Attribute description as field.
Property | Type | Description |
geometryType | string | The type of primitive. Only points are supported for point cloud scene layer. Must be:
header | [] | The header in binary buffers. Currently not supported for point cloud scene layer. |
topology | string | This property is currently *ignored for point cloud scene layer since it only contains geometry position without vertex attributes. Must be:
encoding | string | Only 'lepcc-xyz' compression is currently supported. Must be:
ordering | string[] | Currently the geometry contains XYZ only, so vertex attribute must only list 'position'. Possible values for each array string:
vertexAttributes | vertexAttributes | The vertex buffer description. |
Note: properties in bold are required
"geometryType": "points",
"header": [],
"topology": "PerAttributeArray",
"encoding": "lepcc-xyz",
"vertexAttributes": {
"position": {
"valueType": "Float64",
"valuesPerElement": 3
"ordering": [