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A new deploy from scratch takes approximately 20 minutes.

All flags are optional. Configuration settings provided via flags will persist in later deployments unless explicitly overriden.

In order for flags to be parsed correctly, the name of your deployment should be placed at the end of your command.

Custom Domains

Flag Description Environment Variable
--domain value Domain to use as endpoint for Concourse web interface (eg: DOMAIN
control-tower deploy --domain chimichanga

In the example above control-tower will search for a hosted zone that matches or and add a record to the longest match ( in this example).

The domain you provide must fall within a hosted zone in the Cloud DNS of the GCP project or route53 of the AWS account you are deploying to. For example, in our system tests we test this by delegating to our GCP project (our root domain is managed on another DNS server) then specifying something like as the domain.

Custom TLS Certificates

Flag Description Environment Variable
--tls-cert value TLS cert to use with Concourse endpoint TLS_CERT
--tls-key value TLS private key to use with Concourse endpoint TLS_KEY

By default control-tower will generate a self-signed cert using the given domain. If you'd like to provide your own certificate instead, pass the cert and private key as strings using the --tls-cert and --tls-key flags respectively. eg:

control-tower deploy \
  --domain \
  --tls-cert "$(cat" \
  --tls-key "$(cat" \

Worker Configuration

Flag Description Environment Variable
--workers value Number of Concourse worker instances to deploy (default: 1) WORKERS
--worker-type Specify a worker type for aws (m5, m5a, or m4) (default: "m4") WORKER_TYPE
--worker-size value Size of Concourse workers. See table below for sizes
(default: "xlarge")

worker-type is an AWS-specific option

AWS does not offer m5 or m5a instances in all regions, and even for regions that do offer m5 instances, not all zones within that region may offer them. To complicate matters further, each AWS account is assigned AWS zones at random - for instance, eu-west-1a for one account may be the same as eu-west-1b in another account. If m5s are available in your chosen region but not the zone Control Tower has chosen, create a new deployment, this time specifying another --zone.

--worker-size AWS m4 Instance type AWS m5 Instance type AWS m5a Instance type GCP Instance type
medium t3.medium t3.medium n1-standard-1
large m4.large m5.large m5a.large n1-standard-2
xlarge m4.xlarge m5.xlarge m5a.xlarge n1-standard-4
2xlarge m4.2xlarge m5.2xlarge m5a.2xlarge n1-standard-8
4xlarge m4.4xlarge m5.4xlarge m5a.4xlarge n1-standard-16
10xlarge m4.10xlarge n1-standard-32
12xlarge m5.12xlarge m5a.12xlarge
16xlarge m4.16xlarge n1-standard-64
24xlarge m5.24xlarge m5a.24xlarge

Web Configuration

Flag Description Environment Variable
--web-size value Size of Concourse web node. See table below for sizes
(default: "small")
--persistent-disk value Size of Concourse web node persistent disk. See table below for sizes
(default: "default")
--web-size AWS Instance type GCP Instance type
small t3.small n1-standard-1
medium t3.medium n1-standard-2
large t3.large n1-standard-4
xlarge t3.xlarge n1-standard-8
2xlarge t3.2xlarge n1-standard-16
--persistent-disk AWS size GCP size
small 20GB 20GB
default 50GB 50GB
medium 100GB 100GB
large 200GB 200GB

Database Configuration

Flag Description Environment Variable
--db-size value Size of Concourse Postgres instance. See table below for sizes
(default: "small")

Note that when changing the database size on an existing control-tower deployment, the SQL instance will scaled by terraform resulting in approximately 3 minutes of downtime.

--db-size AWS Instance type GCP Instance type
small db.t3.small db-g1-small
medium db.t3.medium db-custom-2-4096
large db.m4.large db-custom-2-8192
xlarge db.m4.xlarge db-custom-4-16384
2xlarge db.m4.2xlarge db-custom-8-32768
4xlarge db.m4.4xlarge db-custom-16-65536

Database Specificaion

IAAS Service Type Version Notes
GCP CloudSQL Postgres v9.6 CloudSQL does not currently offer and in-place upgrade from this version
AWS Amazon RDS Postgres v13 -

Global Resources

Flag Description Environment Variable
--enable-global-resources Enable Global Resources in the Concourse cluster. Can be true/false. Default is false. ENABLE_GLOBAL_RESOURCES

Whitelisting IPs

Flag Description Environment Variable
--allow-ips value Comma separated list of IP addresses or CIDR ranges to allow access to. Not applied to future manual deploys unless this flag is provided again
(default: "")

allow-ips governs what can access Concourse but not what can access the control plane (i.e. the BOSH director). The control plane will be restricted to the IP control-tower deploy was run from.

This flag overwrites the allowed IPs on every deploy. This means deploying with allow-ips then deploying again without it will reset the allow list to The self-update pipeline will maintain the allow-ips of the most recent deploy.

RDS Disk encryption

On GCP the database disk encryption is enabled by default. On AWS we added the option to enable the disk encryption too. By default it's disabled.

Note that you can only change this value during the initial deploy. It's not possible to change this for a running instance.

Flag Description Environment Variable
--rds-disk-encryption Optional configuration to use an encrypted rds disk for AWS. Not enabled by default! RDSDiskEncryption

BitBucket Auth

Flag Description Environment Variable
--bitbucket-auth-client-id value Client ID for a bitbucket OAuth application - Used for Bitbucket Auth BITBUCKET_AUTH_CLIENT_ID
--bitbucket-auth-client-secret value Client Secret for a bitbucket OAuth application - Used for Bitbucket Auth BITBUCKET_AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET

GitHub Auth

Flag Description Environment Variable
--github-auth-client-id value Client ID for a github OAuth application - Used for Github Auth GITHUB_AUTH_CLIENT_ID
--github-auth-client-secret value Client Secret for a github OAuth application - Used for Github Auth GITHUB_AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET
--github-auth-host Host name (excluding protocol) for a GitHub Enterprise server to use instead of - Used for Github Auth GITHUB_AUTH_HOST
--github-auth-ca-cert Contents of a CA certificate for a GitHub Enterprise server (required if providing --github-auth-host) - Used for Github Auth GITHUB_AUTH_CA_CERT

See here for instructions on creating the necessary OAuth app on As per Concourse docs:

Note that the client must be created under an organization if you want to authorize users based on organization/team membership. In addition, the GitHub application must have at least read access on the organization's members. If the client is created under a personal account, only individual users can be authorized.

Note that if you configure GitHub Auth authenticated users will not be authorized to access pipelines in the main team unless one or more of the flags below is also provided.

Main Team GitHub Auth

Using any of the flags below without also setting GitHub Auth (above), or having done so on a previous deploy, will result in an error.

Flag Description Environment Variable
--main-team-github-users value Comma separated list of github users that are authorised for the main team MAIN_TEAM_GITHUB_USERS
--main-team-github-teams value Comma separated list of github teams that are authorised for the main team MAIN_TEAM_GITHUB_TEAMS
--main-team-github-orgs value Comma separated list of github orgs that are authorised for the main team MAIN_TEAM_GITHUB_ORGS


control-tower deploy \
  --iaas aws \
  --domain \
  --github-auth-client-id some-id \
  --github-auth-client-secret some-secret \
  --main-team-github-users "a-user,b-user" \
  --main-team-github-teams foo:bar \
  --main-team-github-orgs EngineerBetter \

Results in:

fly -t my-ci teams -d

name/role   users                                       groups
main/owner  github:a-user,github:b-user,local:admin     github:engineerbetter,github:foo:bar

Microsoft Auth

Flag Description Environment Variable
--microsoft-auth-client-id value Client ID for a microsoft OAuth application - Used for Microsoft Auth MICROSOFT_AUTH_CLIENT_ID
--microsoft-auth-client-secret value Client Secret for a microsoft OAuth application - Used for Microsoft Auth MICROSOFT_AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET
--microsoft-auth-tenant value Tenant for a microsoft OAuth application - Used for Microsoft Auth MICROSOFT_AUTH_TENANT

Custom Tagging

Flag Description Environment Variable
--add-tag key=value Add a tag to the VMs that form your control-tower deployment. Can be used multiple times in a single deploy command

Volatile Lifecycle VMs

Flag Description Environment Variable
--spot=value Use spot instances for workers. Can be true/false. Default is true SPOT
--preemptible=value Use preemptible instances for workers. Can be true/false. Default is true PREEMPTIBLE

Control Tower uses spot/preemptible instances for workers by default as a cost saving measure. Users requiring lower risk may switch this feature off by setting --spot=false.

Be aware the preemptible instances will go down at least once every 24 hours so deployments with only one worker will experience downtime with this feature enabled. BOSH will ressurect falled workers automatically.

spot and preemptible are interchangeable so if either of them is set to false then interruptible instances will not be used regardless of your IaaS. i.e:

# Results in an AWS deployment using non-spot workers
control-tower deploy --spot=true --preemptible=false <your-project-name>
# Results in an AWS deployment using non-spot workers
control-tower deploy --preemptible=false <your-project-name>
# Results in a GCP deployment using non-preemptible workers
control-tower deploy --iaas gcp --spot=false <your-project-name>

Availability Zone Selection

Flag Description Environment Variable
--zone Specify an availability zone ZONE

This cannot be changed after the initial deployment

Custom CIDR ranges

If any of the following 5 flags is set, all the required ones from this group need to be set (The rds ones are AWS-Specific)

Flag Description Environment Variable
--vpc-network-range value Customise the VPC network CIDR to deploy into
(required for AWS)
--public-subnet-range value Customise public network CIDR (if IAAS is AWS must be within --vpc-network-range)
--private-subnet-range value Customise private network CIDR (if IAAS is AWS must be within --vpc-network-range)
--rds-subnet-range1 value Customise first rds network CIDR (must be within --vpc-network-range)
(required for AWS)
--rds-subnet-range2 value Customise second rds network CIDR (must be within --vpc-network-range)
(required for AWS)

All the ranges above should be in the CIDR format of IPv4/Mask. The sizes can vary as long as vpc-network-range is big enough to contain all others (in case IAAS is AWS). The smallest CIDR for public and private subnets is a /28. The smallest CIDR for rds1 and rds2 subnets is a /29

Disable Colocated Metrics Stack

By default Control Tower colocates Grafana, Telegraf, and InfluxDB into the Concourse VMs. This can cause uneccessary resource usage if you don't use these features. It can be disabled with:

Flag Description Environment Variable
--no-metrics Don't deploy the metrics stack colocated on the web VM (default: true) NO_METRICS

In order to re-enable metrics after using this flag you need to deploy with --no-metrics=false.