Unicycler-scrub is a tool which attempts to clean a long read set by trimming read ends and splitting chimeras. It is an experimental tool that is still under development, so use with caution!
This blog post by Gene Myers was a source of inspiration, and like that approach, Unicycler-scrub uses read-read alignments to intrinsically find break points in reads (not any external reference). The end result should be a cleaned set of reads with less erroneous sequence and fewer chimeras, more useful for assembly than the raw reads.
usage: unicycler_scrub [-h] -i INPUT -o OUT [-r READS] [--trim TRIM] [--split SPLIT] [--min_split_size MIN_SPLIT_SIZE]
[--discard_chimeras] [-t THREADS] [--keep_paf] [--parameters PARAMETERS] [--verbosity VERBOSITY]
Unicycler-scrub - read trimming, chimera detection and misassembly detection
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT, --input INPUT These are the reads or assembly to be scrubbed (can be FASTA or FASTQ format
-o OUT, --out OUT The scrubbed reads or assembly will be saved to this file (will have the same format as the --input
file format) or use "none" to not produce an output file
-r READS, --reads READS These are the reads used to scrub --input (can be FASTA or FASTQ format) (default: same file as
--trim TRIM The aggressiveness with which the input will be trimmed (0 to 100, where 0 is no trimming and 100 is
very aggressive trimming) (default: 50)
--split SPLIT The aggressiveness with which the input will be split (0 to 100, where 0 is no splitting and 100 is
very aggressive splitting) (default: 50)
--min_split_size MIN_SPLIT_SIZE Parts of split sequences will only be outputted if they are at least this big (default: 1000)
--discard_chimeras If used, chimeric sequences will be discarded instead of split (default: False)
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS Number of threads used (default: 8)
--keep_paf Save the alignments to file (makes repeated runs faster because alignments can be loaded from file)
(default: False)
--parameters PARAMETERS Low-level parameters (for debugging use only) (default: )
--verbosity VERBOSITY Level of stdout information (default: 1)
0 = no stdout, 1 = basic progress indicators, 2 = extra info, 3 = debugging info