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How can I use CodeChecker parse in docker codechecker-web:latest #3201

Answered by csordasmarton
CPythoner asked this question in Q&A
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@CPythoner The codechecker-web image is built only from the web part of the CodeChecker. The CodeChecker parse command can be found in the analyze part, so this image doesn't support running this command inside a container.

The main purpose of this image is to run a CodeChecker web server. You can create an build your own image based on our Dockerfile.
In this file you should change this line:

RUN make -C /codechecker/web package

to this one to build the whole CodeChecker:
RUN make -C /codechecker package

You also have to install other dependencies such as gcc to build the logger and you also have to install analyzers…

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This discussion was converted from issue #3200 on February 20, 2021 08:29.