Equistart WebDapp is the Web Interface to interact with your EVM compatible Equistart
For more info Refer to Equistart Org Page for:
- React-Native Mobile App.
- Equistart-Smart-Contracts.
and other important repositories
- Develop Basic framework with walletConnect feature (oplygon-testnet, optimism-testnet)
- Develop Token Minting Functionality through our Deployed Factory on polygon.
- Develop New Crowdsale Functionality with advance features.
- Develop DAO Functionality with Openzeppelin Governor and Timelock Controller.
Deadline: 29 March 2023 Scenario: Scaling Ethereum 2023
Technologies Adopted:
- React
- Solidity
- Openzeppelin
- Remix
- Truffle
- Web3.js
- ethers
- WalletConnect
- Polygon, Optimism, Celo.
- Metamask
- Research and Development on DeFi tools
- Reseach and Development of DAO Communication tools
- Reseach and Development of DAO Job boards.
- Deploy Equistart DAO to bootstrap the future of Equistart Protocol