Ray tracing with c++
For more scenarios than the demo given by main.cpp
, edit this construct
function in source code with the following instructions:
Construct a list for all objects to be rendered : HittableList world
Define a texture with : auto texture = std::make_shared<TEXTURE>(...)
Define a material with : auto material = std::make_shared<MATERIAL>(texture)
Define a geometry with : auto geometry = std::make_shared<GEOMETRY>(Point3d(X,Y,Z), RADIUS, material)
Add this geometry to world : world.add(geometry)
(Arguments can be slightly differed from method to method, check the header file for accurate usage.)
Then just build and run the ray tracing program!
Currently supported options for TEXTURE are:
- CheckerTexture: Squares distributed like checker
Currently supported options for MATERIAL are:
- Lambertian : Material to simulate objects that cause diffusion reflection
- Metal : Material to simulate metal objects
- Dielectric : Material to simulate glass-like objects
- Diffuse Light : Under construction yet
Currently supported options for GEOMETRY are:
- Sphere
- Box
- Triangle
Run the following command in your terminal:
bash run.sh
Run the following command in your Command Prompt:
Both scripts allow you to change variables for different work modes. Here are the options you can configure:
Change the variables in script for different work mode
- -n_samples : Number of samples per pixel during rendering
- -max_depth : Maximum recursion depth for one ray
- -image_width : Width of image rendered
- -n_threads : Threads used in parallel mode
- -p : parallel mode on
- -a : anti-alias mode on
: you can find the corresponding parameters and elapsed time appended in this file after every run.
- Texture (mapping from 2d to 3d)
- OOP on color.h
- Light source
- Motion of objects
- Fix the noisy points
- Optimisation on design(Matrix operation, Search for object hits)