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File metadata and controls

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A .Net API client for Optimizely Content delivery API, with a focus on resilience and performance.
Makes it simple to fetch content and map the content to your strongly types models. It can be used in a "headless" solution that fetch content from Optimizely CMS. For example an externally hosted Blazor web app.

Key features

  • Fetch content by url or content identifier (Id or GUID), get children or anscestors. Matches the endpoints in Content API v3
  • Easily map your view models with the CMS content models by using a class attribute.
  • Makes sure content is always returned quickly. If expired content can't be refreshed within x milliseconds, the expired content is returned.
  • You manage where you want the content to be cached by implementing IContentCache.
  • Implements a simple cuircuit breaker, so that the CMS is not hammered with requests if repeating errors occurs.
  • Works when doing on-page editing in Optimizely CMS.

How to use

  • Enable Content Delivery API on your Optimizely CMS.
  • Add OptiContentClient nuget to your delivery web app.
  • Add viewmodels in your delivery app that map your CMS content models.
  • Implement IContentCache to enable caching of content.
  • Start fetching content!

Enable Content Delivery API in you CMS app

Add EPiServer.ContentDeliveryApi.Cms, and add configuration in ConfigureServices in Startup.cs:

services.AddContentDeliveryApi(options =>

services.Configure<EPiServer.ContentApi.Core.Configuration.ContentApiOptions>(options =>
    options.FlattenPropertyModel = false; // Must be false for OptiContent to work
    options.IncludeEmptyContentProperties = false;
    options.IncludeMasterLanguage = false;
    options.ExpandedBehavior = ExpandedLanguageBehavior.RequestedLanguage;

Set up the delivery app

Add OptiContentClient nuget to your delivery app, and add the url to your CMS in your configuration (appsettings.json):

  "CmsApiBaseUri": ""

Configure OptiContent service in Program.cs:

//optional, but highly recommended to implement IContentCache  
builder.Services.AddSingleton<IContentCache, MemoryContentCache>(); 

builder.Services.AddOptiContentClient(new ContentClientOptions
    BaseUrl = builder.Configuration["CmsApiBaseUri"] ?? throw new ConfigurationErrorsException("Missing CmsApiBaseUri in configuration.")


  • BaseUrl - Url to CMS
  • CacheSoftTtlSeconds - Content will be considered expired after this, and new content will be fetched from CMS.
  • CacheHardTtlSeconds - How long the content will be stored in the cache (expired or not).
  • TimeoutMilliseconds - Number of milliseconds to wait when fetching content from CMS.
  • FailedFetchLimit - Will not try to make any more requests to the CMS if there are repeating failures during a short period.

View models

You define your view models and connect them to the CMS content model with a class attribute. These are the view models that you will use on your Page components.
Example models:

public class MyBasePage : Content
    public PropertyString MetaTitle { get; set; }
    public PropertyString MetaDescription { get; set; }

[CmsContentType("StandardPage")] //this connects your view model with the CMS page type called "StandardPage"
public class MyStandardPage : MyBasePage
    public PropertyString MainBody { get; set; }
    public PropertyString TestString { get; set; }
    public PropertyContentArea MainContentArea { get; set; }

Fetch content

ContentService returns a ContentContainer object that holds some meta data and typed content items.

//_contentService = OptiContentClient.Services.ContentService

var contentContainer = await _contentService.GetContentByPath(pathAndQuery);

// "105" = page id (could also be page guid), "sv" = language.
var childrenArray = (await contentService.GetChildren("105","sv")).Content 


OptiContentClient implements a stale-while-revalidate cache. Meaning that content will always be returned quickly from cache. If content is expired it will be updated in a background thread, and the new request will get content fresh from the CMS. The cache has two expiration times; a "soft time to live", and a "hard time to live". Soft TTL is when content is considered expired, and new content will be fetched from CMS. Hard TTL is how long the content will be stored in the cache (expired or not). This means that if new content can't be fetched from CMS for some reason, previously fetched content will be returned.
Once content have been stored in the cache you could switch off the CMS and your delivery web app would continue to work.

It's up to you to enable where content should be cached by implementing IContentCache. Here is an example of how that can be done using the regular .Net MemoryCache.
For a truly resilient content cache you could also use a persistent cache, like Redis.

using Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory;
using OptiContentClient;
using OptiContentClient.Models;

public class MemoryContentCache : IContentCache
    private readonly IMemoryCache _memoryCache;

    public MemoryContentCache(IMemoryCache memoryCache)
        _memoryCache = memoryCache;

    public async Task<ContentContainer?> Get(string key)
        return _memoryCache.TryGetValue(key, out ContentContainer? contentContainer) ? contentContainer : null;

    public async Task Set(string key, ContentContainer contentContainer, TimeSpan expiresAfter)
        _memoryCache.Set(key, contentContainer, expiresAfter);

Detailed flow when fetching content

flowchart TD
    App[Your app] -->|Give me content!| A 
    A -.->|Result| App
    A[OptiContentClient] --> C{Is content <br>in cache?}
    C -.->|Yes, return<br> cached content| A
    C -->|Yes| D{Is content <br>still valid?}
    D -->|No, update cache in background thread| RF{Repeating <br>failure?}
    RF -->|No, fetch from CMS| FF{Failure or time-out <br>when fetching?}
    FF -->|No| AC2[Add to cache]
    C --->|No, Get from CMS| RF2{Repeating <br> failure?}
    RF2 -->|Yes| RFail(Return failure) 
    RFail -.-> A
    RF2 -->|No, fetch from CMS| FF2{Failure or time-out <br>when fetching?} 
    FF2 -->|Yes| RFail 
    FF2 -->|No| AC(Add to cache<br>and return content)
    AC -.-> A
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