Product: Secomea
Use-Case: Compromised Credentials
Rules | Models | MITRE ATT&CK® TTPs | Activity Types | Parsers |
27 | 16 | 3 | 1 | 1 |
Event Type | Rules | Models |
app-login | T1190 - Exploit Public Fasing Application ↳ APP-Log4j-String-2: There was an attempt via app activity to exploit the CVE-2021-44228 vulnerability using known keywords. ↳ A-APP-Log4j-String: There was an attempt via app activity to exploit the CVE-2021-44228 vulnerability on this asset. ↳ A-App-Log4j-String-2: There was an attempt via app activity to exploit the CVE-2021-44228 vulnerability using known keywords on the asset. T1078 - Valid Accounts ↳ APP-UApp-F: First login or activity within an application for user ↳ APP-UApp-A: Abnormal login or activity within an application for user ↳ APP-AppU-F: First login to an application for a user with no history ↳ APP-F-SA-NC: New service account access to application ↳ APP-AppG-F: First login to an application for group ↳ APP-GApp-A: Abnormal login to an application for group ↳ APP-UTi: Abnormal user activity time ↳ APP-UAg-F: First user agent string for user ↳ APP-UAg-2: Second new user agent string for user ↳ APP-UAg-3: More than two new user agents used by the user in the same session ↳ APP-UOs-F: First os/browser combination for user ↳ APP-UsH-F: First source asset for user in application ↳ APP-UsH-A: Abnormal source asset for user in application ↳ APP-UId-F: First use of client Id for user ↳ APP-IdU-F: Reuse of client Id ↳ APP-AppSz-F: First application access from network zone ↳ APP-AppED-F: New Email-domain found in application ↳ UA-UI-F: First activity from ISP ↳ UA-UC-new: Abnormal country for user by new user ↳ UA-GC-new: Abnormal country for group by new user ↳ UA-OC-new: Abnormal country for organization by new user ↳ UA-UC-Suspicious: Activity from suspicious country ↳ UA-UC-Two: Activity from two different countries ↳ UA-UC-Three: Activity from 3 different countries T1133 - External Remote Services ↳ UA-UI-F: First activity from ISP ↳ UA-UC-new: Abnormal country for user by new user ↳ UA-GC-new: Abnormal country for group by new user ↳ UA-OC-new: Abnormal country for organization by new user ↳ UA-UC-Suspicious: Activity from suspicious country ↳ UA-UC-Two: Activity from two different countries ↳ UA-UC-Three: Activity from 3 different countries |
• UA-OC: Countries for organization • UA-GC: Countries for peer groups • UA-UC: Countries for user activity • UA-UI-new: ISP of users during application activity • APP-AppED: Email-domains per application • APP-AppSz: Source zones per application • APP-IdU: User per Client Id • APP-UId: Client Id per User • APP-UsH: User's machines accessing applications • APP-UOs-New: OS and Browser from user agent • APP-UAg: User Agent Strings • APP-UTi: Application activity time for user • APP-GApp: Group Logons to Applications • APP-AppG: Groups per Application • APP-AppU: User Logons to Applications • APP-UApp: Applications per User |