This mod enhances fighting, by adding one-hit-kill-items and kill streak announcements
Unzip the module files (files tab, "PA Files v*..") into the /pvparena/files folder and install them via
/pa modules install [modname]
, activate per arena via/pa [arenaname] !tm [modname]
Apart from the obvious config settings, there are the sounds settings. You can set those nodes to a string value that represents a bukkit ENUM, here is the link:
Case does not matter :)
- usemessages - display killstreak messages
- onehititems - the words that shall define one hit kill items
- resetkillstreakondeath - should a player being killed start from scratch?
- explodeondeath - create a little boom when being killed
/pa [arena] !bf messages [number] [message]
- set message for [number]th kill/pa [arena] !bf items [items]
- set an item string to add deadly items ("fireball,snowball,arrow")/pa [arena] !bf reset
- toggle killstreakondeath reset