0.12.1 (2021-08-29)
- Removed SLF4J from dependencies
- Excluded Gson from Sentry transitive dependencies because it is bundled into spigot.
0.12.0 (2021-08-23)
- Bukkit 1.17 support
- Sentry 4.2.0 -> 5.1.0
- Kotlin 1.4.30 -> 1.5.21
- Gradle 6.8.3 -> 7.2
0.11.0 (2021-02-23)
Now you can return null
from createReporter
In this case will be used LoggerReporter
as a fallback.
This reporter simply prints everything to the plugin's logger, just like you not use Inspector.
- Better interoperability with Java
- Migrate from JCenter to Maven Central
- Update Gradle to 6.8.3
- Update Sentry to 4.2.0
- Make
public to keep compatibility
Sentry updated from 1.7.29 to 4.0.0-beta.1. It is impossible to do this upgrade without breaking changes, so way to set up sentry reporter slightly changed.
public Reporter createReporter() {
String dsn = "[YOUR_DSN_HERE]";
return new SentryReporter.Builder()
- .setDataSourceName(dsn)
+ .setDsn(dsn)
- .setClientFactory(new BukkitPluginSentryClientFactory(this))
+ .addIntegration(new SentryBukkitIntegration(this))
.focusOn(this) // Reporter will be focused on this plugin
- Debug logging of all exceptions to log file
- Updated Kotlin to 1.4.21
- Updated Coroutines and Fuel
- Build infrastructure updated