A Terraform module can call other modules to include their resources into the configuration. A module that has been called by another module is often referred to as a child module. Child modules can be called multiple times within the same configuration, and multiple configurations can use the same child module.
- alb_target_group - creates and configures Application Load Balancer target group
- ansible_playbook - runs Ansible playbook on EC2 instances
- bootstrap - installs or upgrades Cinc Client and Chef Cookbooks for ArcGIS on EC2 instances
- clean_up - deletes files in specific directories on EC2 instances
- cw_agent - configures CloudWatch agent on the deployment EC2 instances
- dashboard - creates CloudWatch dashboard for deployment monitoring
- efs_mount - mounts EFS file system targets on EC2 instances in a deployment
- run_chef - runs Cinc Client in local mode on EC2 instances
- s3_copy_files - copies files from local file system, public URLs, and, My Esri repository to S3 bucket
- security_group - creates and configures EC2 security group for a deployment
- site_core_info - retrieves names and Ids of core AWS resources from AWS Systems Manager parameters