMarkedPos;
+        int end = zzEndRead;
+        while(pos < end) {
+            char c = zzBuffer.charAt(pos);
+            if (c == ']') {
+                pos++;
+                int size = 0;
+                while (pos < zzEndRead && zzBuffer.charAt(pos) == '=') {
+                    size++;
+                    pos++;
+                }
+                if (size == nBrackets && zzBuffer.charAt(pos) == ']') {
+                    pos++;
+                    break;
+                }
+                continue;
+            }
+            pos++;
+        }
+        return pos - zzMarkedPos;
@@ -571,7 +575,7 @@ public final int yylength() {
-   * Reports an error that occurred while scanning.
+   * Reports an error that occured while scanning.
    * In a wellformed scanner (no or only correct usage of
    * yypushback(int) and a match-all fallback rule) this method
@@ -707,379 +711,360 @@ else if (zzAtEOF) {
             { yybegin(YYINITIAL); return SHEBANG_CONTENT;
             // fall through
-          case 74: break;
+          case 70: break;
           case 2: 
             { return TokenType.BAD_CHARACTER;
             // fall through
-          case 75: break;
+          case 71: break;
           case 3: 
             { return TokenType.WHITE_SPACE;
             // fall through
-          case 76: break;
+          case 72: break;
           case 4: 
             { return ID;
             // fall through
-          case 77: break;
+          case 73: break;
           case 5: 
             { return NUMBER;
             // fall through
-          case 78: break;
+          case 74: break;
           case 6: 
             { return PLUS;
             // fall through
-          case 79: break;
+          case 75: break;
           case 7: 
             { return DOT;
             // fall through
-          case 80: break;
+          case 76: break;
           case 8: 
             { return MINUS;
             // fall through
-          case 81: break;
+          case 77: break;
           case 9: 
             { return LCURLY;
             // fall through
-          case 82: break;
+          case 78: break;
           case 10: 
             { return RCURLY;
             // fall through
-          case 83: break;
+          case 79: break;
           case 11: 
-            { return LBRACK;
+            { if (checkAhead('=', 0) || checkAhead('[', 0)) {
+          yypushback(yylength());
+          checkBlock();
+          zzMarkedPos += checkBlockEnd();
+          return STRING;
+      } else {
+          return LBRACK;
+      }
             // fall through
-          case 84: break;
+          case 80: break;
           case 12: 
             { return ASSIGN;
             // fall through
-          case 85: break;
+          case 81: break;
           case 13: 
             { return RBRACK;
             // fall through
-          case 86: break;
+          case 82: break;
           case 14: 
             { yybegin(xDOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING); yypushback(yylength());
             // fall through
-          case 87: break;
+          case 83: break;
           case 15: 
             { yybegin(xSINGLE_QUOTED_STRING); yypushback(yylength());
             // fall through
-          case 88: break;
+          case 84: break;
           case 16: 
             { return GETN;
             // fall through
-          case 89: break;
+          case 85: break;
           case 17: 
             { return GT;
             // fall through
-          case 90: break;
+          case 86: break;
           case 18: 
             { return LT;
             // fall through
-          case 91: break;
+          case 87: break;
           case 19: 
             { return BIT_TILDE;
             // fall through
-          case 92: break;
+          case 88: break;
           case 20: 
             { return MULT;
             // fall through
-          case 93: break;
+          case 89: break;
           case 21: 
             { return MOD;
             // fall through
-          case 94: break;
+          case 90: break;
           case 22: 
             { return DIV;
             // fall through
-          case 95: break;
+          case 91: break;
           case 23: 
             { return LPAREN;
             // fall through
-          case 96: break;
+          case 92: break;
           case 24: 
             { return RPAREN;
             // fall through
-          case 97: break;
+          case 93: break;
           case 25: 
             { return COMMA;
             // fall through
-          case 98: break;
+          case 94: break;
           case 26: 
             { return SEMI;
             // fall through
-          case 99: break;
+          case 95: break;
           case 27: 
             { return COLON;
             // fall through
-          case 100: break;
+          case 96: break;
           case 28: 
             { return EXP;
             // fall through
-          case 101: break;
+          case 97: break;
           case 29: 
             { return BIT_AND;
             // fall through
-          case 102: break;
+          case 98: break;
           case 30: 
             { return BIT_OR;
             // fall through
-          case 103: break;
+          case 99: break;
           case 31: 
             { yybegin(YYINITIAL); return STRING;
             // fall through
-          case 104: break;
+          case 100: break;
           case 32: 
-            { yypushback(yylength()); yybegin(xCOMMENT);
-            } 
-            // fall through
-          case 105: break;
-          case 33: 
             { return CONCAT;
             // fall through
-          case 106: break;
-          case 34: 
+          case 101: break;
+          case 33: 
             { boolean block = checkBlock();
-        if (block) { yypushback(yylength()); yybegin(xBLOCK_COMMENT); }
+        if (block) {
+            yypushback(yylength());
+            zzMarkedPos += checkBlockEnd();
+            return BLOCK_COMMENT;
+        }
         else { yypushback(yylength()); yybegin(xCOMMENT); }
             // fall through
-          case 107: break;
-          case 35: 
+          case 102: break;
+          case 34: 
             { return IN;
             // fall through
-          case 108: break;
-          case 36: 
+          case 103: break;
+          case 35: 
             { return IF;
             // fall through
-          case 109: break;
-          case 37: 
+          case 104: break;
+          case 36: 
             { return OR;
             // fall through
-          case 110: break;
-          case 38: 
+          case 105: break;
+          case 37: 
             { return DO;
             // fall through
-          case 111: break;
-          case 39: 
-            { yybegin(xBLOCK_STRING); yypushback(yylength()); checkBlock();
-            } 
-            // fall through
-          case 112: break;
-          case 40: 
+          case 106: break;
+          case 38: 
             { return EQ;
             // fall through
-          case 113: break;
-          case 41: 
+          case 107: break;
+          case 39: 
             { yybegin(xSHEBANG); return SHEBANG;
             // fall through
-          case 114: break;
-          case 42: 
+          case 108: break;
+          case 40: 
             { return GE;
             // fall through
-          case 115: break;
-          case 43: 
+          case 109: break;
+          case 41: 
             { return BIT_RTRT;
             // fall through
-          case 116: break;
-          case 44: 
+          case 110: break;
+          case 42: 
             { return LE;
             // fall through
-          case 117: break;
-          case 45: 
+          case 111: break;
+          case 43: 
             { return BIT_LTLT;
             // fall through
-          case 118: break;
-          case 46: 
+          case 112: break;
+          case 44: 
             { return NE;
             // fall through
-          case 119: break;
-          case 47: 
+          case 113: break;
+          case 45: 
             { return DOUBLE_DIV;
             // fall through
-          case 120: break;
-          case 48: 
+          case 114: break;
+          case 46: 
             { return DOUBLE_COLON;
             // fall through
-          case 121: break;
-          case 49: 
+          case 115: break;
+          case 47: 
             { yybegin(YYINITIAL);return SHORT_COMMENT;
             // fall through
-          case 122: break;
-          case 50: 
+          case 116: break;
+          case 48: 
             { return ELLIPSIS;
             // fall through
-          case 123: break;
-          case 51: 
+          case 117: break;
+          case 49: 
             { return END;
             // fall through
-          case 124: break;
-          case 52: 
+          case 118: break;
+          case 50: 
             { return NIL;
             // fall through
-          case 125: break;
-          case 53: 
+          case 119: break;
+          case 51: 
             { return NOT;
             // fall through
-          case 126: break;
-          case 54: 
+          case 120: break;
+          case 52: 
             { return AND;
             // fall through
-          case 127: break;
-          case 55: 
+          case 121: break;
+          case 53: 
             { return FOR;
             // fall through
-          case 128: break;
-          case 56: 
+          case 122: break;
+          case 54: 
             { yybegin(YYINITIAL);return DOC_COMMENT;
             // fall through
-          case 129: break;
-          case 57: 
+          case 123: break;
+          case 55: 
             { return ELSE;
             // fall through
-          case 130: break;
-          case 58: 
+          case 124: break;
+          case 56: 
             { if (level.getVersion() < LuaLanguageLevel.LUA52.getVersion()) return ID; else return GOTO;
             // fall through
-          case 131: break;
-          case 59: 
+          case 125: break;
+          case 57: 
             { return TRUE;
             // fall through
-          case 132: break;
-          case 60: 
+          case 126: break;
+          case 58: 
             { return THEN;
             // fall through
-          case 133: break;
-          case 61: 
-            { int redundant = checkBlockRedundant();
-        if (redundant != -1) {
-            yypushback(redundant);
-            yybegin(YYINITIAL); return STRING;
-        } else {
-            yybegin(YYINITIAL); return TokenType.BAD_CHARACTER;
-        }
-            } 
-            // fall through
-          case 134: break;
-          case 62: 
-            { int redundant = checkBlockRedundant();
-        if (redundant != -1) {
-            yypushback(redundant);
-            yybegin(YYINITIAL);return BLOCK_COMMENT; }
-        else { yybegin(YYINITIAL);return BLOCK_COMMENT; }
-            } 
-            // fall through
-          case 135: break;
-          case 63: 
+          case 127: break;
+          case 59: 
             { return REGION;
             // fall through
-          case 136: break;
-          case 64: 
+          case 128: break;
+          case 60: 
             { return ENDREGION;
             // fall through
-          case 137: break;
-          case 65: 
+          case 129: break;
+          case 61: 
             { return BREAK;
             // fall through
-          case 138: break;
-          case 66: 
+          case 130: break;
+          case 62: 
             { return LOCAL;
             // fall through
-          case 139: break;
-          case 67: 
+          case 131: break;
+          case 63: 
             { return FALSE;
             // fall through
-          case 140: break;
-          case 68: 
+          case 132: break;
+          case 64: 
             { return UNTIL;
             // fall through
-          case 141: break;
-          case 69: 
+          case 133: break;
+          case 65: 
             { return WHILE;
             // fall through
-          case 142: break;
-          case 70: 
+          case 134: break;
+          case 66: 
             { return RETURN;
             // fall through
-          case 143: break;
-          case 71: 
+          case 135: break;
+          case 67: 
             { return REPEAT;
             // fall through
-          case 144: break;
-          case 72: 
+          case 136: break;
+          case 68: 
             { return ELSEIF;
             // fall through
-          case 145: break;
-          case 73: 
+          case 137: break;
+          case 69: 
             { return FUNCTION;
             // fall through
-          case 146: break;
+          case 138: break;
diff --git a/EmmyLua-Common/src/main/java/com/tang/intellij/lua/lua.flex b/EmmyLua-Common/src/main/java/com/tang/intellij/lua/lua.flex
index 6f2a6527..f1221a63 100644
--- a/EmmyLua-Common/src/main/java/com/tang/intellij/lua/lua.flex
+++ b/EmmyLua-Common/src/main/java/com/tang/intellij/lua/lua.flex
@@ -36,16 +36,27 @@ import static com.tang.intellij.lua.psi.LuaTypes.*;
         return false;
-    private int checkBlockRedundant() {
-        int redundant = -1;
-        String cs = yytext().toString();
-        StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder("]");
-        for (int i = 0; i < nBrackets; i++) s.append('=');
-        s.append(']');
-        int index = cs.indexOf(s.toString());
-        if (index > 0)
-            redundant = yylength() - index - nBrackets - 2;
-        return redundant;
+    private int checkBlockEnd() {
+        int pos = zzMarkedPos;
+        int end = zzEndRead;
+        while(pos < end) {
+            char c = zzBuffer.charAt(pos);
+            if (c == ']') {
+                pos++;
+                int size = 0;
+                while (pos < zzEndRead && zzBuffer.charAt(pos) == '=') {
+                    size++;
+                    pos++;
+                }
+                if (size == nBrackets && zzBuffer.charAt(pos) == ']') {
+                    pos++;
+                    break;
+                }
+                continue;
+            }
+            pos++;
+        }
+        return pos - zzMarkedPos;
@@ -101,7 +112,11 @@ LONG_STRING=\[=*\[[\s\S]*\]=*\]
   {REGION_END}                { return ENDREGION; }
   "--"                        {
         boolean block = checkBlock();
-        if (block) { yypushback(yylength()); yybegin(xBLOCK_COMMENT); }
+        if (block) {
+            yypushback(yylength());
+            zzMarkedPos += checkBlockEnd();
+            return BLOCK_COMMENT;
+        }
         else { yypushback(yylength()); yybegin(xCOMMENT); }
   "and"                       { return AND; }
@@ -147,7 +162,16 @@ LONG_STRING=\[=*\[[\s\S]*\]=*\]
   "<"                         { return LT; }
   "("                         { return LPAREN; }
   ")"                         { return RPAREN; }
-  "["                         { return LBRACK; }
+  "["                         {
+      if (checkAhead('=', 0) || checkAhead('[', 0)) {
+          yypushback(yylength());
+          checkBlock();
+          zzMarkedPos += checkBlockEnd();
+          return STRING;
+      } else {
+          return LBRACK;
+      }
+  }
   "]"                         { return RBRACK; }
   "{"                         { return LCURLY; }
   "}"                         { return RCURLY; }
@@ -164,7 +188,6 @@ LONG_STRING=\[=*\[[\s\S]*\]=*\]
   "\""                        { yybegin(xDOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING); yypushback(yylength()); }
   "'"                         { yybegin(xSINGLE_QUOTED_STRING); yypushback(yylength()); }
-  \[=*\[                      { yybegin(xBLOCK_STRING); yypushback(yylength()); checkBlock(); }
   {ID}                        { return ID; }
   {NUMBER}                    { return NUMBER; }
@@ -181,34 +204,10 @@ LONG_STRING=\[=*\[[\s\S]*\]=*\]
     {SHORT_COMMENT}           {yybegin(YYINITIAL);return SHORT_COMMENT;}
-    {BLOCK_COMMENT}           {
-        int redundant = checkBlockRedundant();
-        if (redundant != -1) {
-            yypushback(redundant);
-            yybegin(YYINITIAL);return BLOCK_COMMENT; }
-        else { yybegin(YYINITIAL);return BLOCK_COMMENT; }
-    }
-    [^] { yypushback(yylength()); yybegin(xCOMMENT); }
     {DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING}    { yybegin(YYINITIAL); return STRING; }
     {SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING}    { yybegin(YYINITIAL); return STRING; }
-    {LONG_STRING}             {
-        int redundant = checkBlockRedundant();
-        if (redundant != -1) {
-            yypushback(redundant);
-            yybegin(YYINITIAL); return STRING;
-        } else {
-            yybegin(YYINITIAL); return TokenType.BAD_CHARACTER;
-        }
-    }
-    [^] { return TokenType.BAD_CHARACTER; }
\ No newline at end of file