The Terraform modules and Packer templates use python scripts to invoke AWS and ArcGIS web services.
The scripts require Python 3.8 or later with AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) package installed.
The scripts retrieve AWS credentials and region from environment variables:
- AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID - an AWS access key associated with an AWS IAM account
- AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY - the secret key associated with the access key
- AWS_DEFAULT_REGION - code of the default AWS region
My Esri Downloads API repository client.
Queries the Esri patch notification service for patches for a given set of products and versions.
Retrieves AMI Id from packer-manifest.json file and saves in SSM parameter.
python -m publish_artifact [-h] [-p PARAMETER] [-f MANIFEST] [-r PACKER_RUN_UUID]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PARAMETER SSM parameter name
-f MANIFEST packer-manifest.json file path
Copies files from local file system, public URLs, and, My Esri, and ArcGIS patch repositories to S3 bucket.
python -m s3_copy_files [-h] [-b BUCKET_NAME] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] -f FILES
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-b BUCKET_NAME S3 bucket name
-u USERNAME My Esri user name
-p PASSWORD My Esri user password
-f FILES Index JSON file path
My Esri credentials can alo be specified with environment variables:
- ARCGIS_ONLINE_USERNAME - My Esri user name
- ARCGIS_ONLINE_PASSWORD - My Esri user password
Refer to the repository index JSON file format for the JSON file specification.
Runs <site id>-bootstrap
SSM command on EC2 instances in a deployment with specified roles.
python -m ssm_bootstrap [-h] [-s SITE_ID] [-d DEPLOYMENT_ID] [-m MACHINE_ROLES] [-c CHEF_CLIENT_URL] [-k CHEF_COOKBOOKS_URL] [-b S3_BUCKET]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SITE_ID ArcGIS Enterprise site Id
-d DEPLOYMENT_ID ArcGIS Enterprise deployment Id
-m MACHINE_ROLES Machine roles
-c CHEF_CLIENT_URL Chef client URL
-k CHEF_COOKBOOKS_URL Chef cookbooks URL
-b S3_BUCKET Output S3 bucket
Runs <site id>-clean-up
SSM command on EC2 instances of a deployment in certain roles.
python -m ssm_clean_up [-h] [-s SITE_ID] [-d DEPLOYMENT_ID] [-m MACHINE_ROLES] [-p SYSPREP] [-u UNINSTALL_CHEF_CLIENT] [-f DIRECTORIES] [-b S3_BUCKET]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SITE_ID ArcGIS Enterprise site Id
-d DEPLOYMENT_ID ArcGIS Enterprise deployment Id
-m MACHINE_ROLES Machine roles
-p SYSPREP Run sysprep script
Uninstall Chef/Cinc Client
-f DIRECTORIES Comma-separated list of local directories to clean up
-b S3_BUCKET Output S3 bucket
Runs AmazonCloudWatch-ManageAgent SSM command on all EC2 instances in a deployment.
python -m ssm_cloudwatch_config [-h] [-s SITE_ID] [-d DEPLOYMENT_ID] [-p PARAMETER] [-b S3_BUCKET]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SITE_ID ArcGIS Enterprise site Id
-d DEPLOYMENT_ID ArcGIS Enterprise deployment Id
-p PARAMETER SSM parameter name with CloudWatch agent configuration JSON
-b S3_BUCKET Output S3 bucket
Runs <site id>-efs-mount
SSM command on EC2 instances in a deployment with specified roles.
python -m ssm_efs_mount [-h] [-s SITE_ID] [-d DEPLOYMENT_ID] [-m MACHINE_ROLES] [-i FILE_SYSTEM_ID] [-p MOUNT_POINT] [-b S3_BUCKET]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SITE_ID ArcGIS Enterprise site Id
-d DEPLOYMENT_ID ArcGIS Enterprise deployment Id
-m MACHINE_ROLES Machine roles
-i FILE_SYSTEM_ID EFS file system Id
-p MOUNT_POINT Mount point
-b S3_BUCKET Output S3 bucket
Runs <site id>-install-awscli
SSM command on EC2 instances in a deployment with specified roles.
python -m ssm_install_awscli [-h] [-s SITE_ID] [-d DEPLOYMENT_ID] [-m MACHINE_ROLES] [-b S3_BUCKET]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SITE_ID ArcGIS Enterprise site Id
-d DEPLOYMENT_ID ArcGIS Enterprise deployment Id
-m MACHINE_ROLES Machine roles
-b S3_BUCKET Output S3 bucket
Runs AWS-ConfigureAWSPackage SSM command on EC2 instances in a deployment with specified roles.
python -m ssm_package [-h] [-s SITE_ID] [-d DEPLOYMENT_ID] [-m MACHINE_ROLES] [-p PACKAGE] [-v VERSION] [-b S3_BUCKET]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SITE_ID ArcGIS Enterprise site Id
-d DEPLOYMENT_ID ArcGIS Enterprise deployment Id
-m MACHINE_ROLES Machine roles
-p PACKAGE AWS Package Manager package name
-v VERSION AWS Package Manager package version
-b S3_BUCKET Output S3 bucket
The script runs Chef Client in solo mode on EC2 instances of a deployment.
The script retrieves the Chef JSON attributes from the JSON_ATTRIBUTES environment variable and puts them into SecureString SSM parameter specified by json_attributes_parameter command line argument. To execute Chef Client the script runs <site id>-run-chef
SSM command on EC2 instances of the deployment in the specified machine roles, waits for all the command invocations to complete, retrieves from S3 and prints outputs of the command invocations.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SITE_ID Site Id
-d DEPLOYMENT_ID Deployment Id
-m MACHINE_ROLES Machine roles
SSM parameter name of role attributes
-b S3_BUCKET Output S3 bucket
-e EXECUTION_TIMEOUT Execution timeout (seconds)
Helper functions used by scripts that run SSM commands:
- wait_for_target_instances() - Wait until the target EC2 instances status is 'online'.
- wait_for_command_invocations() - Wait for the command invocations to complete.
- print_command_output() - Retrieve from S3 and prints outputs of the command invocations.
Waits for target SSM managed EC2 instances to become available.
python -m ssm_wait_for_target_instances [-h] [-s SITE_ID] [-d DEPLOYMENT_ID] [-m MACHINE_ROLES]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SITE_ID ArcGIS Enterprise site Id
-d DEPLOYMENT_ID ArcGIS Enterprise deployment Id
-m MACHINE_ROLES Machine roles
Tests the AWS credentials configured in the system by accessing the specified S3 bucket.
python -m test_aws_credentials [-h] [-b S3_BUCKET]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-b S3_BUCKET Output S3 bucket
ArcGIS Online token service client.