Releases: Eranziel/foundryvtt-lancer
Releases · Eranziel/foundryvtt-lancer
- Pilot Sheet: Added macros for sending Talents and Mech Systems to chat. Starts #10.
- Hotbar: Add drag-to-hotbar macro creation for several items on Pilot and NPC sheets. Closes #53.
Bug Fixes
- Pilot Sheet: Fix bug preventing weapons from being added to Aux/Aux and Main/Aux mounts. Closes #83.
- Pilot Sheet: Fix bug causing weapons to become un-rollable after editing. Closes #86.
- Pilot Sheet: Fix bug causing History and Notes sections to flicker when hovering over edit button. Closes #87.
- Status Icons: Added white versions of status/condition icons for use on tokens.
- Status Icons: Fix an issue preventing status icons from being shown on Firefox.
- Everywhere: Hide default increment/decrement arrows on number inputs, which were causing issues. Some number inputs now use new, larger increment/decrement buttons. Partial fix for #48.
- Pilot Sheet: Add a core power toggle. Closes #52.
- Attack Macros: Add single-depth Overkill rerolling, and a button to roll another d6 if needed.
- Status Icons: Add status and condition icons from Comp/Con icon set. Closes #24.
Bug Fixes
- Pilot Sheet: Fixed an issue preventing Aux/Aux and Main/Aux mounts from being created. Closes #73.
- Pilot Sheet: Cloud import now properly sets the Actor name. Closes #79.
- Pilot Sheet: Fix drag-and-drop item sorting.
- NPC Sheet: Fixed a bug preventing NPC HASE macros from rolling. Closes #76.
- Compendiums: Fixed a bug causing modified items in the Lancer compendiums to prevent the system from loading properly. Closes #78.
- Compendium Manager: Removed the setting to create system-wide compendiums, which caused issues with pilot imports. Closes #80.
Hotfix to correct new issue with pilot sheet not loading.
- Pilot Sheet: Move the cloud sync tab to leftmost, rename to "RM-4://SYNC" to mirror Comp/Con UI.
- Pilot Sheet: Record and display the last time the pilot was downloaded from cloud save.
Bug Fixes
- LCP Import: It's finally here! The Lancer Compendium Manager is your new friend for building/updating Compendiums with Lancer core data and LCPs. Closes #15.
- Comp/Con Cloud Save Import: Pilots can now pull data from a Comp/Con cloud share code, automatically building the pilot and their mech (except for weapons) and calculating stats. Partial work for #23.
Bug Fixes
- NPC Sheet: Fix bug where ranges weren't shown on NPC weapon previews. Closes #68.
- Updated Foundry Core compatibility version to 0.6.6.
- Standardized a lot of sheet components to make appearance and future development better.
- Changed default grid distance and unit to 1 unitless, instead of 10 feet.
- Greatly reduced the file size of the faction logos.
- Mech Systems/Weapons: Added effects rendering for all effect types currently supported in Comp/Con. They are rendered on pilot sheet and in chat when a weapon macro is used. Closes #22.
- Mech Systems: Added editability for Basic, AI, Bonus, and Charge-type effects.
- Frame Sheet: Improve appearance and editability of Frame sheet. Core system description, passive effect, and active effect can now all be edited even if not currently present on the Frame.
Bug Fixes
- Pilot Sheet: Fixed custom frames (user-created Item) not showing their name on pilot sheets. Closes #57.
- Usability: Removed functionality which deleted weapons or systems from a Pilot on right-click. Closes #56.
- Tokens: Fixed a bug which caused NPC and Deployable prototype token images to be overwritten when the parent sheet image was changed. Closes #61.
- Macros: Character sheet macro rollers now always use the sheet's Actor as the speaker.
Bug Fixes
- Macros: Add "Cancel" button to accuracy prompt. Clicking cancel or closing the prompt will abort the roll. Closes #45.
- Macros: Fix NPC weapon macros, closes #47.
- Frame sheet: Fixed adding traits and mounts, closes #44. (Thanks, Grygon!)
- NPCs: New NPCs start at 0 heat, closes #49.
- NPCs: Increase NPC class sheet default width, part of #48.
- Macros: Add HASE macro buttons to mech tab of pilot sheet, closes #54.
- Macros: Add NPC tech attack macros.
- Pilot sheet: Render charge effects in systems previews, closes #46. (Thanks, Grygon!)
- Frame sheet: Improve core system editability.
- NPC Features: Add support for all feature types to feature sheet and NPC sheet, closes #36.