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The Fulton County Grand <unk> said Friday an investigation of Atlanta 's recent primary election produced no evidence that any irregularities took place . 1304.391177076602
The jury further said in <unk> <unk> that the City Executive Committee , which had over-all charge of the election , deserves the praise and thanks of the City of Atlanta for the manner in which the election was conducted . 220.8002126711519
The <unk> term jury had been charged by Fulton Superior Court Judge <unk> <unk> to investigate reports of possible irregularities in the <unk> primary which was won by <unk> Ivan Allen Jr. Only a relative handful of such reports was received , the jury said , considering the widespread interest in the election , the number of voters and the size of this city . 466.77659053319275
The jury said it did find that many of Georgia 's registration and election laws are <unk> or inadequate and often ambiguous . 405.7496820355691
It recommended that Fulton legislators act to have these laws studied and revised to the end of <unk> and improving them . 402.0254888940091
The grand jury commented on a number of other topics , among them the Atlanta and Fulton County purchasing departments which it said are well operated and follow generally accepted practices which <unk> to the best interest of both governments . 570.6141640801354
<unk> <unk> However , the jury said it believes these two offices should be combined to achieve greater efficiency and reduce the cost of administration . 300.22988540211634
The City <unk> Department , the jury said , is lacking in experienced clerical personnel as a result of city personnel policies . 418.20622831277683
It urged that the city take steps to remedy this problem . 336.22815858259673
<unk> of Georgia 's automobile title law was also recommended by the outgoing jury . 565.2021011567493
It urged that the next Legislature provide enabling funds and <unk> the effective date so that an orderly implementation of the law may be effected . 388.51801554740797
The grand jury took a <unk> at the State Welfare Department 's handling of federal funds granted for child welfare services in foster homes . 1142.208917301287
This is one of the major items in the Fulton County general assistance program , the jury said , but the State Welfare Department has seen fit to distribute these funds through the welfare departments of all the counties in the state with the exception of Fulton County , which receives none of this money . 331.0919428432115
The jurors said they realize a proportionate distribution of these funds might <unk> this program in our less populous counties . 618.1808146611025
Nevertheless , we feel that in the future Fulton County should receive some portion of these available funds , the jurors said . 308.99879983167847
Failure to do this will continue to place a <unk> burden on Fulton taxpayers . 389.0485621394395
The jury also commented on the Fulton ordinary 's court which has been under fire for its practices in the appointment of <unk> , guardians and administrators and the <unk> of fees and compensation . 295.1655528248081
<unk> <unk> The jury said it found the court has incorporated into its operating procedures the recommendations of two previous grand <unk> , the Atlanta Bar Association and an interim citizens committee . 496.02066659551815
These actions should serve to protect in fact and in effect the court 's <unk> from undue costs and its appointed and elected servants from <unk> criticisms , the jury said . 462.4956120571376
<unk> Atlanta 's new <unk> airport , the jury recommended that when the new management takes charge Jan 1 the airport be operated in a manner that will eliminate political influences . 681.1879523474612
The jury did not elaborate , but it added that there should be periodic surveillance of the pricing practices of the concessionaires for the purpose of keeping the prices reasonable . 262.31559699116673
<unk> <unk> <unk> On other matters , the jury recommended that 1 Four additional deputies be employed at the Fulton County <unk> and a doctor , medical <unk> or <unk> be employed for night and weekend duty at the jail . 393.82580238016857
2 Fulton legislators work with city officials to pass enabling legislation that will permit the establishment of a fair and equitable pension plan for city employes . 1464.2157673107283
The jury praised the administration and operation of the Atlanta Police Department , the Fulton Tax Commissioner 's Office , the <unk> and <unk> prison farms , Grady Hospital and the Fulton Health Department . 725.8488722489315
Mayor William B Hartsfield filed suit for divorce from his wife , Pearl Williams Hartsfield , in Fulton Superior Court Friday . 3425.269675418706
His petition charged mental cruelty . 4944.844610049882
The couple was married Aug 2 , 1913 . 591.3421792720836
They have a son , William Berry Jr , and a daughter , Mrs J M <unk> of Griffin . 267.28591269584194
<unk> for the mayor said that an <unk> property settlement has been agreed upon . 352.1141912352365
The petition listed the mayor 's occupation as attorney and his age as 71 . 766.3141347351246
It listed his wife 's age as 74 and place of birth as <unk> , Ala . 316.17113537993833
The petition said that the couple has not lived together as man and wife for more than a year . 219.02609233525854
The Hartsfield home is at <unk> E Pelham <unk> NE . 751.4806727308604
Henry L <unk> was listed on the petition as the mayor 's attorney . 272.88901694424436
Hartsfield has been mayor of Atlanta , with exception of one brief <unk> , since 1937 . 522.4751484422819
His political career goes back to his election to city council in 1923 . 714.5783034283963
The mayor 's present term of office <unk> Jan 1 . 508.1042719751041
He will be succeeded by Ivan Allen Jr , who became a candidate in the Sept 13 primary after Mayor Hartsfield announced that he would not run for <unk> . 559.7066362410653
Georgia Republicans are getting strong encouragement to enter a candidate in the 1962 governor 's race , a top official said Wednesday . 1213.3150626757222
Robert <unk> , state GOP chairman , said a meeting held Tuesday night in Blue Ridge brought enthusiastic responses from the audience . 1356.900244311625
State Party Chairman James W <unk> added that enthusiasm was picking up for a state rally to be held Sept 8 in Savannah at which newly elected Texas Sen John <unk> will be the featured speaker . 1527.461344776148
In the Blue Ridge meeting , the audience was warned that entering a candidate for governor would force it to take petitions out into voting precincts to obtain the signatures of registered voters . 793.2507656785051
Despite the warning , there was a unanimous vote to enter a candidate , according to Republicans who attended . 280.61210623597174
When the crowd was asked whether it wanted to wait one more term to make the race , it voted <unk> and there were no <unk> . 136.5820070354515
The largest <unk> the Republicans would have to face is a state law which says that before making a first race , one of two alternative courses must be taken 1 . 271.01916363656085
Five per cent of the voters in each county must sign petitions requesting that the Republicans be allowed to place names of candidates on the general election ballot , or 2 . 702.8731519668934
The Republicans must hold a primary under the county unit system- a system which the party <unk> in its platform . 360.7192815946819
Sam Caldwell , State Highway Department public relations director , resigned Tuesday to work for Lt Gov Garland Byrd 's campaign . 4379.136063338591
Caldwell 's resignation had been expected for some time . 388.87308915141455
He will be succeeded by Rob <unk> of <unk> , who has been an assistant more than three years . 122.92548618677738
When the gubernatorial campaign starts , Caldwell is expected to become a campaign coordinator for Byrd . 708.486512938586
The Georgia Legislature will wind up its 1961 session Monday and head for <unk> where some of the highway bond money it approved will follow shortly . 1127.9566734582759
Before adjournment Monday afternoon , the Senate is expected to approve a study of the number of legislators allotted to rural and urban areas to determine what adjustments should be made . 395.95206576273927
Gov Vandiver is expected to make the traditional visit to both chambers as they work toward adjournment . 681.5041909036177
Vandiver likely will mention the 100 million highway bond issue approved earlier in the session as his first priority item . 1472.7790836807717
<unk> <unk> Meanwhile , it was learned the State Highway Department is very near being ready to issue the first 30 million worth of highway reconstruction bonds . 783.8106562236753
The bond issue will go to the state courts for a friendly test suit to test the validity of the act , and then the sales will begin and contracts let for repair work on some of Georgia 's most heavily traveled highways . 453.64729294951985
A Highway Department source said there also is a plan there to issue some 3 million to 4 million worth of Rural <unk> Authority bonds for rural road construction work . 1464.6259367266473
A <unk> <unk> The department apparently intends to make the Rural <unk> Authority a revolving fund under which new bonds would be issued every time a portion of the old ones are paid off by tax authorities . 445.92727476937216
Vandiver opened his race for governor in 1958 with a battle in the Legislature against the issuance of 50 million worth of additional rural roads bonds proposed by then Gov Marvin Griffin . 1142.2446440562405
The Highway Department source told The Constitution , however , that Vandiver has not been consulted yet about the plans to issue the new rural roads bonds . 732.7942939267064
<unk> County Rep B D Pelham will offer a resolution Monday in the House to <unk> the body 's action of Friday in voting itself a 10 per day increase in expense allowances . 932.4144808224603
Pelham said Sunday night there was research being done on whether the <unk> vote on the increase can be <unk> outright or whether notice would have to first be given that reconsideration of the action would be sought . 357.6188981869181
While <unk> that technical details were not fully worked out , Pelham said his resolution would seek to set aside the privilege resolution which the House voted through <unk> . 582.1575923668288
A similar resolution passed in the Senate by a vote of <unk> . 160.19351855638715
As of Sunday night , there was no word of a resolution being offered there to <unk> the action . 168.05221262216452
Pelham pointed out that Georgia voters last November rejected a constitutional amendment to allow legislators to vote on pay raises for future Legislature sessions . 3533.889339704125
A veteran Jackson County legislator will ask the Georgia House Monday to back federal aid to education , something it has consistently opposed in the past . 865.2467885998499
Rep <unk> Barber of Commerce is asking the House in a privilege resolution to endorse increased federal support for public education , provided that such funds be received and expended as state funds . 970.5626526329812
Barber , who is in his 13th year as a legislator , said there are some members of our congressional delegation in Washington who would like to see it the resolution passed . 381.8646213563299
But he added that none of Georgia 's congressmen specifically asked him to offer the resolution . 279.32565405764194
The resolution , which Barber tossed into the House <unk> Friday , will be formally read Monday . 567.8831004549938
It says that in the event Congress does provide this increase in federal funds , the State Board of Education should be directed to give priority to teacher pay raises . 455.93049254530126
<unk> - After a long , hot controversy , Miller County has a new school superintendent , elected , as a policeman put it , in the <unk> election I ever saw in this county . 335.7053974411815
The new school superintendent is Harry Davis , a veteran agriculture teacher , who defeated Felix Bush , a school principal and chairman of the Miller County Democratic Executive Committee . 1176.8162530974369
Davis received <unk> votes in Saturday 's election , and Bush got <unk> . 455.9436868279756
Ordinary Carey Williams , armed with a pistol , stood by at the polls to insure order . 688.8485164436355
This was the <unk> , <unk> election I ever saw , <unk> <unk> Tom Williams said . 154.2187063727593
Being at the polls was just like being at church . 300.128718991683
I did n't smell a drop of liquor , and we did n't have a bit of trouble . 95.87834894306732
The campaign leading to the election was not so quiet , however . 190.32639367656307
It was marked by controversy , anonymous midnight phone calls and veiled threats of violence . 1411.3657347422807
The former county school superintendent , George P <unk> , shot himself to death March 18 , four days after he resigned his post in a dispute with the county school board . 573.1104207665935
During the election campaign , both candidates , Davis and Bush , reportedly received anonymous telephone calls . 993.9906512461869
Ordinary Williams said he , too , was subjected to anonymous calls soon after he scheduled the election . 752.9858709491616
Many local citizens feared that there would be irregularities at the polls , and Williams got himself a permit to carry a gun and promised an orderly election . 676.0320104362822
<unk> Felix <unk> said the ordinary apparently made good his promise . 566.2087358958091
Everything went real smooth , the sheriff said . 817.3694477385812
There was n't a bit of trouble . 54.88551542753476
AUSTIN , TEXAS - Committee approval of Gov Price Daniel 's abandoned property act seemed certain Thursday despite the <unk> protests of Texas bankers . 3045.5371460642705
Daniel personally led the fight for the measure , which he had watered down considerably since its rejection by two previous <unk> , in a public hearing before the House Committee on Revenue and <unk> . 323.2060118744593
Under committee rules , it went automatically to a subcommittee for one week . 550.6594181146544
But questions with which committee members <unk> bankers appearing as witnesses left little doubt that they will recommend passage of it . 1195.091739650097
Daniel termed extremely conservative his estimate that it would produce 17 million dollars to help <unk> an anticipated deficit of 63 million dollars at the end of the current fiscal year next Aug 31 . 1122.0515986341015
He told the committee the measure would merely provide means of enforcing the <unk> law which has been on the books since Texas was a republic . 296.2058356775671
It permits the state to take over bank accounts , stocks and other personal property of persons missing for seven years or more . 657.846954600052
The bill , which Daniel said he drafted personally , would force banks , insurance firms , pipeline companies and other corporations to report such property to the state treasurer . 817.8776824827335
The <unk> law can not be enforced now because it is almost impossible to locate such property , Daniel declared . 246.3506669193086
<unk> Lawrence , a <unk> lawyer representing the Texas Bankers Association , sounded the opposition keynote when he said it would force banks to violate their contractual obligations with <unk> and undermine the confidence of bank customers . 727.7483372412482
If you destroy confidence in banks , you do something to the economy , he said . 169.58304584287495
You take out of circulation many millions of dollars . 536.6015633814837
Rep Charles E Hughes of Sherman , sponsor of the bill , said a failure to enact it would amount to making a gift out of the taxpayers ' pockets to banks , insurance and pipeline companies . 648.1809453712222
His contention was denied by several bankers , including Scott Hudson of Sherman , <unk> B Jones of Houston , J B <unk> of <unk> and Howard Cox of Austin . 506.8114316349157
Cox argued that the bill is probably <unk> since , he said , it would impair contracts . 318.2324464390987
He also complained that not enough notice was given on the hearing , since the bill was introduced only last Monday . 325.27098833879097
AUSTIN , TEXAS - Senators unanimously approved Thursday the bill of Sen George Parkhouse of Dallas authorizing establishment of day schools for the deaf in Dallas and the four other largest counties . 1978.8281240396675
The bill is designed to provide special schooling for more deaf students in the scholastic age at a reduced cost to the state . 391.21287539816143
There was no debate as the Senate passed the bill on to the House . 183.6737177764139
It would authorize the Texas Education Agency to establish <unk> day schools for the deaf in counties of 300,000 or more population , require deaf children between 6 and 13 years of age to attend the day schools , permitting older ones to attend the residential Texas School for the <unk> here . 782.6514606027498
Operating budget for the day schools in the five counties of Dallas , Harris , <unk> , <unk> and El Paso would be <unk> , which would be a savings of <unk> yearly after the first year 's capital <unk> of <unk> was absorbed , Parkhouse told the Senate . 210.43607807350617
The <unk> estimated there would be <unk> <unk> to attend the day school in Dallas County , saving them from coming to Austin to live in the state deaf school . 270.8140664581118
<unk> MAY GET to hear a debate on horse race <unk> soon between <unk> V E Red Berry and Joe <unk> . 1204.7226117125292
While details are still be to worked out , <unk> said he expects to tell home folks in Dallas why he thinks Berry 's proposed constitutional amendment should be rejected . 1018.3369181109076
We 're getting more <unk> ' letters than <unk> ' on horse race <unk> , said <unk> . 308.24606809673753
But I believe if people were better informed on this question , most of them would oppose it also . 244.85762742058253
I 'm willing to stake my political career on it . 336.8666542185478
Rep Berry , an <unk> from San Antonio , got elected on his <unk> of <unk> on the <unk> . 188.74392401297177
A House committee which heard his local option proposal is expected to give it a favorable report , although the resolution faces hard <unk> later . 618.8459746090911
THE HOUSE passed finally , and sent to the Senate , a bill extending the State Health Department 's authority to give planning assistance to cities . 650.1873002832144
THE <unk> quickly whipped through its <unk> fare of House bills approved by committees , passing the three on the calendar . 777.0241796821077
One <unk> acts of school districts . 208.26133140761246
Another enlarged authority of the <unk> <unk> District . 209.70340208148085
The third amended the enabling act for creation of the <unk> county Hospital District , for which a special constitutional amendment previously was adopted . 754.1576361854222
WITHOUT <unk> , senators passed a bill by Sen A R Schwartz of <unk> authorizing establishment in the future of a school for the mentally retarded in the Gulf Coast district . 718.6469885310838
Money for its construction will be sought later on but in the meantime the State Hospital board can accept gifts and <unk> of a site . 531.655235853292
TWO TAX <unk> bills were passed . 779.7416851249403
One , by Sen Louis <unk> of San <unk> , would aid more than 17,000 retailers who pay a group of miscellaneous excise taxes by eliminating the requirement that each return be <unk> . 595.5310009919874
Instead , retailers would sign a certificate of <unk> , violation of which would carry a penalty of one to five years in prison , plus a 1,000 fine . 328.9012935761701
It was one of a series of recommendations by the Texas Research League . 162.16780773319732
THE OTHER <unk> , by Sen A M <unk> Jr of Paris , would relieve real estate brokers , who pay their own annual licensing fee , from the 12 annual occupation license on brokers in such as stocks and bonds . 1009.1233896141443
NATURAL <unk> public utility companies would be given the right of eminent domain , under a bill by Sen Frank Owen /3 , of El Paso , to acquire sites for underground storage <unk> for gas . 957.3128339411784
<unk> <unk> of <unk> , former chairman of the Texas Highway Commission , suggested a plan to fill by appointment future <unk> in the Legislature and Congress , eliminating the need for costly special elections . 380.68503766589214
Under <unk> 's plan , an <unk> would be selected by a board composed of the governor , lieutenant governor , speaker of the House , attorney general and chief justice of the Texas Supreme Court . 313.3194376017957
AUSTIN , TEXAS - State representatives decided Thursday against taking a poll on what kind of taxes Texans would prefer to pay . 1686.700494426708
An adverse vote of 81 to 65 kept in the State Affairs Committee a bill which would order the <unk> on the April 4 ballot , when Texas votes on a US senator . 754.3706609687075
Rep <unk> Roberts of <unk> , sponsor of the poll idea , said that further delay in the committee can kill the bill . 398.24216817622226
The West Texan reported that he had finally gotten Chairman Bill <unk> of the committee to set it for public hearing on Feb 22 . 704.509924609728
The proposal would have to receive final legislative approval , by two-thirds <unk> , before March 1 to be printed on the April 4 ballot , Roberts said . 500.9215361806859
<unk> generally argued that the ballot could n't give enough information about tax proposals for the voters to make an intelligent choice . 534.1669249918189
All Dallas members voted with Roberts , except Rep Bill Jones , who was absent . 1310.5930527917783
AUSTIN , TEXAS - Paradise lost to the alleged water needs of Texas ' big cities Thursday . 1724.4338906775758
Rep James Cotten of <unk> insisted that a water development bill passed by the Texas House of Representatives was an effort by big cities like Dallas and Fort <unk> to cover up places like Paradise , a <unk> County <unk> of 250 people . 742.8615272154334
When the shouting ended , the bill passed , <unk> to 4 , sending it to the Senate , where a similar proposal is being sponsored by Sen George Parkhouse of Dallas . 352.24857229969626
Most of the fire was directed by Cotten against Dallas and Sen Parkhouse . 673.1518718699649
The bill would increase from <unk> to <unk> the maximum loan the state could make to a local water project . 218.15213569244196
Cotten construed this as a veiled effort by Parkhouse to help Dallas and other large cities get money which Cotten felt could better be spent providing water for rural Texas . 2708.9976855339833
<unk> by other legislators that Dallas is paying for all its water program by local bonds , and that less populous places would benefit most by the pending bill , did not sway Cotten 's attack . 773.3654981101655
The bill 's defenders were mostly small-town legislators like J W <unk> of <unk> , <unk> <unk> de la <unk> of Mission , Sam F Collins of Newton and Joe Chapman of <unk> Springs . 628.4771783357374
This is a poor boy 's bill , said Chapman . 311.52038432437314
Dallas and Fort <unk> can vote bonds . 1204.880756743565
This would help the little <unk> districts . 86.29891187887306
AUSTIN , TEXAS - A Houston teacher , now serving in the Legislature , proposed Thursday a law reducing the time spent learning educational methods . 1212.9542358048889
Rep Henry C Grover , who teaches history in the Houston public schools , would reduce from 24 to 12 semester hours the so-called teaching methods courses required to obtain a junior or senior high school teaching certificate . 1733.0508977480597
A normal year 's work in college is 30 semester hours . 718.5252910559026
Grover also would require <unk> high teachers to have at least 24 semester hours credit in the subject they are teaching . 776.8497953459848
The remainder of the <unk> college requirement would be in general subjects . 129.75495540084256
A person with a master 's degree in physics , chemistry , <unk> or English , yet who has not taken Education courses , is not permitted to teach in the public schools , said Grover . 273.4367110307181
College teachers in Texas are not required to have the Education courses . 534.504914968561
<unk> of the 150 representatives immediately joined Grover as <unk> of the proposal . 365.3894274876649
<unk> , TEXAS <unk> - The board of <unk> of Paris Junior College has named Dr Clarence Charles Clark of Hays , <unk> as the school 's new president . 499.70324671975595
Dr Clark will succeed Dr J R <unk> , who will retire at the close of the present school term . 372.12298442197437
Dr Clark holds an earned Doctor of Education degree from the University of Oklahoma . 1077.8111165105865
He also received a Master of Science degree from Texas <unk> College and a <unk> of Science degree from <unk> State College , <unk> , <unk> . 232.07920596560172
In addition , Dr Clark has studied at Rhode Island State College and Massachusetts Institute of Technology . 645.4169201823917
During his college career , Dr Clark was captain of his basketball team and was a football <unk> . 418.9624136885781
Dr Clark has served as teacher and principal in Oklahoma high schools , as teacher and athletic director at <unk> , Texas , High School , as an instructor at the University of Oklahoma , and as an associate professor of education at Fort Hays , <unk> , State College . 511.73722934209553
He has served as a border <unk> and was in the Signal Corps of the US Army . 162.61669573653802
<unk> , TEXAS <unk> - <unk> of the 13 schools in the <unk> Independent School District have been <unk> for the <unk> session upon the recommendation of <unk> Chester O <unk> . 197.69779843689597
State and federal legislation against racial discrimination in employment was called for yesterday in a report of a blue ribbon citizens committee on the aid to dependent children program . 991.6091899023738
The report , <unk> a year long study of the ADC program in Cook county by a New York City welfare consulting firm , listed 10 long range recommendations designed to reduce the <unk> ADC case load . 1036.6239304671349
The report called racial discrimination in employment one of the most serious causes of family breakdown , <unk> , and ADC <unk> . 376.1471934034316
MUST <unk> PROBLEM The monthly cost of ADC to more than 100,000 recipients in the county is <unk> million dollars , said C <unk> Martin , president of <unk> <unk> Scott Co , committee chairman . 763.3316483754114
We must solve the problems which have forced these people to depend upon ADC for subsistence , Martin said . 579.3553938235418
The volume of ADC cases will decrease , Martin reported , when the community is able to deal effectively with two problems <unk> limited skills and discrimination in employment because of color . 493.41682009770597
These , he said , are two of the principal underlying causes for family <unk> leading to ADC . 310.0513837987716
<unk> FOR <unk> Other recommendations made by the committee are <unk> of the ADC program to all children in need living with any relatives , including both parents , as a means of preserving family unity . 377.141455157938
Research projects as soon as possible on the causes and prevention of <unk> and illegitimacy . 320.10852894936215
Several defendants in the <unk> police burglary trial made statements indicating their guilt at the time of their arrest , Judge James B Parsons was told in Criminal court yesterday . 1307.7721387112726
The <unk> by Charles Bellows , chief defense counsel , <unk> observers and was viewed as the <unk> to a quarrel between the six attorneys representing the eight former policemen now on trial . 594.1448808519781
Bellows made the <unk> when he asked Judge Parsons to grant his client , Alan <unk> , 30 , a separate trial . 376.04779052939534
Bellows made the request while the <unk> jury was out of the <unk> . 110.14142288983092
<unk> <unk> <unk> The statements may be highly <unk> to my client , Bellows told the court . 151.7916777608474
Some of the defendants strongly indicated they knew they were receiving stolen property . 730.2520248006097
It is impossible to get a fair trial when some of the defendants made statements involving themselves and others . 304.7937657035438
Judge Parsons leaned over the bench and inquired , You mean some of the defendants made statements admitting this ? 1545.2065202794192
Yes , your honor , replied Bellows . 755.7223425555223
What this amounts to , if true , is that there will be a <unk> fight in this case . 119.4816911744661
There is a conflict among the defendants . 128.1280493879169
WASHINGTON , <unk> 24 - President Kennedy today pushed aside other White House business to devote all his time and attention to working on the Berlin crisis address he will deliver tomorrow night to the American people over nationwide television and radio . 1198.5964117653161
The President spent much of the week-end at his summer home on Cape Cod writing the first <unk> of portions of the address with the help of White House aids in Washington with whom he talked by telephone . 482.20255420620447
Shortly after the Chief Executive returned to Washington in <unk> from <unk> Port , Mass , a White House spokesman said the address text still had quite a way to go toward completion . 512.9398177182883
<unk> ARE <unk> Asked to elaborate , Pierre Salinger , White House press secretary , replied , I would say it 's got to go thru several more <unk> . 538.8573827396547
Salinger said the work President Kennedy , advisers , and members of his staff were doing on the address involved composition and wording , rather than last minute decisions on administration plans to meet the latest Berlin crisis precipitated by Russia 's demands and proposals for the city . 673.4621773529365
The last 10 cases in the investigation of the Nov 8 election were dismissed yesterday by Acting Judge John M Karns , who charged that the prosecution obtained evidence by unfair and fundamentally illegal means . 1177.252982305882
Karns said that the cases involved a matter of even greater significance than the guilt or innocence of the 50 persons . 354.8402933040279
He said evidence was obtained in violation of the legal rights of citizens . 224.8963889173649
Karns ' ruling <unk> to eight of the 10 cases . 446.8317153977463
In the two other cases he ruled that the state had been unable to make a case . 88.54564490120458
<unk> proceedings originally had been brought against <unk> persons in 133 precincts by Morris J Wexler , special <unk> . 1000.7945648928371
ISSUE <unk> <unk> Wexler admitted in earlier court hearings that he issued grand jury <unk> to about 200 persons involved in the election investigation , questioned the individuals in the Criminal courts building , but did not take them before the grand jury . 650.6920718286118
Mayer Goldberg , attorney for election judges in the <unk> precinct of the 23d ward , argued this procedure constituted intimidation . 1391.7426418900063
Wexler has denied repeatedly that <unk> was used in questioning . 489.0878285772801
Karns said it was a <unk> act for Wexler to take statements privately and outside of the grand jury room . 482.3267773659177
He said this constituted a very serious misuse of the Criminal court processes . 490.2271401730592
Actually , the abuse of the process may have constituted a contempt of the Criminal court of Cook county , <unk> <unk> of the authority of that court is not the function of this court , said Karns , who is a City judge in East St Louis sitting in Cook County court . 309.52583733293153
<unk> <unk> <unk> Karns had been scheduled this week to hear seven cases involving 35 persons . 579.3617048885739
Wexler had charged the precinct judges in these cases with complementary <unk> of the vote , in which votes would be taken from one candidate and given to another . 391.48851298341634
The cases involved judges in the <unk> , 24th , and <unk> precincts of the <unk> ward , the <unk> and 28th precincts of the 29th ward , the 18th precinct of the 4th ward , and the 9th precinct of the 23d ward . 289.49932384186246
The case of the judges in the <unk> precinct of the 23d ward had been heard previously and taken under <unk> by Karns . 225.4805862943883
Two other cases also were under <unk> . 213.3938928147533
<unk> <unk> <unk> After reading his statement <unk> the 23d ward case , Karns told Wexler that if the seven cases scheduled for trial also involved persons who had been <unk> , he would dismiss them . 536.5212634421636
WASHINGTON , FEB 9 - President Kennedy today proposed a mammoth new medical care program whereby social security taxes on 70 million American workers would be raised to pay the hospital and some other medical bills of <unk> million Americans over 65 who are covered by social security or railroad retirement programs . 1539.9400111750888
The President , in a special message to Congress , tied in with his aged care plan requests for large federal grants to finance medical and dental scholarships , build 20 new medical and 20 new dental schools , and expand child health care and general medical research . 1249.8271352157394
The aged care plan , similar to one the President sponsored last year as a senator , a fight on Capitol hill . 893.4764584766483
It was defeated in Congress last year . 303.0838780116221
COST UP TO 37 A YEAR It would be financed by <unk> the social security payroll tax by as much as 37 a year for each of the workers now paying such taxes . 1095.1703379311657
The social security payroll tax is now 6 per <unk> 3 per cent on each worker and <unk> on the first <unk> of pay per year . 307.9438521873873
The Kennedy plan alone would boost the base to 5,000 a year and the payroll tax to <unk> per <unk> <unk> per cent each . 387.47550381924293
Similar payroll tax <unk> would be imposed on those under the railroad retirement system . 539.8163930288429
The payroll tax would actually rise to 7.5 per cent starting Jan 1 , 1963 , if the plan is approved , because the levy is already scheduled to go up by 1 per cent on that date to pay for other social security costs . 535.8708062818355
<unk> WOULD <unk> Officials estimated the annual tax boost for the medical plan would amount to 1.5 billion dollars and that medical benefits paid out would run 1 billion or more in the first year , 1963 . 808.1511390475579
Both figures would go higher in later years . 429.8468106126291
Other parts of the Kennedy health plan would <unk> federal grants of 750 million to 1 billion dollars over the next 10 years . 764.1305561210729
These would be paid for out of general , not payroll , taxes . 246.93873592703628
<unk> HOME <unk> The aged care plan carries these benefits for persons over 65 who are under the social security and railroad retirement systems 1 . 1274.6167537889385
Full payment of hospital bills for <unk> up to 90 days for each illness , except that the patient would pay 10 a day of the cost for the first nine days . 340.31848892173014
2 . 90.4083636613082
Full payment of nursing home bills for up to 180 days following discharge from a hospital . 2158.9019774410785
A patient could receive up to 300 days <unk> nursing home care under a unit formula allowing more of such care for those who use none or only part of the <unk> credit . 619.5952674535158
3 . 146.27408476619252
Hospital <unk> <unk> diagnostic service for all costs in excess of 20 a patient . 551.6066445378615
4 . 136.54928877458389
Community visiting nurse services at home for up to 240 days an illness . 3044.6554802261644
The President noted that Congress last year passed a law providing grants to states to help pay medical bills of the needy aged . 1194.7976251931707
<unk> <unk> <unk> He said his plan is designed to meet the needs of those millions who have no wish to receive care at the taxpayers ' expense , but who are nevertheless staggered by the drain on their <unk> or those of their <unk> caused by an extended hospital stay . 256.2259473940546
This is a very modest proposal cut to meet absolutely essential needs , he said , and with sufficient <unk> ' requirements to discourage any <unk> or unnecessary <unk> of our hospitals . 330.48245819813206
This is not a program of <unk> medicine . 64.53597326958526
It is a program of <unk> of health costs with absolute freedom of choice guaranteed . 274.31040709590184
Every person will choose his own doctor and hospital . 467.47415158505345
WOULD N'T <unk> <unk> The plan does not cover doctor bills . 900.6969661080016
They would still be paid by the patient . 73.77702820418934
Apart from the aged care plan the President 's most ambitious and costly proposals were for federal scholarships , and grants to build or enlarge medical and dental schools . 966.0654129008343
The President said the nation 's <unk> medical and 47 dental schools can not now handle the student load needed to meet the rising need for health care . 536.3234265674851
Moreover , he said , many qualified young people are not going into medicine and <unk> because they ca n't afford the schooling costs . 266.9271455369756
<unk> TO <unk> The scholarship plan would provide federal contributions to each medical and dental school equal to 1,500 a year for one-fourth of the first year students . 563.6066193348616
The schools could use the money to pay <unk> scholarships , based on need , of up to 2,000 a year per student . 340.04033369954817
In addition , the government would pay a 1,000 cost of education grant to the schools for each 1,500 in scholarship grants . 360.90612503428633
Officials estimated the combined programs would cost <unk> million dollars the first year and would go up to 21 millions by 1966 . 757.2675747227348
The President recommended federal matching grants totaling 700 million dollars in 10 years for constructing new medical and dental schools or <unk> the capacity of existing ones . 1347.4325558009994
MORE FOR <unk> <unk> In the area of community health services , the President called for doubling the present 10 million dollar a year federal grants for nursing home construction . 696.6120023122846
He asked for another 10 million dollar initial appropriation for <unk> grants to states to improve nursing homes . 1118.47175117484
He further proposed grants of an unspecified sum for experimental hospitals . 1297.0806873348738
In the child health field , the President said he will recommend later an increase in funds for programs under the children 's bureau . 399.71500344679214
He also asked Congress to approve establishment of a national child health institute . 887.0599982920622
<unk> RESEARCH FUNDS The President said he will ask Congress to increase grants to states for vocational rehabilitation . 879.3732973759817
He did not say by how much . 79.73977959276604
For medical research he asked a 20 million dollar a year increase , from 30 to 50 millions , in matching grants for building research facilities . 930.3842272220002
The President said he will also propose increasing , by an unspecified amount , the <unk> million dollars in the <unk> budget for direct government research in medicine . 358.82220130040145
The President said his proposals combine the indispensable elements in a sound health program- people , knowledge , services , facilities , and the means to pay for them . 343.02092778603946
REACTION AS EXPECTED Congressional reaction to the message was along expected lines . 2833.927991656514
<unk> who last year opposed placing <unk> under the social security system criticized the President 's plan . 616.321367240255
Those who backed a similar plan last year hailed the message . 1749.5524525595076
Senate Republican Leader <unk> Ill and House Republican Leader Charles <unk> <unk> said the message did not persuade them to change their opposition to compulsory medical insurance . 1295.4316173573757
<unk> said the voluntary care plan enacted last year should be given a fair trial first . 803.218580980226
House Speaker Sam Rayburn D , Tex called the Kennedy program a mighty fine thing , but made no prediction on its fate in the House . 907.9065084608679
WASHINGTON , FEB 9 - Acting hastily under White House pressure , the Senate tonight confirmed Robert C Weaver as the nation 's federal housing chief . 2504.9001445672798
Only 11 senators were on the floor and there was no record vote . 331.3944921347854
A number of scattered <unk> and <unk> was heard . 62.94812910957442
<unk> Senate rules were ignored in order to speed approval of the Negro leader as administrator of the housing and home finance agency . 728.8228300404809
In the last eight years , all Presidential appointments , including those of cabinet rank , have been denied immediate action because of a Senate rule requiring at least a 24 hour delay after they are reported to the floor . 632.6669771903945
<unk> BY DEMAND The rule was enforced by demand of Sen Wayne Morse D , <unk> in connection with President Eisenhower 's cabinet selections in 1953 and President Kennedy 's in 1961 . 1151.9592615436634
<unk> The most positive element to emerge from the Oslo meeting of North Atlantic Treaty Organization Foreign <unk> has been the freer , <unk> , and wider discussions , <unk> by much better mutual understanding than in past meetings . 624.984626957515
This has been a working session of an organization that , by its very nature , can only proceed along its route step by step and without dramatic changes . 438.13408833064
In Oslo , the ministers have met in a climate of <unk> , and made a genuine attempt to get information and understanding one another 's problems . 245.02157913685494
This atmosphere of understanding has been particularly noticeable where relations are concerned between the <unk> powers and those who have never , or not for a long time , had such problems . 303.90457630312153
The <unk> of a <unk> between those in trouble in Africa , <unk> by the difficulties , changes , and tragedies facing them , and other allies who intellectually and emotionally <unk> of the circumstances that have brought these troubles about , has been <unk> by its absence . 210.94950618008767
<unk> <unk> In the case of <unk> , which a few weeks ago was <unk> ready to walk out of the NATO Council should critics of its <unk> policy prove harsh , there has been a noticeable relaxation of tension . 278.07816271023916
The general , remarkably <unk> , explanation has left basic positions unchanged , but there has been no explosion in the council . 291.5447975042984
There should even be no more bitter surprises in the UN General Assembly as to NATO members ' votes , since a new ad <unk> NATO committee has been set up so that in the future such topics as <unk> will be discussed in advance . 480.78512367681566
Canada alone has been somewhat out of step with the Oslo attempt to get all the allied cars back on the track behind the NATO <unk> . 353.1179491519074
Even <unk> , despite daily but limited manifestations against atomic arms in the heart of this <unk> capital of the alliance , is today closer to the NATO line . 332.7873224860003
On the negative side of the balance sheet must be set some disappointment that the United States leadership has not been as much in evidence as hoped for . 318.3925854347886
One diplomat described the tenor of Secretary of State Dean Rusk 's speeches as <unk> . 948.7893665799406
But he hastened to add that , if United States policies were not always clear , despite Mr Rusk 's analysis of the various global danger points and <unk> for the West , this may merely mean the new administration has not yet firmly fixed its policy . 401.6131481801007
<unk> <unk> A certain <unk> may also be caused by tactical appreciation of the fact that the present council meeting is a <unk> affair , with no fewer than six Soviet correspondents <unk> . 307.5263362830178
The impression has nevertheless been given during these three days , despite Mr Rusk 's personal popularity , that the United States delegation came to Oslo in a somewhat tentative and <unk> frame of mind , more ready to listen and learn than to <unk> firm policy on a global scale with detailed application to individual danger spots . 572.6074044628123
The Secretary of State himself , in his first speech , gave some idea of the tremendous march of events inside and outside the United States that has preoccupied the new administration in the past four months . 228.2101346984129
But where the core of NATO is concerned , the Secretary of State has not only <unk> the United States ' profound attachment to the alliance , <unk> of its foreign policy , but has announced that five nuclear submarines will eventually be at NATO 's disposal in European waters . 321.1681466719919
The Secretary of State has also solemnly repeated a warning to the Soviet Union that the United States will not stand for another <unk> in Berlin , an affirmation once again taken up by the council as a whole . 284.7444768025516
<unk> <unk> The secretary 's greatest achievement is perhaps the <unk> of NATO realization that East-West friction , wherever it take place around the globe , is in essence the general conflict between two entirely different societies , and must be treated as such without regard to geographical distance or lack of apparent connection . 521.5351757359349
The annual spring meeting has given an impetus in three main directions more , deeper , and more timely political consultation within the alliance , the use of the Organization for Economic <unk> and Development when <unk> as a method of coordinating aid to the underdeveloped countries , and the need for strengthening conventional forces as well as the maintenance of the nuclear deterrent . 372.73021625559977
This increase in the threshold , as the conventional forces strengthening is called , will prove one of the alliance 's most difficult problems in the months to come . 248.51653528875647
Each ally will have to carry out obligations long since laid down , but never completely fulfilled . 855.3711413120434
WASHINGTON The Kennedy administration moves <unk> toward a Geneva conference on Laos just as serious debate over its foreign policy <unk> for the first time . 761.2887070956074
There is little optimism here that the Communists will be any more docile at the conference table than they were in military actions on the ground in Laos . 298.80481964465673
The United States , State Department officials explain , now is mainly interested in setting up an international inspection system which will prevent Laos from being used as a base for Communist attacks on neighboring Thailand and South Viet Nam . 1244.5196752076272
They count on the aid of the neutral countries attending the Geneva conference to achieve this . 394.7254317011713
The United States hopes that any future Lao Cabinet would not become Communist dominated . 870.6774456708537
But it is apparent that no acceptable formula has been found to prevent such a possibility . 232.76370394957613
POLICIES <unk> The inclination here is to accept a de facto cease-fire in Laos , rather than continue to insist on a <unk> of the cease-fire by the international control commission before participating in the Geneva conference . 530.6444894451389
This is another of the modifications of policy on Laos that the Kennedy administration has felt compelled to make . 306.53738053135214
It <unk> these actions as being the chain reaction to basic errors made in the previous administration . 383.4870903543641
Its spokesmen insist that there has not been time enough to institute reforms in military and economic aid policies in the critical areas . 549.1688438061269
But with the months moving on- and the immediate <unk> with the Communists showing no gain for the free world- the question arises How effective have Kennedy administration first foreign policy decisions been in dealing with Communist aggression ? 1411.3964677449121
<unk> <unk> Richard M Nixon in Detroit called for a firmer and tougher policy toward the Soviet Union . 635.3951541892524
He was critical of what he feels is President Kennedy 's tendency to be too <unk> . 244.8643613035635
GOP <unk> It does not take a <unk> poll to find out that most Republicans in Congress feel this <unk> the situation as Republicans see it . 378.3590274836529
They can hardly restrain themselves from raising the question of whether Republicans , if they had been in power , would have made <unk> and monumental <unk> in Cuba . 206.88702955349964
One Republican senator told this correspondent that he was constantly being asked why he did n't attack the Kennedy administration on this score . 543.7092187713181
His reply , he said , was that he agreed to the need for unity in the country now . 98.79499352511993
But he further said that it was better politics to let others question the wisdom of administration policies first . 362.6500910799801
The Republicans some weeks ago served notice through Senator <unk> B Morton R of Kentucky , chairman of the Republican National Committee , that the Kennedy administration would be held responsible if the outcome in Laos was a coalition government susceptible of Communist domination . 773.4145109775578
Kennedy administration policies also have been <unk> now from another direction by 70 Harvard , Boston University , <unk> , and Massachusetts Institute of Technology educators . 698.8752490782668
<unk> <unk> This group <unk> with the administration to give no further support for the invasion of Cuba by <unk> groups . 147.41907972153928
It <unk> that the United States seek instead to <unk> the Castro regime from the Communist bloc by working for a diplomatic <unk> and a resumption of trade relations ; and concentrate its constructive efforts on eliminating in other parts of Latin America the social conditions on which totalitarian nationalism feeds . 588.2213642643218
Mr Nixon , for his part , would oppose intervention in Cuba without specific provocation . 614.9285719995814
But he did recommend that President Kennedy state clearly that if Communist countries shipped any further arms to Cuba that it would not be tolerated . 676.0917034749897
Until the Cuban <unk> and the Communist military victories in Laos , almost any observer would have said that President Kennedy had <unk> a program that respected , generally , the opinions voiced both by Mr Nixon and the professors . 405.20500578558864
AID <unk> <unk> Very early in his administration he informed the Kremlin through diplomatic channels , a high official source disclosed , that the new administration would react even tougher than the Eisenhower administration would during the <unk> period of the administration . 529.1285883040134
<unk> efforts were made to remove pin <unk> from administration statements . 521.0506184941006
<unk> on nuclear test ban negotiations were reviewed and changed . 1445.371495102141
But thus far there has been no response in kind . 258.84006363868787
Foreign aid programs were <unk> to give greater emphasis to economic aid and to encourage political reform in recipient nations . 1011.1549652785957
In Laos , the administration looked at the Eisenhower administration efforts to show determination by sailing a naval fleet into Southeast Asian waters as a useless gesture . 971.004745856132
Again and again it asked the Communists to freeze the military situation in Laos . 370.7687715633847
But the Communists aided the Pathet Lao at an even faster rate . 927.9430458689521
And after several correspondents went into Pathet Lao territory and exposed the huge build-up , administration spokesmen acclaimed them for performing a great service and laid the matter before the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization . 1941.3386222384454
SEATO was steamed up and prepared <unk> plans for coping with the military losses in Laos . 503.28144026261924
But the Communists never gave sufficient provocation at any one time for the United States to want to risk a limited or an all-out war over Laos . 511.6984550017938
Some SEATO nations <unk> , however . 407.8268063015885
There was the further complication that the administration had very early concluded that Laos was ill suited to be an ally , unlike its more determined neighbors , Thailand and South Viet Nam . 746.9049212220656
The administration declared itself in favor of a neutralized Laos . 581.558958643561
The pro-Western government , which the United States had helped in a revolt against the Souvanna Phouma neutralist government , never did appear to spark much fighting spirit in the Royal Lao Army . 736.4473496366363
There certainly was not any more energy displayed after it was clear the United States would not back the pro-Western government to the <unk> . 239.06013390300228
If the administration ever had any ideas that it could find an acceptable alternative to Prince Souvanna Phouma , whom it felt was too <unk> of Communists , it gradually had to relinquish them . 490.81396412233937
One factor was the statement of Senator J W <unk> D of Arkansas , chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee . 476.2891203243311
He declared on March 25 that the United States had <unk> a year and a half ago by encouraging the removal of Prince Souvanna . 322.5051566804343
WASHINGTON The White House is taking extraordinary steps to check the rapid growth of juvenile <unk> in the United States . 380.6803375578357
The President is deeply concerned over this problem and its effect upon the vitality of the nation . 174.93218300899872
In an important assertion of national leadership in this field , he has issued an executive order establishing the President 's committee on <unk> <unk> and <unk> , to be supported and assisted by a Citizens Advisory Council of recognized authorities on juvenile problems . 384.10750920180845
The President asks the support and cooperation of Congress in his efforts through the enactment of legislation to provide federal grants to states for specified efforts in <unk> this disturbing crime trend . 596.2093658444484
<unk> <unk> The President has also called upon the Attorney General , the Secretary of Health , Education and Welfare , and the Secretary of Labor to coordinate their efforts in the development of a program of federal leadership to assist states and local communities in their efforts to cope with the problem . 210.07877726522887
Simultaneously the President announced Thursday the appointment of David L <unk> , a special assistant <unk> the Attorney General , as executive director of the new Committee on <unk> <unk> and Youth <unk> . 327.57365059226794
His sense of urgency in this matter stems from the fact that court cases <unk> juvenile <unk> have more than doubled since 1948 , each year showing an increase in <unk> . 453.34590424495264
Among <unk> reported by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in 1959 , about half for burglary and <unk> involved persons under 18 years of age . 473.6414968136965
East Providence should organize its civil defense <unk> and begin by <unk> a full-time director , Raymond H Hawksley , the present city CD head , believes . 1052.2422626419595
Mr Hawksley said yesterday he would be willing to go before the city council or anyone else locally to outline his proposal at the earliest possible time . 499.54227868840354
East Providence now has no civil defense program . 1181.07274374394
Mr Hawksley , the state 's general treasurer , has been a part-time CD director in the city for the last nine years . 270.33870440019285
He is not interested in being named a full-time director . 268.1908845149759
Noting that President Kennedy has handed the Defense Department the major responsibility for the nation 's civil defense program , Mr Hawksley said the federal government would pay half the salary of a full-time local director . 661.7440098570243
He expressed the opinion the city could hire a CD director for about 3,500 a year and would only have to put up half that amount on a matching fund basis to <unk> the salary costs . 460.26921085937323
Mr Hawksley said he believed there are a number of qualified city residents who would be willing to take the full-time CD job . 458.09227257752235
One of these men is former Fire Chief John A <unk> , he said . 341.9878738468457
Along with a director , the city should provide a CD headquarters so that pertinent information about the local organization would be centralized . 473.35761766113177
Mr Hawksley said . 563.8225494755295
One advantage that would come to the city in having a full-time director , he said , is that East Providence would become eligible to apply to the federal government for financial aid in purchasing equipment needed for a sound civil defense program . 411.31124641906763
<unk> funds also can be obtained for procurement of such items as radios , <unk> and rescue trucks , he said . 296.30778594914324
Mr Hawksley believes that East Providence could use two more rescue trucks , similar to the CD vehicle obtained several years ago and now detailed to the Central Fire Station . 1720.1597460818668
He would assign one of the rescue trucks to the <unk> section of the city and the other to the <unk> area . 76.05492013655403
Speaking of the present status of civil defense in the city , Mr Hawksley said he would be willing to bet that not more than one person in a hundred would know what to do or where to go in the event of an enemy attack . 215.8226324050883
The Narragansett <unk> <unk> grounds is one assembly point , he said , and a <unk> theater in <unk> would be another . 125.50149568186404
<unk> residents would go to the <unk> assembly point . 151.6725815523478
Mr Hawksley said he was not critical of city residents for not knowing what to do or where to assemble in case of an air attack . 744.1051898858792
Such vital information , he said , has to be made available to the public frequently and at regular intervals for residents to know . 299.44447533443184
If the city council fails to consider appointment of a full-time CD director , Mr Hawksley said , then he plans to call a meeting early in September so that a civil defense organization will be developed locally . 647.8000774043022
One of the first things he would do , he said , would be to organize classes in first aid . 124.29250331477847
Other steps would be developed after information <unk> down to the local level from the federal government . 176.05951843887357
Rhode Island is going to examine its Sunday sales law with possible revisions in mind . 748.7437238016971
Governor Notte said last night he plans to name a committee to make the study and come up with recommendations for possible changes in time for the next session of the General Assembly . 353.3873557619828
The governor 's move into the so-called blue law controversy came in the form of a letter to Miss Mary R Grant , deputy city clerk of Central Falls . 908.1438043399145
A copy was released to the press . 148.8419004382863
Mr Notte was responding to a resolution adopted by the Central Falls City Council on July 10 and sent to the state house by Miss Grant . 853.1887605188701
The resolution urges the governor to have a complete study of the Sunday sales laws made with an eye to their revision at the next session of the legislature . 285.480878867766
While the city council suggested that the <unk> Council might perform the review , Mr Notte said that instead he will take up the matter with Atty Gen J Joseph Nugent to get the benefit of his views . 446.81866591956947
He will then appoint the study committee with Mr Nugent 's cooperation , the governor said . 457.2374780850333
I would expect the proposed committee to hold public hearings , Mr Notte said , to obtain the views of the general public and religious , labor and <unk> groups affected by these laws . 280.356367664393
The governor wrote Miss Grant that he has been concerned for some time with the continuous problem which confronts our local and state law enforcement officers as a result of the laws regulating Sunday sales . 607.5008745449679
The attorney general has advised local police that it is their duty to enforce the blue laws . 701.4962734262658
Should there be evidence they are <unk> , he has said , the state police will step into the situation . 186.63723029392338
There has been more activity across the state line in Massachusetts than in Rhode Island in recent weeks toward enforcement of the Sunday sales laws . 458.73821782754993
The statutes , similar in both the Bay State and Rhode Island and dating back in some instances to colonial times , severely limit the types of merchandise that may be sold on the <unk> . 369.33304781604323
The Central Falls City Council expressed concern especially that more foods be placed on the eligible list and that neighborhood grocery and variety stores be allowed to do business on Sunday . 1672.6252486110618
The only day they have a chance to compete with large <unk> is on Sunday , the council 's resolution said . 236.6420084097396
The small shops must be retained , for they provide essential service to the community , according to the resolution , which added that they also are the source of <unk> for thousands of our neighbors . 148.29707279705767
It declares that Sunday sales licenses provide great revenue to the local government . 1059.286822359226
The council advised the governor that large <unk> , factory outlets and department stores not be allowed to do business on Sunday . 629.379667331674
They operate on a volume basis , it was contended , and are not essential to provide the more limited but vital shopping needs of the community . 243.54261636910715
Liberals and <unk> in both <unk> Democratic and <unk> should divorce themselves and form two independent parties , George H Reama , nationally known labor-management expert , said here yesterday . 982.6951888078637
Mr Reama told the Rotary Club of Providence at its luncheon at the <unk> Hotel that about half of the people in the country want the welfare type of government and the other half want a free enterprise system . 427.37403793922977
He suggested that a <unk> of forces might allow the average <unk> a better pull at the right lever for him on election day . 245.8956927054646
He said he was <unk> that I was a member of the Socialist Party in 1910 . 70.62180079580308
That , he added , was when he was a very young man , a machinist and <unk> by trade . 92.36227455816007
That was before I studied law . 240.11278433941365
Some of my fellow workers were <unk> me for an office in the Socialist Party . 278.59876396085474
The lawyer with whom I studied law <unk> me off the Socialist track . 384.5946133970112
He <unk> me to the right <unk> the free enterprise track . 136.69170074194648
He said that when he was a Socialist in 1910 , the party called for government operation of all utilities and the <unk> of all resources . 156.98013772489298
He suggested that without the Socialist Party ever gaining a national victory , most of its original program has come to pass under both major parties . 509.8555871858434
Mr Reama , who retired as vice president of the American <unk> Co in 1955 said , Both parties in the last election told us that we need a five per cent growth in the gross national <unk> but neither told us how to achieve it . 523.5017075312592
He said he favors wage increases for <unk> but manufacturers are caught in a profit <unk> and raises should only come when the public is conditioned to higher prices , he added . 386.5920033903841
<unk> the way in which he has turned his back on his 1910 philosophy , Mr Reama said A Socialist is a person who believes in dividing everything he does not own . 507.3950919699407
Mr Reama , far from really being retired , is engaged in industrial relations counseling . 967.1905243558319
A petition bearing the signatures of more than <unk> Johnston taxpayers was presented to the town council last night as what is hoped will be the first step in obtaining a home rule charter for the town . 626.2269024590476
William A Martinelli , chairman of the Citizens Group of Johnston , transferred the petitions from his left hand to his right hand after the council voted to accept them at the suggestion of Council President Raymond <unk> <unk> . 527.9416162029122
The law which <unk> home rule charter petitions states that they must be referred to the chairman of the board of <unk> for <unk> of the signatures within 10 days and Mr Martinelli happens to hold that post . 378.51233841204754
Mr Martinelli explained that there should be more than enough signatures to assure the <unk> of a vote on the home rule charter and possible election of a nine member charter commission within 70 days . 643.7461769248605
He explained that by law the council must establish procedures for a vote on the issue within 60 days after the board of <unk> completes its work . 337.89060065702824
A difference of opinion arose between Mr Martinelli and John P <unk> , town <unk> , over the exact manner in which the vote is handled . 310.36998177640476
Mr Martinelli has , in recent weeks , been of the opinion that a special town meeting would be called for the vote , while Mr <unk> said that a special election might be called instead . 289.78670471503676
Mr <unk> said that he had consulted several Superior Court <unk> in the last week and received opinions favoring both procedures . 490.79782527374783
He assured Mr Martinelli and the council that he would study the correct method and report back to the council as soon as possible . 322.53696812130323
Mr Martinelli said yesterday that the Citizens Group of Johnston will meet again July 24 to plan further strategy in the charter movement . 1440.445101897739
He said that the group has no candidates for the charter commission in mind at present , but that it will undoubtedly endorse candidates when the time comes . 268.18521849394165
After inspiring this , I think we should certainly follow through on it , he declared . 340.47549405505725
It has become our responsibility and I hope that the Citizens Group will <unk> the movement . 216.0670442595166
He said he would not be surprised if some of the more than 30 members of the group are interested in running on the required <unk> ballot for posts on the charter commission . 241.433159477191
Our most immediate goal is to increase public awareness of the movement , he indicated , and to tell them what this will mean for the town . 162.7876788522769
He expects that if the present timetable is followed a vote will be scheduled during the last week in September . 319.9364028934797
Some opposition to the home rule movement started to be heard yesterday , with spokesmen for the town 's <unk> Democratic leadership speaking out against the home rule charter in favor of the model municipal league charter . 906.5245288491227
<unk> opposition can be expected in coming weeks , it was indicated . 171.7113427723336
<unk> of the real meaning of a home rule charter was cited as a factor which has caused the Citizens Group to obtain signatures under what were termed false <unk> . 553.8206211073924
Several <unk> affixed their names , it was learned , after being told that no tax increase would be possible without consent of the General Assembly and that a provision could be included in the charter to have the town take over the Johnston <unk> District sewer system . 371.3769888666422
Action on a new ordinance permitting motorists who plead guilty to minor traffic offenses to pay <unk> at the local police station may be taken at Monday 's special North Providence Town Council meeting . 1875.397910950884
Council president Frank <unk> said yesterday he may ask the council to formally request Town <unk> Michael A <unk> to draft the ordinance . 1690.8813472179838
At the last session of the General Assembly , the town was authorized to adopt such an ordinance as a means of making enforcement of minor offenses more effective . 331.0244053171209
Nothing has been done yet to take advantage of the enabling legislation . 255.07726394374845
At present all offenses must be taken to Sixth District Court for disposition . 1225.653815907941
Local police have hesitated to <unk> them because of the heavy court costs involved even for the simplest offense . 496.8604334941018
<unk> - James P Mitchell and Sen Walter H Jones <unk> , last night <unk> on the value of using as a campaign issue a remark by Richard J Hughes , Democratic gubernatorial candidate , that the GOP is <unk> on the carcass of Eisenhower Republicanism . 671.1089831669417
Mitchell was for using it , Jones against , and Sen Wayne <unk> Jr <unk> did not mention it when the three Republican gubernatorial candidates spoke at staggered intervals before 100 persons at the Park Hotel . 971.7645885113411
The controversial remark was first made Sunday by Hughes at a Westfield Young Democratic Club cocktail party at the Scotch Plains Country Club . 2568.931372433317
It was greeted with a chorus of <unk> by 500 women in <unk> Monday at a forum of the State Federation of Women 's Clubs . 301.7876429151354
Hughes said Monday , It is the apparent intention of the Republican Party to campaign on the carcass of what they call Eisenhower Republicanism , but the heart stopped beating and the <unk> <unk> after Eisenhower retired . 460.6952702861676
Now he 's gone , the Republican Party is not going to be able to sell the <unk> remains to the people of the state . 78.27325099584097
Sunday he had added , We can love Eisenhower the man , even if we considered him a mediocre president h but there is nothing left of the Republican Party without his leadership . 343.5089574555265
Mitchell said the statement should become a major issue in the primary and the fall campaign . 260.7567633171971
How can a man with any degree of common decency charge this ? 588.8336274025103
he asked . 134.75857554690216
The former secretary of labor said he was proud to be an Eisenhower Republican and proud to have absorbed his philosophy while working in his <unk> . 316.35197185815474
Mitchell said the <unk> of the outcome in last fall 's Presidential election did not mean that Eisenhower Republicanism was a dead issue . 383.0581168519277
<unk> <unk> Jones said he regretted Hughes had made a personal attack on a past president . 417.48121502244555
He is wrong to inject Eisenhower into this campaign , he said , because the primary is being waged on state issues and I will not be forced into <unk> an old national campaign . 262.0528090097341
The audience last night did not respond with either applause or <unk> to mention of Hughes ' remark . 503.10977218934215
<unk> spoke on the merit of having an open primary . 259.7207590778842
He then launched into what the issues should be in the campaign . 142.01125893599803
State aid to schools , the continuance of railroad passenger service , the proper uses of surplus funds of the Port of New York Authority , and making New Jersey attractive to new industry . 598.4648663026637
<unk> <unk> Mitchell <unk> the high rate of unemployment in the state and said the Meyner administration and the <unk> State Senate Must share the blame for this . 376.7039031837356
Nothing that <unk> last year had lost the <unk> <unk> Co plant , he said industry will not come into this state until there is tax reform . 250.46234042270302
But I am not in favor of a sales or state income tax at this time , Mitchell said . 252.2528326224077
Jones , unhappy that the candidates were limited to eight minutes for a speech and no audience questions , saved his <unk> for Mitchell . 364.18973278336824
He said Mitchell is against the <unk> of government in Washington but looks to the Kennedy Administration for aid to meet New Jersey school and transportation crises . 519.4089264716882
He calls for help while saying he is against <unk> , but you ca n't have it both ways , Jones said . 224.960020743672
The state is now faced with the immediate question of raising new taxes whether on utilities , real estate or motor vehicles , he said , and I challenge Mitchell to tell the people where he stands on the tax issue . 330.6622770087403
<unk> <unk> <unk> , Mitchell said in a statement I think that all Americans will resent deeply the statements made about President Eisenhower by Richard J Hughes . 615.3470432710413
His reference to <unk> carcass ' or <unk> remains ' of the president 's leadership is an insult to the man who led our forces to victory in the greatest war in all history , to the man who was twice elected overwhelmingly by the American people as president of the United States , and who has been the symbol to the world of the <unk> intentions of the free nations . 204.3268448677353
I find it hard to understand how anyone seeking a position in public life could demonstrate such poor judgment and bad taste . 650.8695348057145
Such a vicious statement can only have its origin in the desire of a new political candidate to try to make his name known by condemning a man of world stature . 325.14026582260726
It can only <unk> to Mr Hughes ' <unk> . 127.38691137143338
<unk> <unk> <unk> Sen Charles W Sandman , <unk> May , said today Jones will run well ahead of his GOP opponents for the gubernatorial nomination . 609.5753919226407
Sandman , state campaign chairman for Jones , was addressing a meeting in the Military Park Hotel , Newark , of Essex County leaders and campaign managers for Jones . 1128.7063991076295
Sandman told the gathering that reports from workers on a local level all over the state indicate that Jones will be chosen the Republican Party 's <unk> with the largest majority given a candidate in recent years . 422.4561613676098
Sandman said The announcement that Sen Clifford Case <unk> , has decided to spend all his available time <unk> for Mr Mitchell is a dead <unk> . 565.4163311897966
It is a desperate effort to <unk> up a <unk> candidate who has proven he can not answer any questions about New Jersey 's problems . 264.6291168705611
We have witnessed in this campaign the effort to project Mr Mitchell as the image of a unity candidate from Washington . 437.4431081143916
That failed . 145.95743692519667
We are now witnessing an effort to transfer to Mr Mitchell some of the glow of Sen Case 's candidacy of last year . 628.589067695379
That , too , will fail . 116.08722724046504
Sandman announced the appointment of Mrs Harriet <unk> <unk> of 330 <unk> Ave , Westfield , as state chairman of the Republican Women for Jones Committee . 621.4912318614093
Mrs <unk> is president of the Westfield Women 's Republican Club and is a Westfield county <unk> . 456.3759809491299
County <unk> <unk> R Sheets , who is a candidate for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination , today called for an end to paper <unk> in those counties in the state which still use them . 311.50074982314555
The proposal , Sheets said , represents part of his program for election reforms necessary to make democracy in New Jersey more than a lip service word . 674.0796171701074
Sheets said that his proposed law would offer state financing aid for the purchase of voting machines , enabling counties to repay the loan over a 10-year period without interest or charge . 880.3029529468536
Sheets added that he would ask for exclusive use of voting machines in the state by January , <unk> . 306.3834858230027
Although he pointed out that mandatory legislation impinging on home rule is basically <unk> , he added that the vital interest in election results <unk> county lines . 657.884689449096
The candidacy of Mayor James J <unk> of West Orange , for the Republican nomination for sheriff of Essex County , was supported today by Edward W <unk> , West Orange public safety commissioner . 1005.8492392758448
<unk> , a lawyer and former FBI man is running against the Republican organization 's candidate , <unk> William <unk> , for the vacancy left by the resignation of <unk> <unk> , now a member of the State Board of Tax Appeals . 226.2187513134047
My experience as public safety commissioner , <unk> said , has shown me that the office of sheriff is best filled by a man with law enforcement experience , and preferably one who is a lawyer . 414.6076281496213
Jim <unk> fits that description . 1474.3009114733668
<unk> - William J <unk> , state fire warden in the Department of Conservation and Economic Development , has retired after 36 years of service . 533.9959174284882
A citation from Conservation Commissioner <unk> A <unk> credits his supervision with a reduction in the number of forest fires in the state . 337.80795942575116
<unk> joined the department in 1925 as a division fire warden after graduation in 1921 from the University of Michigan with a degree in <unk> and employment with private lumber companies . 600.2764306894039
In October 1944 , he was appointed state warden and chief of the Forest Fire Section . 785.1442825852878
Under his supervision , the state <unk> agency developed such techniques as plowing of fire lines and established a fleet of tractor <unk> and tractor units for fire fighting . 653.7678421481892
He also expanded and <unk> the radio system with a central control station . 233.55487316175723
He introduced regular <unk> sessions for district fire <unk> and first aid training for section <unk> . 676.3587098458917
He is credited with setting up an annual co-operative fire prevention program in co-operation with the Red Cross and State Department of Education . 1006.0686298193586
<unk> - Richard J Hughes made his Morris County debut in his bid for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination here last night with a <unk> to carry the issues to every corner of the state . 525.0723413085469
He promised nearly 200 Democratic county committee members at the meeting in the <unk> Inn When I come back here after the November election you 'll think , 'You 're my man- you 're the kind of governor we 're glad we elected ' . 1017.2380685741182
He said , We Democrats must resolve our issues on the test of what is right and just , and not what is expedient at the time . 197.98832507933065
<unk> <unk> In his only attack on the Republicans , Hughes said , The three Republican candidates for governor are <unk> over their feet for popular slogans to win the primary . 378.92770006594503
But we 'll have a liberal , well planned , forward looking , honest platform . 370.5199303833279
We 'll not talk out of one side of our mouth in Morris County and out of the other side in Hudson . 181.12556041377462
We 'll take the truth to the people , and the people will like the truth and elect their candidate and party in November . 152.67465010388653
He said , You can see signs of the Republicans ' feeble attack on the Meyner administration . 363.3043632590714
But I shall campaign on the Meyner record to meet the needs of the years ahead . 206.86535354792576
He urged New Jersey to become a full partner in the <unk> actions of President Kennedy . 344.15502278489487
He called for a greater attraction of industry and a stop to the <unk> of industry by Southern states , and a strong fight against discrimination in business and industry . 227.93285890433256
We must keep the bloodstream of New Jersey clean , the former Superior Court judge said . 722.1092216143973
To prevent <unk> from <unk> the state as they did in the Republican administration in the early <unk> . 86.17116127122293
<unk> the Democrats the party that lives , <unk> and thinks for the good of the people , Hughes asked , a representative Democratic vote in the primary for a <unk> toward victory in November . 249.96033786538445
Hughes supported Gov Meyner 's Green <unk> plan for saving large tracts of open land from the onrush of urban development . 1553.3190573748386
He said legislation for a 60 million bond issue to <unk> the program is expected to be introduced Monday . 293.04959380478425
<unk> <unk> The plan will provide 45 million for purchase of open land by the state . 295.82254366372575
The other 15 million is to be <unk> to municipalities on a matching fund basis . 274.9715185199246
Hughes said , This is not a plan to <unk> <unk> but to <unk> it , pointing out the state population has increased <unk> each year since 1950 . 238.20381008589743
He said Morris County is rapidly changing and unless steps are taken to preserve the green areas , there will be no land left to preserve . 503.9513139964412
Hughes would not comment on tax reforms or other issues in which the Republican candidates are involved . 695.3469894746378
He said no matter what stand he takes it would be <unk> that he was sympathetic to one or the other of the Republicans . 102.60852272750056
After the primary , he promised , I 'll be explicit on where I stand to bring you a strong , dynamic administration . 254.23287471594136
I 'm not afraid to tangle with the Republican <unk> . 112.69104920049767
<unk> - Fifteen members of the Republican State Committee who are <unk> <unk> this year were honored yesterday by their colleagues . 427.9341610774349
The outgoing members , whose <unk> terms will <unk> a week after the April 18 primary election , received carved wooden elephants , complete with ivory <unk> , to remember the state committee by . 666.2677177744099
There may be other 1961 state committee <unk> come April 18 , but they will be leaving by choice of the Republican voters . 468.66563923564917
A special presentation was made to Mrs <unk> Thompson of Red Bank , who is stepping down after 35 years on the committee . 346.92603316357184
She also was the original GOP national <unk> from New Jersey in the early 1920s following adoption of the women 's suffrage amendment . 641.4721932583731
She served one <unk> term on the national committee . 258.7738939947202
<unk> <unk> up yesterday among Democratic district leaders and some county leaders at reports that Mayor Wagner had decided to seek a third term with Paul R <unk> and Abraham D <unk> as running mates . 930.5653630996595
At the same time reaction among <unk> Democratic leaders and in the Liberal party to the Mayor 's reported plan was generally favorable . 479.98614120349765
Some <unk> Democrats saw in the program an opportunity to end the bitter internal fight within the Democratic party that has been going on for the last three years . 295.1006977620346
The resentment among Democratic organization leaders to the reported Wagner plan was directed particularly at the Mayor 's efforts to name his own running mates without consulting the leaders . 1248.4038235746757
Some viewed this attempt as evidence that Mr Wagner regarded himself as bigger than the party . 888.720802986166
<unk> <unk> Some Democratic district and county leaders are reported trying to induce State Controller Arthur Levitt of Brooklyn to oppose Mr Wagner for the <unk> nomination in the Sept 7 Democratic primary . 1638.0501285260486
These contend there is a serious question as to whether Mr Wagner has the confidence of the Democratic rank and file in the city . 346.3844331273034
Their view is that <unk> changes the Mayor is proposing to make in the Democratic ticket only emphasize the weakness of his performance as Mayor . 440.1386893162174
In an apparent effort to head off such a rival primary slate , Mr Wagner talked by telephone yesterday with Representative Charles A Buckley , the Bronx Democratic leader , and with Joseph T <unk> , the Brooklyn Democratic leader . 1013.5189770510592
<unk> <unk> <unk> As usual , he made no attempt to get in touch with <unk> G De <unk> , the Manhattan leader . 171.54655962333487
He is publicly on record as believing Mr De <unk> should be replaced for the good of the party . 259.3866109750478
Last night the Mayor visited Mr Buckley at the Bronx leader 's home for a discussion of the situation . 486.22144765130787
Apparently he believes Mr Buckley holds the key to the Democratic organization 's acceptance of his choices for running mates without a struggle . 856.0366841678127
In talks with Mr Buckley last week in Washington , the Mayor apparently received the Bronx leader 's <unk> to dropping Controller Lawrence E Gerosa , who lives in the Bronx , from this year 's ticket . 800.7572045715063
But Mr Buckley seems to have assumed he would be given the right to pick Mr Gerosa 's successor . 326.4978094978044
<unk> AND <unk> <unk> The Mayor declined in two interviews with reporters yesterday to confirm or deny the reports that he had decided to run and wanted Mr <unk> , who lives in Queens , to replace <unk> <unk> , the <unk> , as the candidate for President of the City Council and Mr <unk> , who lives in Brooklyn , to replace Mr Gerosa as the candidate for Controller . 261.6951328034161
The Mayor spoke yesterday at the United Irish Counties <unk> on the Hunter College <unk> in the Bronx . 366.9666992001508
After his speech , reporters asked him about the report of his political intentions , published in yesterday 's New York Times . 302.2440464685877
The Mayor said It did n't come from me . 179.82637462084986
But as I have said before , if I announce my candidacy , I will have something definite to say about running mates . 280.6739345593462
<unk> , JUNE 16 - A wave of public resentment against corruption in government is rising in Massachusetts . 882.6061630771125
There is a tangible feeling in the air of <unk> toward politics . 136.12265117066116
The taxi driver taking the visitor from the airport remarks that politicians in the state are all the same . 478.17853313014353
It 's <unk> Joe , see Jim ' , he says . 233.81763152557627
The hand is out . 56.8954368413896
A political scientist writes of the growth of alienated voters , who believe that voting is useless because politicians or those who influence politicians are corrupt , selfish and beyond popular control . 1329.7897906983387
h These voters view the political process as a secret conspiracy , the object of which is to <unk> them . 273.9400439285422
<unk> is hardly a recent development in the city and state that were widely identified as the <unk> of Edwin O'Connor 's novel , The Last <unk> . 208.43033310791446
But there are reasons for the current spotlight on the subject . 149.35798749753124
A succession of highly publicized scandals has aroused the public within the last year . 588.7249156707197
<unk> in the construction of highways and other public works has brought on state and Federal investigations . 256.5862509430632
And the election of President Kennedy has attracted new attention to the ethical climate of his home state . 366.2786543061296
A reader of the Boston newspapers can hardly escape the impression that petty <unk> , or worse , is the norm in Massachusetts public life . 393.2650062443138
Day after day some new episode is reported . 1810.388905447894
The state Public Works Department is accused of having spent <unk> to build a private beach for a state judge on his waterfront property . 619.9459847004925
An assistant attorney general is directed to investigate . 1639.729864571394
WASHINGTON , JUNE 18 - Congress starts another week tomorrow with sharply contrasting forecasts for the two chambers . 2344.6472212439635
In the Senate , several bills are expected to pass without any major conflict or opposition . 324.9102011453783
In the House , the <unk> coalition is expected to make another major stand in opposition to the Administration 's housing bill , while more <unk> is expected in an attempt to advance the <unk> bill . 183.5702654315357
The housing bill is now in the House Rules Committee . 411.2674864152369
It is expected to be reported out Tuesday , but this is a little uncertain . 123.07515041805831
The panel 's action depends on the return of Representative James W <unk> , Democrat of Arkansas , who has been siding with Speaker Sam Rayburn 's forces in the Rules Committee in moving bills to the floor . 493.6764410201123
Mr <unk> has been in the hospital but is expected back Tuesday . 224.9927111272513
<unk> IS <unk> The housing bill is expected to encounter strong opposition by the coalition of Southern Democrats and conservative Republicans . 554.0059698121978
The Democratic leadership , however , hopes to pass it sometime this week . 337.92256552044614
The <unk> measure , which was passed last Monday by the Senate , provides for <unk> mortgages at low <unk> for <unk> families . 221.41418356334447
It also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories . 1961.6307332363328
The education bill appears to be temporarily <unk> in the Rules Committee , where two Northern Democratic members who usually vote with the Administration are <unk> because of the religious controversy . 365.41784776030164
They are James J <unk> of Queens and Thomas P <unk> Jr of Massachusetts . 421.8483707300447
THREE <unk> TO <unk> What could rescue the bill would be some quick progress on a bill <unk> the National Defense Education Act of 1958 . 520.3350244106133
This would provide for long-term Federal loans for construction of parochial and other <unk> facilities for teaching science , languages and mathematics . 654.95476719439
Mr <unk> and Mr <unk> are not willing to vote on the <unk> measure until the defense education bill <unk> the House Education and Labor Committee . 324.72319149782254
About half of all Peace Corps projects assigned to voluntary agencies will be carried out by religious groups , according to an official of the corps . 505.0667834801964
In the <unk> budget that has been submitted for Congressional approval , <unk> would be spent through universities and private voluntary agencies . 329.1616587483701
<unk> projects proposed by private groups are at the <unk> stage , Gordon <unk> , director of relations with the voluntary agencies , said in a Washington interview . 267.8150725972749
Six of these were proposed by religious groups . 439.1587307896892
They will be for teaching , agriculture and community development in Southeast Asia , Africa , the Middle East and Latin America . 501.976754326082
QUESTION <unk> <unk> with several church leaders have disclosed that this development has raised the question whether the Peace Corps will be able to prevent confusion for church and state over methods , means and goals . 411.345406930305
There are a number of ways this could happen , the <unk> pointed out , and here is an example Last month in Ghana an American missionary discovered when he came to pay his hotel bill that the usual rate had been doubled . 357.717094889997
When he protested , the hotel owner said Why do you worry ? 796.7748773558571
The U S Government is paying for it . 293.526958814656
The U S Government pays for all its overseas workers . 666.162672314041
<unk> <unk> I do n't work for the Government , the American said . 70.79297347795423
I 'm a missionary . 246.028861878465
The hotel owner <unk> . 290.9223355118758
<unk> thing , he said . 47.9608357355829
And then , some <unk> remarked , there is a more classical <unk> problem Can religious agencies use Government funds and Peace Corps personnel in their projects and still preserve the constitutional requirement on separation of church and state ? 794.2782593035279
R Sargent Shriver Jr , director of the corps , is certain that they can . 469.28792141042385
No religious group , he declared in an interview , will receive Peace Corps funds unless it <unk> all <unk> on the project it proposes . 421.93863421638844
<unk> , JUNE 18 - At a gay party in the Kremlin for President Sukarno of Indonesia , Premier Khrushchev pulled out his pockets and said , beaming Look , he took everything I had ! 836.7885055381671
Mr Khrushchev was <unk> in the <unk> mood of the successful <unk> . 61.19295996867966
Indonesia is one of the twenty <unk> countries of Asia , Africa and Latin America that are receiving Soviet aid . 499.7741518427274
The Soviet Union and other members of the Communist bloc are rapidly expanding their economic , technical and military assistance to the <unk> nations . 351.1747362735122
The Communist countries <unk> more than <unk> in economic aid alone last year , according to Western estimates . 371.5535377072564
This was the biggest annual <unk> since the Communist program for the <unk> countries made its modest beginning in 1954 . 239.3668862771162
In 1960 more than 6,000 Communist technicians were present in those countries . 930.5691765624458
UNITED <unk> , N Y , JUNE 18 - A committee of experts has recommended that a country 's population be considered in the distribution of professional posts at the United Nations . 429.55267504874274
This was disclosed today by a responsible source amid intensified efforts by the Soviet Union to gain a greater role in the staff and operation of the United Nations . 441.7773058111714
One effect of the proposal , which puts a premium on population instead of economic strength , as in the past , would be to take jobs from European nations and give more to such countries as India . 288.8919933403148
India is the most populous United Nations member with more than <unk> inhabitants . 865.4705965907676
The new formula for filling staff positions in the Secretariat is one of a number of recommendations made by a panel of eight in a long and detailed report . 289.1691388400799
The report was completed after nearly eighteen months of work on the question of the organization of the United Nations . 176.72395688426062
<unk> IS <unk> <unk> WEEK The Advisory Committee on Administrative and <unk> Questions is expected to receive the report this week . 400.4297768141808
The jobs formula is understood to follow these lines Each of the organization 's <unk> members would get two professional posts , such as political affairs officer , a department head or an economist , to start . 537.3670067825153
Each member would get one post for each <unk> people in its population up to <unk> people or a maximum of fifteen posts . 268.5492404548747
Each member with a population above <unk> would get one additional post for each additional <unk> people up to an unspecified <unk> point . 336.9648429123139
<unk> , JUNE 18 - The three leaders of Laos agreed today to begin negotiations tomorrow on forming a coalition government that would unite the <unk> kingdom . 995.8558847587576
The decision was made in <unk> by Prince Boun <unk> , Premier of the pro-Western royal Government ; Prince Souvanna Phouma , leader of the nation 's <unk> and recognized as Premier by the Communist bloc , and Prince <unk> , head of the pro-Communist Pathet Lao forces . 476.28455912730846
The latter two are <unk> . 89.22765587080012
Their joint statement was welcomed by the Western <unk> who will attend tomorrow the nineteenth <unk> session of the <unk> conference on the future of Laos . 229.5171442391607
An agreement among the <unk> on a coalition government would ease their task , diplomats conceded . 594.0063566190075
But no one was overly optimistic . 296.5045633251365
<unk> <unk> IN <unk> W <unk> <unk> of the United States , <unk> <unk> of Britain , Maurice <unk> de <unk> , France 's Foreign Minister , and Howard C Green , Canada 's Minister of External Affairs , concluded , meanwhile , a round of <unk> here on future tactics in the conference . 215.3042983763359
The pace of the talks has slowed with each passing week . 538.5407731924757
Princess <unk> , Prince Souvanna Phouma 's young daughter , read the <unk> ' statement . 755.1263614939462
They had a two-hour luncheon together in an atmosphere of cordial understanding and relaxation , she said . 469.67000775398884
The three <unk> agreed upon a <unk> agenda for their talks , which are to last three days . 196.67972157950035
The Princess said it was too early to say what would be decided if no agreement was reached after three days . 292.718415028207
TO <unk> WITH <unk> The meetings in <unk> , the statement said , would deal only with principles that would guide the three factors in their search for a coalition Government . 239.68282024774592
<unk> of William S Pfaff Jr , 41 , as promotion manager of The <unk> <unk> Company was announced Saturday by John F <unk> , president of the company . 382.0563983957304
Pfaff succeeds Martin Burke , who resigned . 4446.257300402152
The new promotion manager has been employed by the company since January , 1946 , as a commercial artist in the advertising department . 292.17996041565686
He is a native of New Orleans and attended Allen <unk> school , <unk> High school and <unk> business college . 283.03689073539584
From June , 1942 , until December , 1945 , Pfaff served in the Army Air Corps . 456.48024913824463
While in the service he attended radio school at Scott Field in <unk> , <unk> Before entering the service , Pfaff for five years did clerical work with a general merchandising and wholesale firm in New Orleans . 763.5950488821018
He is married to the former <unk> <unk> and has a daughter , <unk> , 13 . 77.81888798926752
They <unk> at <unk> Miles <unk> WASHINGTON - <unk> of <unk> seats are being erected along Pennsylvania Avenue between the Capitol and the White House for the big inaugural parade on Jan 20 . 614.6218465424619
Assuming the weather is halfway decent that day , hundreds of thousands of persons will mass along this <unk> as President John F Kennedy and retiring President Dwight D Eisenhower leave Capitol Hill following the <unk> ceremonies and ride down this historic <unk> route . 1701.7100202096206
Pennsylvania Avenue , named for one of the original 13 states , perhaps is not the most impressive street in the District of Columbia from a commercial standpoint . 359.64627234273433
But from a historic viewpoint none can approach it . 843.6806464192322
MANY <unk> Within view of the avenue are some of the United States government 's tremendous buildings , plus shrines and monuments . 680.7384298687434
Of course , <unk> Pennsylvania , the White House , is the most famous address of the free world . 124.81932954885231
Within an easy walk from Capitol Hill where Pennsylvania Avenue comes together with Constitution Avenue , begins a series of great federal buildings , some a block long and all about <unk> high . 859.7467133813367
Great chapters of history have been recorded along the avenue , now about <unk> years old . 383.5232892855835
In the early spring of 1913 a few hundred thousand persons turned out to watch 5000 women parade . 864.8864110378713
They were the <unk> and they wanted to vote . 63.347716735183816
In the 1920 presidential election they had that right and many of them did vote for the first time . 236.0150092066267
<unk> ON SQUARE Along this avenue which saw marching soldiers from the War Between the States returning in 1865 is the National <unk> building where hundreds of thousands of this country 's most valuable records are kept . 998.1488854945513
Also the department of justice building is located where J <unk> Hoover <unk> over the federal bureau of investigation . 561.8925629332578
Street car tracks run down the center of Pennsylvania , <unk> with lines that are underground . 593.5402522668596
Many spectators will be occupying seats and vantage points <unk> Lafayette Square , opposite the White House . 1617.783032683318
In this historic square are several statutes , but the one that stands out over the others is that of Gen Andrew Jackson , hero of the Battle of New Orleans . 405.9553105481015
Moving past the presidential viewing stand and Lafayette Square will be at least 40 marching units . 1575.4466220405782
About 16,000 military members of all branches of the armed forces will take part in the parade . 446.1448415822581
Division one of the parade will be the service <unk> . 169.21050335009286
Division two will include the representations of Massachusetts and Texas , the respective states of the President and of <unk> L B Johnson . 346.3383781264554
Then will come nine other states in the order of their admission to the union . 185.68156856133012
Division three will be headed by the <unk> followed by 12 states ; division four will be headed by the Navy , followed by 11 states ; division five , by the Air Force followed by 11 states . 693.5242760313796
Division six will be headed by the Coast Guard , followed by the reserve forces of all services , five states , Puerto Rico , the Virgin Islands , Guam , American <unk> , the trust territories and the <unk> <unk> . 287.1612751604814
<unk> , <unk> - What does 1961 offer in political and governmental developments in Mississippi ? 481.5587440196138
Even for those who have been observing the political scene a long time , no script from the past is worth very much in gazing into the state 's immediate political future . 332.6590610481571
This is largely because of the <unk> of the man who operates the <unk> of the state government and is the elected leader of its two million <unk> Gov Ross Barnett . 216.40812133914892
Barnett , who came into office with no previous experience in public administration , has surrounded himself with confusion which not only keeps his foes guessing but his friends as well . 708.7919625856184
Consequently , it is uncertain after nearly 12 months in office just which direction the Barnett administration will take in the coming year . 763.8866978057054
<unk> BE <unk> Some predict the administration will settle down during 1961 and iron out the rough edges which it has had thus far . 759.2294884481588
The <unk> <unk> of the Barnett regime thus far has been the steady stream of <unk> and others who feel they were given commitments by Barnett at some stage of his <unk> quest for the governor 's office . 253.2855757903428
There are many who predict that should Barnett decide to call the Legislature back into special session , it will really throw his administration into a <unk> . 435.10612366058206
Certainly nobody will predict that the next time the lawmakers come back together Barnett will be able to enjoy a <unk> of the strange but successful honeymoon he had in the 1960 legislative session . 516.8762483490856
If Barnett does n't call a special session in 1961 , it will be the first year in the last decade that the Legislature has not met in regular or special session . 225.36424501127578
The odds favor a special session , more than likely early in the year . 371.52691279580506
<unk> ISSUE <unk> always get restless for a special session whether for the <unk> or the <unk> per <unk> is not certain and if they start <unk> . 207.68530550828555
Barnett is not expected to be able to <unk> the pressure . 69.89415385387169
The issue which may make it necessary to have a session is the highly sensitive problem of cutting the state 's congressional districts from six to five to eliminate one congressional seat . 508.34856397231243
With eyes focused on the third congressional district , the historic Delta district , and Congressman Frank E Smith as the one most likely to go , the <unk> battle will put to a test the <unk> power which lawmakers from the Delta have held in the Legislature . 464.81876321423675
Mississippi 's relations with the national Democratic party will be at a crossroads during 1961 , with the first Democratic president in eight years in the White House . 302.41417755952864
<unk> badly during the recent presidential election into almost equally divided camps of party <unk> and <unk> , the Democratic party in Mississippi is currently a <unk> . 454.72543836951286
And there has been no effort since the election to pull it back together . 184.60842440692937
FUTURE <unk> Barnett , as the <unk> head of the Democratic party , apparently must make the move to <unk> relations with the national Democratic party or see a movement come from the <unk> ranks to completely <unk> him as a party <unk> . 194.16098824265475
With a Democratic administration , party patronage would normally begin to flow to Mississippi if it had held its Democratic solidarity in the November election . 599.4880002817681
Now , the picture is <unk> , and even US <unk> James O <unk> and John C <unk> , who remained loyal to the ticket , are uncertain of their status . 189.21962965856468
Reports are that it is more than probability that the four congressmen from Mississippi who did not support the party ticket will be stripped of the usual patronage which flows to congressmen . 510.9358319113785
<unk> <unk> , <unk> - The Gov <unk> H Davis administration appears to face a difficult year in 1961 , with the governor 's theme of peace and harmony subjected to severe stresses . 378.9730966247652
The year will probably start out with segregation still the most troublesome issue . 515.8157349963549
But it might give way shortly to another <unk> <unk> that of finances in state government . 305.2497777534868
The transition from segregation to finances might already be in progress , in the form of an administration proposal to hike the state sales tax from 2 per cent to 3 per cent . 585.1324955916133
The administration has said the sales tax proposal is merely part of the segregation strategy , since the revenues from the increase would be dedicated to a grant in aid program . 358.66436755351685
But the <unk> of the administration in making the dedication has caused legislators to suspect the tax bill was related more directly to an over-all shortage of cash than to segregation . 377.2012946341289
<unk> <unk> Indeed , the administration 's curious position on the sales tax was a major factor in contributing to its defeat . 254.74295002628364
The administration could not say why 28 million was needed for a <unk> program . 192.96453499162905
The effectiveness of the governor in clearing up some of the <unk> revolving about the sales tax bill may play a part in determining whether it can <unk> the required two-thirds vote . 416.1732056229917
The tax bill will be up for reconsideration Wednesday in the House when the Legislature <unk> . 288.6677868529095
Davis may use the tax bill as a means to effect a transition from special sessions of the Legislature to <unk> . 308.02813991734587
If it fails to pass , he can throw up his hands and say the Legislature would not support him in his efforts to prevent integration . 183.38292924724837
He could terminate special sessions of the Legislature . 237.01245865117187
Actually , Davis would have to toss in the towel soon anyway . 609.9488682745321
Many legislators are already weary and frustrated over the <unk> losing battle to block token integration . 1545.187642449409
This is not the sort of thing most <unk> would care to acknowledge publicly . 282.3409683382144
They would like to convey the notion something is being done , even though it is something they know to be <unk> . 167.48670109719865
<unk> <unk> <unk> of the sales tax measure would also give Davis the means to effect a transition . 243.24296904384545
He could tell the Legislature they had provided the needed funds to carry on the battle . 170.33096738275592
Then he could tell them to go home , while the administration continued to wage the battle with the 28 million in extra revenues the sales tax measure would bring in over an eight months period . 484.27838907637073
It is difficult to be certain how the administration views that 28 million , since the views of one leader may not be the same as the views of another one . 160.54659382530372
But if the administration should find it does not need the 28 million for a <unk> program , a not unlikely conclusion , it could very well seek a way to use the money for other purposes . 236.65810766947786
This would be in perfect <unk> with the underlying concern in the <unk> the shortage of cash . 124.21750313992874
It could become an acute problem in the coming fiscal year . 265.2721831491052
If the administration does not succeed in passing the sales tax bill , or any other tax bill , it could very well be faced this spring at the fiscal session of the Legislature with an interesting dilemma . 396.86818802031775
Since the constitution forbids introduction of a tax bill at a fiscal session , the administration will either have to cut down expenses or <unk> its estimates of anticipated revenues . 660.7060410641291
<unk> PROBLEM In either case , it could call a special session of the Legislature later in 1961 to make another <unk> at raising additional revenues through a tax <unk> . 316.4708572454761
The prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor . 564.245863441997
It is one that most try to avoid , as long as they can see an alternative approach to the problem . 174.593311742359
But if all alternatives should be clearly blocked off , it can be expected the Davis administration will take steps to trim spending at the spring session of the state Legislature . 413.3310263432804
This might be done to arouse those who have been squeezed out by the <unk> to exert pressure on the Legislature , so it would be more <unk> to a tax proposal later in the year . 132.6729327042973
A constant problem confronting Davis on any proposals for new taxes will be the charge by his foes that he has not tried to <unk> . 373.01434396730286
Any tax bill also will revive allegations that some of his followers have been using their administration affiliations <unk> to profit themselves . 944.4527048227806
The new year might see some <unk> , either genuine or token , depending upon developments , to give Davis an opportunity to combat some of these criticisms . 383.80119186084676
City Controller Alexander Hemphill charged Tuesday that the bids on the <unk> <unk> repair project were <unk> to the advantage of a private <unk> company which had an inside track with the city . 481.659468689513
<unk> of the city 's loss in the <unk> job have ranged as high as 200,000 . 203.16834159202025
<unk> ' <unk> Hemphill said that the Hughes Steel <unk> Co contracted to do the work at an <unk> low cost with a bid that was far less than the legitimate bids of competing <unk> . 312.8797508859328
The Hughes concern then took <unk> on the project but got paid anyway , Hemphill said . 633.501690313792
The Controller 's charge of <unk> was the latest development in an investigation which also brought these <unk> Tuesday The city has sued for the full amount of the <unk> performance bond covering the contract . 297.74777569979085
The Philadelphia <unk> Co is investigating the part its organization played in reviewing the project . 742.5363362475841
The signature of Harold V <unk> , former director of architecture and engineering in the Department of Public <unk> , appeared on payment <unk> <unk> work on the project . 227.56222986787333
<unk> has been fired on charges of accepting gifts from the contractor . 365.06970597774625
<unk> Director Donald C Wagner has agreed to cooperate fully with Hemphill after a period of sharp disagreement on the matter . 817.0599557845965
The announcement that the city would sue for recovery on the performance bond was made by City <unk> David Berger at a press conference following a meeting in the morning with Wagner and other officials of the city and the <unk> as well as representatives of an engineering firm that was pulled off the El project before its completion in 1959 . 407.3907531690586
<unk> <unk> The Hughes company and the <unk> Industries , Inc , both of <unk> N 2d st , filed for reorganization under the Federal bankruptcy law . 476.53773205371436
On Monday , the Hughes concern was formally declared <unk> after its directors indicated they could not draw up a plan for reorganization . 634.9562465553272
Business relations between the companies and city have been under investigation by Hemphill and District Attorney James C <unk> , Jr. <unk> IN CASE The suit was filed later in the day in Common <unk> Court 7 against the Hughes company and two <unk> firms . 747.5532704895443
<unk> <unk> Co and the Continental <unk> <unk> At Berger 's direction , the city also intervened in the Hughes bankruptcy case in U S District Court in a move preliminary to filing a claim there . 565.7388401166975
I am taking the position that the contract was clearly violated , Berger said . 236.0228988607879
The contract <unk> mostly involve failure to perform rehabilitation work on expansion joints along the El track . 1939.2618156834992
The contract called for <unk> of <unk> joints . 174.9705603273724
The city paid for work on 75 , of which no more than 21 were repaired , Hemphill charged . 583.8527655505119
<unk> RANGE IN <unk> Hemphill said the Hughes concern contracted to do the repairs at a cost of 500 for each joint . 582.4950742695655
The bid from A <unk> and Sons of Cambridge , Mass , which listed the same officers as Hughes , was 600 per joint . 455.9394169901557
But , Hemphill added , bids from other <unk> ranged from <unk> to <unk> per joint . 338.7401550527412
Berger 's decision to sue for the full amount of the performance bond was questioned by Wagner in the morning press conference . 498.1421004228161
Wagner said the city paid only <unk> to the Hughes company . 330.930650337788
We wo n't know the full amount until we get a full report , Wagner said . 281.260660933134
We can claim on the maximum amount of the bond , Berger said . 126.74261110509696
Wagner replied , <unk> n't you just see the headline <unk> <unk> for <unk> ' ? 306.6437000142384
<unk> <unk> TO <unk> ' Berger insisted that we know enough to sue for the full amount . 209.12700863237737
Douglas M Pratt , president of the <unk> , who attended the meeting , said the transit company is reviewing the work on the El . 318.01178033904284
We want to find out who knew about it , Pratt said . 141.12916319395845
Certain people must have known about it . 158.69325594819006
The <unk> is investigating the whole matter , Pratt said . 177.29435525384153
Samuel D Goodis , representing the Philadelphia Hotel Association , objected on Tuesday to a proposed boost by the city in licensing fees , saying that occupancy rates in major hotels here ranged from 48 to 74 percent last year . 1446.1660902794113
Goodis voiced his objection before City Council 's Finance Committee . 4373.774237027144
For hotels with 1000 rooms , the increased license fee would mean an expense of 5000 a year , Goodis said . 804.90403782675
<unk> AT <unk> His testimony came during a hearing on a bill raising fees for a wide variety of licenses , permits and city services . 680.6548396408974
The new fees are expected to raise an additional <unk> in the remainder of 1961 and <unk> more a year after that . 136.67342155265806
The ordinance would increase the fee for <unk> houses , hotels and <unk> dwellings to 5 a room . 265.70462053852174
The cost of a license now is 2 , with an annual renewal fee of 1 . 271.86253928963777
Goodis said that single rooms account for 95 percent of the <unk> in some hotels . 672.1919162551287
<unk> <unk> The city expects the higher <unk> house , hotel and apartment house fees to bring in an additional <unk> a year . 308.43154172038044
The increase also was opposed by Leonard <unk> , spokesman for the Home <unk> Association of Philadelphia , on behalf of association members who operate apartment houses . 632.8084067479499
A proposal to raise dog license fees drew an objection from <unk> Virginia <unk> , who formerly raised <unk> dogs . 1353.2635395935426
The ordinance would increase fees from 1 for males and 2 for females to a flat 5 a dog . 746.864656217683
<unk> <unk> Mrs <unk> said she did not think dog owners should be <unk> for the city 's services to animal care . 225.85352252127765
In reply , Deputy Police Commissioner Howard R <unk> said that the city spends more than <unk> annually to license and <unk> dogs but collects only <unk> in fees . 820.8601061971747
He reported that the city 's contributions for animal care included <unk> to the Women 's <unk> ; 15,000 to pay six policemen assigned as dog <unk> and 15,000 to investigate dog bites . 721.9065819912641
<unk> <unk> <unk> City Finance Director Richard J <unk> <unk> the higher fees , which , he said , had been under study for more than a year . 204.20851118739674
The city is not adequately compensated for the services covered by the fees , he said . 159.44239929358503
The new fee schedule also was supported by Commissioner of <unk> and <unk> <unk> <unk> and Health Commissioner Eugene A <unk> . 365.87645971657554
<unk> asking for a jail term for <unk> attorney Julian W Barnard will be presented to the Montgomery County Court Friday , it was disclosed Tuesday by Horace A <unk> , counsel for the widow of the man killed last Nov 1 by Barnard 's <unk> car . 742.457632885857
The petitions will be presented in open court to President Judge William F <unk> , <unk> said . 321.64861791220164
Barnard , who pleaded no defense to <unk> and <unk> charges , was fined 500 by Judge Warren K <unk> , and placed on two years ' probation providing he does not drive during that time . 604.7473168070362
He was caught driving the day after the sentence was pronounced and given a warning . 295.44635200043075
<unk> of the accident was Robert Lee <unk> , 39 . 243.3310801360492
His widow started the circulation of petitions after Barnard was <unk> for violating the probation . 830.7089105636642
The City Planning Commission on Tuesday approved agreements between two <unk> and the Redevelopment Authority for the purchase of land in the <unk> Eastwick Redevelopment Area project . 986.5525531374273
The commission also approved a novel plan that would eliminate traffic hazards for <unk> in the project . 471.2870940942138
One of the agreements calls for the New Eastwick Corp to purchase a <unk> acre tract for <unk> . 448.70789613983305
The tract is bounded by Island ave , <unk> ave , <unk> st , and Eastwick <unk> FOUR <unk> <unk> It is designated as <unk> 1 Residential on the Redevelopment Authority 's master plan and will feature row houses , garden apartments , four small parks , schools , churches , a shopping center and several small clusters of stores . 834.789756170737
The corporation was formed by the Reynolds <unk> Co and the Samuel A and Henry A Berger firm , a Philadelphia builder , for work in the project . 319.9700981477377
The second agreement permits the authority to sell a <unk> tract west of <unk> 1 Residential to Philadelphia <unk> Eastwick Corp , a firm composed of 10 Philadelphia area builders , which is interested in developing part of the project . 512.0872110652034
WOULD <unk> <unk> The plan for eliminating traffic hazards for <unk> was developed by Dr <unk> A <unk> , former Minister of <unk> in Greece and a consulting <unk> for the New Eastwick Corp . 383.7843858431656
The plan calls for dividing the project into 16 sectors which would be barred to <unk> traffic . 486.6908128574479
It provides for a series of <unk> <unk> and a central <unk> that would eventually run through the center of the entire <unk> length of the project . 70.02066008506227
The <unk> eliminates <unk> ave , which on original plans ran through the center of the development . 205.59550534240617
The <unk> would feature pedestrian bridges over roads in the project . 619.1765432229095
<unk> CITY , <unk> , FEB 9 UPI - The president of the Kansas City local of the International Association of Fire <unk> was <unk> injured today when a bomb tore his car apart as he left home for work . 544.5556191713159
<unk> Chief Stanton M Gladden , 42 , the central figure in a representation dispute between the fire fighters association and the teamsters union , suffered multiple <unk> of both ankles . 874.4472476057982
He was in Baptist Memorial hospital . 559.2798115926231
<unk> <unk> OFF <unk> The <unk> chief said he had just gotten into his 1958 model automobile to move it from the driveway of his home so that he could take his other car to work . 258.832872178242
I 'd just turned on the <unk> when there was a big flash and I was lying on the driveway , he said . 106.15382108275497
Gladden 's wife and two of his sons , John , 17 , and Jim , 13 , were inside the house . 233.55951958744015
The younger boy said the blast knocked him out of bed and against the wall . 256.82279504970955
<unk> <unk> OVER HOUSE The explosion sent the hood of the car flying over the roof of the house . 366.24180962550827
The left front wheel landed 100 feet away . 2296.2054617629424
Police laboratory technicians said the explosive device , containing either TNT or <unk> , was apparently placed under the left front wheel . 1110.548456897107
It was first believed the bomb was <unk> to the car 's <unk> . 89.12992329882665
Gladden had been the target of threatening telephone calls in recent months and reportedly received one last night . 876.1386431370994
The fire department here has been torn for months by <unk> involving top personnel and the fight between the fire fighters association and the teamsters union . 654.2268349427574
<unk> <unk> ON <unk> Gladden has been an outspoken critic of the present city administration and led his union 's battle against the teamsters , which began organizing city firemen in 1959 . 606.3605224273942
The fire fighters association here offered a 5,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of the person or persons responsible for the bombing . 711.4980277205284
A 500 reward was offered by the association 's local in Kansas City , <unk> . 367.29932532254577
The association said it would post 24 hour guards at Gladden 's home and at those of James <unk> and Eugene <unk> . 660.4095774811934
<unk> is <unk> of the local and <unk> is a member of its executive committee . 78.47244854602619
Both have been active in the association . 122.40600170565838
<unk> , <unk> , <unk> 24 AP - Turkish political leaders bowed today to military pressure and agreed to form an emergency national front government with Gen <unk> <unk> as president . 743.7014923824617
An agreement between the leaders of four parties which <unk> <unk> elections on Oct 15 was reached after almost 18 hours of political bargaining under the threat of an army coup <unk> . 599.3916465702323
<unk> the military <unk> which has ruled Turkey since the overthrow of Premier <unk> <unk> 17 months ago , the army general staff , led by Gen <unk> <unk> , had set a deadline for the parties to join in a national coalition government . 360.91058330983384
The army leaders threatened to form a new military government if the parties failed to sign an eight point <unk> agreeing on Gen <unk> as president . 710.1914853752813
Gen <unk> has headed the military <unk> the last 17 months . 403.56949620982465
The military also had demanded <unk> that there would be no changes in the laws passed by the <unk> and no leaders of the <unk> regime now in prison would be <unk> . 136.29565201813023
Party leaders came out of the final meeting apparently satisfied and stated that complete agreement had been reached on a solution to the crisis created by the elections which left no party with enough strength to form a government on its own . 443.37187201154313
Vincent G <unk> has been appointed temporary assistant district attorney , it was announced Monday by Charles E Raymond , District Attorney . 1957.148504613325
<unk> will replace <unk> D <unk> who has been called to active military service but is expected back on the job by March 31 . 303.7235155310089
<unk> , 29 , has been practicing in Portland since November , 1959 . 278.36960784189495
He is a graduate of Portland University and the Northwestern College of Law . 277.6261202456247
He is married and the father of three children . 115.5514998126385
<unk> foreign countries to build a sound political structure is more important than aiding them economically , E M Martin , assistant secretary of state for economic affairs told members of the World Affairs Council Monday night . 1113.190712878408
Martin , who has been in office in Washington , D C , for 13 months spoke at the council 's annual meeting at the Multnomah Hotel . 418.0112206736717
He told some 350 persons that the United States ' challenge was to help countries build their own societies their own ways , following their own paths . 569.799354846948
We must persuade them to enjoy a way of life which , if not identical , is congenial with ours , he said but adding that if they do not develop the kind of society they themselves want it will lack <unk> and loyalty . 275.94229437400696
<unk> NEEDED <unk> that the countries have a freedom of choice , he said , was the biggest <unk> to the Soviet Union . 102.77870874676586
He cited East Germany where after 15 years of Soviet rule it has become necessary to build a wall to keep the people in , and added , so long as people rebel , we must not give up . 350.5751237654763
Martin called for patience on the part of Americans . 328.6106387282428
The countries are trying to build in a decade the kind of society we took a century to build , he said . 154.8843499649213
By leaving our doors open the United States gives other peoples the opportunity to see us and to compare , he said . 343.123838856792
INDIVIDUAL HELP <unk> We have no reason to fear failure , but we must be <unk> patient , the assistant secretary said . 370.2395998048215
<unk> , Martin said , the United States could best help foreign countries by helping them help themselves . 472.2591136213037
Private business is more effective than government aid , he explained , because individuals are able to work with the people themselves . 309.913906951065
The United States must plan to absorb the <unk> goods of the country , at what he termed a social cost . 133.44960826870658
Martin said the government has been working to establish firmer prices on primary products which may involve the total income of one country . 496.82099922081125
The Portland school board was asked Monday to take a positive stand towards developing and coordinating with Portland 's civil defense more plans for the city 's schools in event of attack . 791.3233413995067
But there seemed to be some difference of opinion as to how far the board should go , and whose advice it should follow . 232.79677255609343
The board members , after hearing the coordination plea from Mrs Ralph H <unk> , <unk> SW <unk> Dr , said they thought they had already been cooperating . 472.30463079240405
Chairman C Richard <unk> pointed out that perhaps this was not strictly a school board problem , in case of atomic attack , but that the board would cooperate so far as possible to get the children to where the parents wanted them to go . 338.1369512909806
Dr <unk> W Barnes , superintendent , said he thought the schools were waiting for some leadership , perhaps on the national level , to make sure that whatever steps of planning they took would be more fruitful , and that he had found that other school districts were not as far along in their planning as this district . 257.3434772417101
Los Angeles has said they would send the children to their homes in case of disaster , he said . 315.2609045076012
Nobody really expects to <unk> . 332.7712276453271
I think everybody is agreed that we need to hear some voice on the national level that would make some sense and in which we would have some confidence in following . 240.28549220003177
Mrs <unk> , who kept <unk> her request that they please take a stand , said , We must have faith in <unk> on the local level , and it would n't be possible for everyone to rush to a school to get their children . 155.5669324452503
Dr Barnes said that there seemed to be feeling that evacuation plans , even for a high school where there were lots of cars might not be realistic and would not work . 285.10887507070544
Mrs <unk> asked again that the board join in taking a stand in keeping with Jack <unk> 's program . 344.63896343125884
The board said it thought it had gone as far as instructed so far and asked for more information to be brought at the next meeting . 223.67370603236208
It was generally agreed that the subject was important and the board should be informed on what was done , is going to be done and what it thought should be done . 108.29252357453491
<unk> AP - The statewide meeting of war mothers Tuesday in Salem will hear a greeting from Gov Mark <unk> . 1156.040298269855
<unk> also is scheduled to hold a public United Nations Day reception in the state <unk> on Tuesday . 372.78547927879936
His schedule calls for a noon speech Monday in Eugene at the <unk> Empire <unk> Club . 682.5115080710544
He will speak to <unk> University Young Republicans Thursday night in Salem . 827.2606761610871
On Friday he will go to Portland for the <unk> in of Dean <unk> as Multnomah County Circuit Judge . 807.2701871006042
He will attend a meeting of the Republican State Central Committee Saturday in Portland and see the <unk> football game . 469.0175580767218
Beaverton School District No 48 board members examined <unk> and specifications for two proposed junior high schools at a Monday night workshop session . 4348.268687720965
A bond issue which would have provided some 3.5 million for construction of the two <unk> schools was defeated by district voters in January . 649.3550656581878
Last week the board , by a 4 to 3 vote , decided to ask voters whether they prefer the <unk> junior high school system or the <unk> system . 437.5985665063955
Board members indicated Monday night this would be done by an advisory poll to be taken on Nov 15 , the same date as a <unk> bond election for the construction of three new elementary schools . 510.4974412859396
Secretary of Labor Arthur Goldberg will speak Sunday night at the <unk> Temple at a <unk> dinner honoring Sen Wayne L Morse , <unk> . 1020.7893099603536
The dinner is sponsored by organized labor and is scheduled for 7 pm . 739.2557516650077
Secretary Goldberg and Sen Morse will hold a joint press conference at the Roosevelt Hotel at <unk> pm Sunday , <unk> Whipple , executive secretary of the Democratic Party of Oregon , reported Tuesday . 974.1023258463547
Other speakers for the <unk> dinner include <unk> Edith Green and Al <unk> , Labor Commissioner Norman <unk> and Mayor Terry <unk> , all Democrats . 843.6509634556843
<unk> <unk> SPECIAL - Three positions on the Oak Lodge Water district board of directors have attracted 11 candidates . 1887.3190033425142
The election will be Dec 4 from 8 am to 8 pm . 998.9947113643341
<unk> will be in the water office . 69.03858846445495
<unk> Richard <unk> seeks <unk> and is opposed by Donald <unk> for the five-year term . 307.65651755796176
<unk> William <unk> is opposed in his <unk> bid by Barbara <unk> , Miles C <unk> and Frank Lee . 325.4094286355508
Five candidates seek the place <unk> by Secretary Hugh G <unk> . 943.2866072202596
<unk> this two-year term are James <unk> , Dwight M <unk> , James C <unk> , <unk> <unk> and Theodore W <unk> . 190.18826661911223
A stronger stand on their beliefs and a firmer grasp on their future were taken Friday by delegates to the 29th general council of the Assemblies of God , in session at the Memorial <unk> . 466.45879162658275
The council revised , in an effort to strengthen , the denomination 's 16 basic beliefs adopted in 1966 . 819.0258945443713
The changes , unanimously adopted , were felt necessary in the face of modern trends away from the Bible . 249.22115329231806
The council agreed it should more firmly state its belief in and dependence on the Bible . 587.0369249291593
At the adoption , the Rev T F <unk> , general superintendent , commented , The Assemblies of God has been a <unk> for <unk> in these modern days and has , without compromise , stood for the great truths of the Bible for which men in the past have been willing to give their lives . 187.02317609830544
NEW <unk> <unk> Many changes involved minor editing and clarification ; however , the first belief stood for entire revision with a new third point added to the list . 568.450176441654
The first of 16 beliefs of the denomination , now reads The scriptures , both Old and New Testament , are verbally inspired of God and are the revelation of God to man , the <unk> , authoritative rule of faith and conduct . 406.75861858218065
The third belief , in six points , <unk> the <unk> of the Lord Jesus Christ , and - <unk> the Virgin birth - the <unk> life of Christ - His miracles - His <unk> work on the cross - His bodily <unk> from the dead - and His <unk> to the right hand of God . 273.45386118808466
<unk> <unk> <unk> Friday afternoon the Rev T F <unk> was <unk> for his second consecutive two-year term as general superintendent of Assemblies of God . 544.2275425188475
His offices are in <unk> , Mo . 138.58852236181045
Election came on the <unk> ballot . 183.9337836165329
Friday night the delegates heard the need for their forthcoming program , <unk> scheduled to fill the churches for the next two years . 361.46951056866357
In his opening address Wednesday the Rev Mr <unk> , urged the delegates to consider a 10-year expansion program , with <unk> the theme for the first two years . 291.40461049028147
The Rev R L Brandt , national secretary of the home missions department , stressed the need for the first two years ' work . 501.38018580082536
<unk> show that one out of three Americans has vital contact with the church . 295.6695062840585
This means that more than 100 million have no vital touch with the church or religious life , he told delegates Friday . 495.7874515281792
CHURCH <unk> <unk> <unk> of the rapid population growth upwards of <unk> babies born daily with an immigrant entering the United States every 1-1/2 minutes , he said our organization has not been keeping pace with this challenge . 686.3526611897886
In 35 years we have opened <unk> churches , the Rev Mr Brandt said , adding that the denomination had a national goal of one church for every 10,000 persons . 496.9199644770247
In this light we need 1,000 churches in Illinois , where we have 200 ; 800 in Southern New England , we have 60 ; we need 100 in Rhode Island , we have none , he said . 421.85064337512387
To step up the denomination 's program , the Rev Mr Brandt suggested the vision of 8,000 new Assemblies of God churches in the next 10 years . 610.5179065937227
To accomplish this would necessitate some changes in methods , he said . 296.6042808738238
<unk> <unk> <unk> ' The church 's ability to change her methods is going to determine her ability to meet the challenge of this hour . 147.03079017806454
A <unk> view of proposed plans includes - <unk> by every means , all existing Assemblies of God churches to start new churches . 703.844677849837
- <unk> mature , experienced men to pioneer or open new churches in strategic population centers . 1062.0246063562213
- <unk> pioneer pastors with vocational volunteers laymen , who will be urged to move into the area of new churches in the interest of lending their support to the new project . 333.1751256443771
- <unk> for <unk> graduates to spend from <unk> months as <unk> in <unk> churches . 196.77795321779757
US <unk> Judge Charles L Powell denied all motions made by defense attorneys Monday in Portland 's insurance <unk> trial . 2824.0079157634427
<unk> were of motions of dismissal , continuance , <unk> , separate trial , <unk> , striking of testimony and directed verdict . 339.77372841103704
In denying motions for dismissal , Judge Powell stated that mass trials have been upheld as proper in other courts and that a person may join a conspiracy without knowing who all of the <unk> are . 903.7253285868134
Attorney Dwight L <unk> , in behalf of defendant Philip <unk> , argued there is no evidence linking <unk> to the conspiracy , but Judge Powell declared this is a matter for the jury to decide . 467.9556782984158
PROOF <unk> <unk> <unk> also declared there is no proof of <unk> 's entering a conspiracy to use the US mails to <unk> , to which federal <unk> A Lawrence <unk> replied It is not necessary that a defendant actually have <unk> to use the US mails to <unk> as long as there is evidence of a conspiracy , and the mails were then used to carry it out . 230.2577502932586
In the afternoon , defense attorneys began the presentation of their cases with opening statements , some of which had been <unk> until after the government had called witnesses and presented its case . 266.8324912420496
<unk> , FLA , MARCH 17 - The Orioles tonight retained the distinction of being the only <unk> team among the eighteen <unk> clubs as they dropped their sixth straight spring exhibition decision , this one to the Kansas City <unk> by a score of 5 to 3 . 618.1334207207203
<unk> as late as the top of the sixth were that the Birds were to end their victory <unk> as they <unk> along with a <unk> advantage . 138.55354637014642
<unk> <unk> <unk> Over the first five frames , Jack Fisher , the big <unk> who figures to be in the middle of Oriole plans for a drive on the 1961 American League pennant , held the A 's <unk> while yielding three scattered hits . 455.36195683729943
Then Dick Hyde , <unk> <unk> , entered the contest and only five <unk> needed to face him before there existed a <unk> deadlock . 280.50209285879896
A <unk> homer by <unk> <unk> and a solo blast by Bill Tuttle tied the game , and single runs in the eighth and ninth gave the <unk> their fifth victory in eight starts . 679.3067833510239
HOUSE <unk> <unk> With one down in the eighth , <unk> Throneberry drew a walk and stole second as Hyde <unk> Tuttle . 813.0448776164997
<unk> Frank House 's throw in an effort to <unk> Throneberry was wide and in the dirt . 380.72026164088413
Then Heywood Sullivan , Kansas City <unk> , singled up the middle and Throneberry was across with what proved to be the winning run . 623.3358273807951
<unk> southpaw George <unk> relieved Hyde at the start of the ninth and gave up the A 's fifth tally on a walk to second <unk> Dick <unk> , a wild pitch , and Frank <unk> 's single under <unk> Jerry <unk> 's glove into center . 496.1240443743501
The Orioles once again performed at the plate in <unk> fashion , gathering only seven blows off the <unk> of three Kansas City pitchers . 606.4587629437333
Three were doubles , Brooks Robinson getting a pair and <unk> Breeding one . 1254.6228613829269
<unk> <unk> Bill Kunkel , Bob Hartman and Ed <unk> did the mound chores for the club down from West Palm Beach to play the game before <unk> paying customers in Miami Stadium . 1196.2064841590777
The Birds got five hits and all three of their runs off Kunkel before Hartman took over in the top of the fourth . 614.3909636175676
Hartman , purchased by the A 's from the Milwaukee Braves last fall , allowed no hits in his <unk> <unk> appearance , and <unk> the triumph . 410.453437689284
<unk> , a <unk> <unk> , gave up the Orioles ' last two <unk> over the final three frames , escaping a load of trouble in the ninth when the Birds threatened but failed to tally . 286.64875450140136
<unk> <unk> <unk> In the ninth , Robinson led off with his second double of the night , a blast off the fence <unk> feet deep into left . 256.5050339009467
<unk> <unk> , performing in right as the Orioles <unk> possibly their strongest team of the spring , worked <unk> for a base on balls . 247.61541961025185
Then three consecutive <unk> failed to produce . 419.5211246056168
<unk> Ward was sent in for House and , after failing in a <unk> attempt , <unk> to <unk> on the grass back of short . 185.88588536383568
John Powell , batting for <unk> , <unk> after <unk> off two <unk> pitches , and <unk> Barker , up for <unk> , bounced out sharply to Jerry <unk> at second to end the <unk> contest . 254.2116164589823
The Orioles got a run in the first inning when Breeding , along with Robinson , the two Birds who got a pair of hits , doubled to right center , moved to third on <unk> <unk> 's single to right and crossed on Kunkel 's wild pitch into the dirt in front of the plate . 457.3523865486274
The Flock added a pair of <unk> in the third on three straight hits after two were out . 360.5344851861672
Jackie Brandt singled deep into the hole at short to start the rally . 1266.9981053631514
<unk> <unk> Jim Gentile bounced a hard shot off Kunkel 's glove and beat it out for a single , and when <unk> grabbed the ball and threw it over first <unk> Throneberry 's head Brandt took third and Gentile second on the error . 976.8615143057925
Then Robinson <unk> a long double to left center to score both runners . 1005.7726058136307
When Robinson tried to stretch his blow into a triple , he was cut down in a close play at third , Tuttle to <unk> Carey . 399.564572582307
The detailed <unk> on the Kansas City scoring in the sixth went like this <unk> worked a walk as the first <unk> to face Hyde and <unk> around as <unk> <unk> Hyde 's next toss <unk> feet over the scoreboard in right center . 360.6344650023877
<unk> <unk> Carey singled on a <unk> ball to short which Robinson cut across to field and threw wide to first . 767.6621988307851
It was ruled a difficult chance and a hit . 349.3178910096242
Then Throneberry <unk> into a fast double play . 700.4499673520929
Breeding to <unk> to Gentile , setting up Tuttle 's <unk> homer over the wall in left center . 743.9758543485405
If the Orioles are to break their losing streak within the next two days , it will have to be at the expense of the American League champion New York Yankees , who come in here tomorrow for a night game and a single test Sunday afternoon . 380.930633325479
<unk> , FLA , MARCH 17 - The flavor of Baltimore 's Florida <unk> League news <unk> considerably late today when the Orioles were advised that Ron Hansen has fulfilled his obligations under the Army 's military training program and is ready for <unk> spring training . 913.6234537545819
Hansen , who <unk> the 1960 Oriole high of 22 <unk> and drove in 86 runs on a <unk> freshman average , completes the Birds ' spring squad at 49 players . 1102.204950530039
The big , <unk> shortstop , the 1960 American league <unk> year , flew here late this afternoon from Baltimore , signed his contract for an estimated 15,000 and was a spectator at tonight 's <unk> loss to Kansas <unk> the <unk> Birds ' sixth <unk> in a row . 543.005539441824
15 <unk> <unk> The <unk> 3 inch Hansen checked in close to 200 pounds , 15 pounds lighter than his reporting weight last spring . 1367.3919068362027
He hopes to <unk> off an additional eight pounds before the Flock breaks camp three weeks hence . 1010.929128261483
When he was <unk> into the Army at Fort Knox , <unk> , Hansen 's weight had dropped to <unk> too light for me to be at my best he said . 177.5803975506759
I feel good physically , Hansen added , but I think I 'll move better carrying a little less weight than I 'm carrying now . 457.65400561145316
<unk> <unk> <unk> The <unk> , Albany <unk> native , a surprise <unk> sensation for the Flock last year as well as a defensive <unk> , set improved <unk> as his 1961 goal . 249.29287106038444
I think I can do a better job with the glove , now that I know the hitters around the league a little better , he said . 169.89643420058167
Hansen will engage in his first workout at Miami Stadium prior to the opening tomorrow night of a <unk> weekend series with the New York Yankees . 772.4328562554836
<unk> Brown and Hoyt Wilhelm , the Flock 's veteran <unk> specialists , are <unk> to oppose the American League champions in tomorrow 's 8 PM contest . 782.5526400797613
<unk> , <unk> ON <unk> <unk> <unk> and Roland Sheldon , a rookie <unk> who posted a <unk> record last year for the Yanks ' <unk> NY farm club of the <unk> New <unk> League , are the probable rival pitchers . 406.15600984022245
<unk> <unk> <unk> and Jerry Walker , 22 , are scheduled to share the Oriole mound chores against the <unk> ' Art <unk> in Sunday 's 2 PM encounter . 488.25321867531466
Ralph <unk> , successor to Casey Stengel at the Yankee <unk> , plans to bring the entire New York squad here from St Petersburg , including Joe <unk> and large crowds are anticipated for both weekend games . 695.6646783849659
The famed Yankee <unk> , now retired , has been assisting as a batting coach . 459.57942418107103
<unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> Barber joined the club one week ago after completing his <unk> under the Army 's accelerated <unk> military course , also at Fort Knox , <unk> . 389.7893789485634
The <unk> southpaw enlisted earlier last fall than did Hansen . 2285.518410032028
Baltimore 's bulky <unk> <unk> now gradually will be reduced as Manager Paul Richards and his coaches seek to trim it down to a more streamlined and workable unit . 997.5866546427492
Take a ride on this one , Brooks Robinson greeted Hansen as the Bird third <unk> grabbed a bat , headed for the plate and bounced a <unk> <unk> double off the <unk> wall tonight . 696.6350281912651
It was the first of two doubles by Robinson , who was in a mood to <unk> . 98.46534164141453
Just before game time , Robinson 's pretty wife , <unk> informed him that an addition to the family can be expected late next summer . 489.7010400262137
Unfortunately , Brooks ' <unk> were not in such <unk> mood as the Orioles expired before the <unk> pitching of three Kansas City rookie <unk> . 446.3397246237944
Hansen arrived just before <unk> , two hours late , in company with Lee <unk> ; J A W <unk> , chairman of the Oriole board of directors , and Public Relations Director Jack Dunn . 621.2059768638062
Their flight was delayed , Dunn said , when a <unk> ramp inflicted some minor damage to the wing of the plane . 416.3321516962597
<unk> Clint <unk> , now catching for the A 's is all for the American League 's 1961 expansion to the West Coast . 368.4084383156277
But they <unk> brought in Tokyo , too , added Old <unk> . 181.17659146939877
Then we 'd really have <unk> to go . 89.61985852164017
<unk> , <unk> , MARCH 17 - <unk> her second straight victory , Norman B , Small , Jr 's Garden Fresh , a <unk> filly , downed promising colts in the <unk> St Patrick 's Day <unk> , featured seventh race here today , and paid <unk> straight . 613.978029531605
<unk> with her field in the early stages , Garden Fresh was asked for top speed only in the stretch by <unk> Philip <unk> and won by a length and a half in <unk> <unk> for the 7 <unk> . 229.2358333059646
<unk> <unk> <unk> Richard M <unk> 's <unk> , which had what seemed to be a substantial lead in the early stages , tired rapidly nearing the wire and was able to save place money only a head in front of Glen T <unk> 's <unk> Miss . 240.1175074080642
A bright sun and brisk wind had the track in a fast condition for the first time this week and <unk> St <unk> Day <unk> bet <unk> on the <unk> program . 299.3438450958863
Prior to the featured race , the <unk> announced that apprentice James P <unk> is suspended ten days for <unk> horses and crossing the field sharply in two races on Wednesday . 730.7170114067388
<unk> <unk> FIRST <unk> Garden Fresh , the result of a mating of Better Self and <unk> <unk> , seems to improve with each start and appeared to win the St Patrick 's Day <unk> with some speed in reserve . 364.13218210304785
She was moving up to the allowance department after winning a 10,000 claiming event . 774.4703612422302
<unk> , MARCH 17 AP - George Kerr , the <unk> <unk> , set a meet record in the <unk> run in the Knights of Columbus track meet tonight , beating <unk> 's Dave Mills in a hot <unk> in <unk> . 389.45723584218314
Kerr , who set the world record earlier this month in New York with a <unk> of <unk> , wiped out Mills 's early pace and beat the young Big 10 <unk> king by 5 yards . 597.7183736941728
Both were under the meet mark of <unk> set in 1950 by <unk> <unk> . 207.23168385153267
Mills shot out in front and kept the lead through two thirds of the race . 396.16530411189467
Then Kerr , a graduate student from Illinois , moved past him on a <unk> and held off Mills 's challenge on the final turn . 406.7718142386212
Mills was timed in <unk> . 319.86035647791255
The crowd at the <unk> annual K of C <unk> , final indoor meet of the season , got a <unk> a few minutes earlier when a slender , <unk> woman broke the <unk> world record in the half-mile run . 351.805619507085
Mrs Grace Butcher , of nearby <unk> , a <unk> housewife who has two children , finished in <unk> . 321.08327522731713
She snapped five <unk> of a second off the mark set by Helen <unk> , of <unk> College , in the National <unk> meet in Columbus , Ohio . 289.18668740560923
<unk> <unk> , MARCH 17 AP - Bobby Waters of <unk> , Ga , relief quarterback for the San Francisco <unk> of the National Football League , will undergo a knee operation tomorrow at Franklin Hospital here . 961.4688181296258
Waters injured his left knee in the last game of the 1960 season . 722.1979946772185
While working out in <unk> a swelling developed in the knee and he came here to consult the team physician . 320.2628828124325
<unk> <unk> , FLA , MARCH 17 AP - Two errors by New York Yankee shortstop Tony <unk> in the <unk> inning donated four <unk> runs and a <unk> victory to the Chicago White Sox today . 886.461878882187
AUSTIN , TEXAS - A Texas halfback who does n't even know the team 's plays , <unk> Moritz , ranks fourth in Southwest Conference scoring after three games . 1365.0130904525968
Time stands still every time Moritz , a <unk> Army Signal Corps veteran , goes into the field . 913.8472459421496
Although he never gets to play while the clock is running , he gets a big <unk> several every Saturday , in <unk> out of football . 282.29862484723276
Moritz does n't even have a nose guard or hip pads but he 's one of the most valuable members of the <unk> team that will be heavily favored Saturday over Oklahoma in the Cotton <unk> . 451.08194488648525
That 's because he already has kicked 14 extra points in 15 tries . 1225.0254189920188
He ran his string of successful conversions this season to 13 straight before one went <unk> last Saturday night in the <unk> slaughter of Washington State . 757.5938830083566
Moritz is listed on the <unk> <unk> as a right halfback , the position at which he <unk> on the 1956 team . 163.88198392872025
But ask coach <unk> Royal what position he plays and you 'll get the quick response , <unk> . 600.723797772577
A <unk> , <unk> <unk> senior from Stamford , Moritz practices nothing but <unk> . 271.7550186291461
Last year , when he worked out at halfback all season , he did n't get into a single game . 218.13901613006712
This year , coach Royal told me if I 'd work on my <unk> he thought he could use me , said Moritz . 400.3949635421463
So I started practicing on it in spring training . 622.545293157787
Moritz was bothered during the first two games this year by a pulled muscle in the thigh of his right kicking leg and , as a result , several of his successful conversions have gone barely far enough . 613.2954992850586
Moritz said Monday his leg feels fine and , as a result , he hopes to start practicing field goals this week . 1007.5172015714796
He kicked several while playing at Stamford High School , including one that beat <unk> , <unk> , in a 1953 district game . 602.920361939721
I kicked about 110 extra points in 135 tries during three years in high school , he said , and made 26 in a row at one time . 472.09203399509397
I never did miss one in a <unk> <unk> I kicked about 20 in the five <unk> games my last two years . 269.30316662565394
Moritz came to Texas in 1954 but his freshman football efforts were <unk> by a knee injury . 924.1511679097895
He missed the 1955 season because of an operation on the <unk> knee , then played 77 minutes in 1956 . 464.1845708352132
His statistical record that year , when Texas won only one game and lost nine , was far from impressive he carried the ball three times for a net gain of 10 yards , <unk> once for 39 yards and caught one pass for 13 yards . 765.6365352103486
He went into the Army in March , 1957 , and returned two years later . 165.759187645097
But he was <unk> <unk> in 1959 and merely present last season . 139.12892214876723
Place kicking is largely a matter of timing , Moritz declared . 813.3623107665406
Once you get the feel of it , there 's not much to it . 105.2651266482026
I 've tried to teach some of the other boys to kick and some of them ca n't seem to get the feel . 201.94481688056067
<unk> helps you to get your timing down . 369.7741803020209
It 's kind of like <unk> if you do n't swing a club very often , your timing gets off . 482.3653904029712
Moritz , however , <unk> only about 10 or 12 extra points during each practice session . 612.2504025613308
If you kick too much , your leg gets <unk> dead , he explained . 399.1031835832
<unk> In their first three games , the Longhorns have had the ball 41 times and scored 16 times , or 40 per cent h their total passing <unk> in three games , <unk> on 30 <unk> in 56 attempts , is only 22 yards short of their total passing <unk> in 1959 , when they made <unk> on 37 <unk> in 86 tries h. <unk> James <unk> already has <unk> his rushing total for his brilliant sophomore season , when he <unk> <unk> yards on 55 carries ; he now has <unk> yards in 22 tries during three games h. <unk> has made only one <unk> appearance this season and that was in the Washington State game , for four plays he returned the <unk> 30 yards , gained five yards through the line and then <unk> a <unk> touchdown run before retiring to the bench h. <unk> Jack Collins injured a knee in the Washington State game but insists he 'll be ready for Oklahoma h. Last week , when Royal was informed that three Longhorns were among the conference 's top four in rushing , he said That wo n't last long . 712.3171769028875
It did n't ; Monday , he had four Longhorns in the top four h. A good feeling prevailed on the SMU coaching staff Monday , but attention quickly turned from Saturday 's victory to next week 's problem Rice University . 1105.2392623228623
The <unk> do n't play this week . 141.6543265137074
We 're just real happy for the players , Coach Bill Meek said of the <unk> victory over the Air Force Academy . 720.8287004748341
I think the big thing about the game was that our kids for the third straight week stayed in there pitching and kept the pressure on . 392.91837652932304
It was the first time we 've been ahead this season when John <unk> kicked what proved to be the winning field goal . 370.689574185604
Assistant coach John <unk> described victory as a good feeling , I think , on the part of the coaches and the players . 217.87083561596808
We needed it and we got it . 124.22176700222106
Meek expressed particular gratification at the defensive performances of end Happy Nelson and halfback Billy Gannon . 4808.641615872078
Both turned in top jobs for the second straight game . 437.93726380930707
Nelson played magnificent football , Meek praised . 5819.98184244633
He knocked down the interference and made key stops lots of times . 762.2829637858265
And he caused the <unk> that set up our touchdown . 152.5016618183913