All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Unlike other changelogs, this particular changelog is not in chronological order. Instead the changes that are similar are grouped together.
- See
These don't matter except for other assembly patches
- section/lua_createtable.cpp
Adds utilities to register Sim and UI Lua functions.
- hooks/LuaFuncRegs.cpp
- section/LuaFuncRegs.cpp
function- hooks/VDist3.cpp
- section/VDist3.cpp
Reduce call sim beat of UI
- hooks/HUIReduceCallSimBeat.cpp
Zeroing GuardScanRadius if the unit's order is not Patrol/AttackMove. Increases performance.
- hooks/HGuardFix.cpp
- section/GuardFix.cpp
Range ring performance improvement (reducing height cylinders)
- hooks/HRangeRings2.cpp
- section/RangeRings2.cpp
Range ring performance improvement (don't render each ring twice)
- hooks/RangeRings.cpp
- section/RangeRings.cpp
Camera performance improvements
- hooks/CameraPerf.cpp
Optimised some AI actions
- hooks/aiinitattack.cpp
Reduce overhead of population of Lua tables in C code. Affected functions:
- UI
- EntityCategoryFilterOut
- EntityCategoryFilterDown
- SelectUnits
- Sim
- EntityCategoryFilterDown
- hooks/TableInsertFix.cpp
- UI
Remove result table in
- hooks/SelecUnitsTableFix.cpp
Remove lingering transport load factor calcuation at aircraft initialization
- hooks/RemoveTransportLoadFactor.cpp
returning integer economy values.- hooks/GetRolloverInfoFix.cpp
- hooks/weakgcmarkerFix.cpp
Fix CUIWorldMesh:GetInterpolatedAlignedBox return table to properly store
- hooks/FixGetInterpolatedAlignedBox.cpp
test commands caps instead of toggle caps- hooks/FixTestCommandCaps.cpp
Reduce terrain collision distance-based offset to 1%;
Prevent projectile layer changes on terrain collisions;
Allows multiple collisions to be processed during collision checks.
- hooks/FixCollisions.cpp
: don't change color part and check for 3rd argument as boolean.- hooks/SetAlpha.cpp
- section/SetAlpha.cpp
argument.- hooks/DecalSetPositionFix.cpp
function. Allow only lua function to be passed as first argument.- hooks/ForkThreadFix.cpp
- section/ForkThreadFix.cpp
function, crashed before. Now returns true if value must be set.- hooks/SetStatFix.cpp
- section/SetStatFix.cpp
Upgrade Progress Fix
- hooks/HUpgradeProgressFix.cpp
- section/UpgradeProgressFix.cpp
Prevents the crash with 'None' collisions of air. #3235
- hooks/AirNoneCollisionFix.cpp
Prevents commander exploding for no reason. #3406
- hooks/NegativeIncomeFix.cpp
Fix replays desyncing when a player leaves the game
- hooks/DesyncFix.cpp
- section/gpg_net.cpp
- section/moho_decode.cpp
- section/moho_input.cpp
- section/include/desync_fix_global.h
Kill exception during map loading
- hooks/Kill_maploader_except.cpp
Prevent blueprint editor being used without cheat mode
- hooks/FixOpenBPEditor.cpp
Can't become an observer while your human allies are still alive
- hooks/ObserverFix.cpp
Fix a crash when units arrive at waypoints
- hooks/WayPointArrive.cpp
Allows to use 4GB on x64
- hooks/HFix4GB.cpp
Make xact3d the error message print once
- hooks/xact_3dapply.cpp
- section/xact_3d_fix.cpp
Improvements to lua messages
- hooks/LuaMessages.cpp
Adds the ability to bind the side mouse buttons (XButton1 and XButton2)
- hooks/OnWindowMessage.cpp
- section/OnWindowMessage.cpp
Change tick intel update interval from every 30 ticks to every 1 tick
- hooks/IntelUpdate.cpp
Removing CTRL formations
- hooks/HRemovingCTRLFormations.cpp
Ignore empty reclaim orders
- hooks/HIgnoreEmptyReclaim.cpp
Stops reclaim if unit is paused (similar to 'build', 'assist' etc.)
- hooks/StopReclaimWhenPaused.cpp
- section/StopReclaimWhenPaused.cpp
- section/selectionPriority.cpp
Allows changing army of ACUs
- hooks/HTransferACUs.cpp
Allow players to double-click to select Walls
- hooks/WallSelection.cpp
apply to units under construction- hooks/selectionPriority.cpp
Allow mass extractor template snapping
- hooks/BuildTemplateSnap.cpp
- section/BuildTemplateSnap.cpp
Change how silos process their build progress (make it float instead of integer)
- hooks/SiloProgress.cpp
- section/SiloProgress.cpp
category name toSACU_BEHAVIOR
(FAF makes this transparent)- hooks/CategoryRenames.cpp
Stop the engine calling lua every time a plane turns
- hooks/OnMotionTurnEvent.cpp
These new features have been added in a backwards compatible manner
Enable unused console commands: ren_Steering, dbg_Ballistics, dbg_EfxBeams, dbg_Trail, dbg_CollisionBeam, dbg_Projectile
- hooks/EnableConsoleCommands.cpp
GetHighlightCommand() - return table of command or nil
to UI (section/GetHighlightCommand.cpp) -
Adds new methods to the the
class (section/ProjectileNewMethods.cpp):Projectile:SetNewTargetGroundXYZ(x, y, z)
x, y, z = Projectile:GetCurrentTargetPositionXYZ()
frequency = Projectile:GetZigZagFrequency()
maxzigzag = Projectile:GetMaxZigZag()
Adds Custom World Rendering (hooks:
; section:DrawFunc.cpp
)UI_DrawRect(pos:vector, size:float, color:string, thickness?=0.15:float)
UI_DrawCircle(pos:vector, radius:float, color:string, thickness?=0.15:float)
Both functions must be called within
. To enable CWR callWorldView:SetCustomRender(true)
of WorldView you want to draw in. To disable callWorldView:SetCustomRender(false)
respectively. -
Adds Strategic icon scale support:
- hooks/IconScale.cpp
- section/IconScale.cpp
Adds new method to
projects multiple vectors at once
Adds new methods for
returns position of a unit interpolated by current frameGetFractionComplete
returns float from 0 to 1
Adds method
- sets color mask for bitmap
Adds 5th argument for
as flag whether to pick all units for build order- hooks/IssueMobileBuild.cpp
- section/IssueMobileBuild.cpp
Adds GetProcessAffinityMask, SetProcessAffinityMask, SetProcessPriority to "init.lua"
- hooks/OnCreateInitLuaState.cpp
- section/OnCreateInitLuaState.cpp
Adds the commandType, position, targetId and blueprintId to sim unit:GetCommandQueue
- hooks/SimGetCommandQueue.cpp
- section/SimGetCommandQueue.cpp
Adds new category 'CANLANDONWATER' for air units to be able to land on water
- hooks/CanLandOnWater.cpp
- section/Categories.cpp
Adds new category 'OBSTRUCTSBUILDING' for props to block buildings from being build on top of those
- hooks/Reclaimable.cpp
- section/Categories.cpp
Allows customize colors for team color mode
- hooks/TeamColorMode.cpp
- section/TeamColorMode.cpp
Adds the order ID to the UserUnit:GetCommandQueue output
- hooks/HOrderIDOutput.cpp
- section/OrderIDOutput.cpp
GetSessionClients also output maximum sim speed(maxSP)
- hooks/HOutputMaxSP.cpp
- section/OutputMaxSP.cpp
Console command: "cam_DefaultMiniLOD 0" now disable mesh renderer for minimap
- hooks/MinimapMesh.cpp
- section/MinimapMesh.cpp
Adds GetTimeForProfile to Sim and UI. Allows to deal with the loss of accuracy
- section/GetTimeForProfile.cpp
- section/LuaFuncRegs.cpp
Adds optimized table.getsize2(~25 times faster) and table.empty2 Adds getn2 as alias getn. Entry point to math functions queue
- hooks/GetTableSize.cpp
- section/LuaFuncRegs.cpp
Maximum sim rate up to 50
- hooks/DelClampMaxSimRate.cpp
Adds GetDepositsAroundPoint to Sim and UI
- section/SimGetDepositsAroundPoint.cpp
- section/LuaFuncRegs.cpp
Adds SetInvertMidMouseButton to UI
- section/InvertMidMouseButton.cpp
- section/LuaFuncRegs.cpp
Unlock an "Ultra" graphics preset
- hooks/UnlockUltraPreset.cpp
Adds SetCommandSource to Sim. Allow armies to be shared by multiple players
- section/SimSetCommandSource.cpp
- section/LuaFuncRegs.cpp
Adds GetMouseWorldPos to Sim
- section/SimGetMouseWorldPos.cpp
- section/LuaFuncRegs.cpp
Adds SessionIsReplay to Sim
- section/SimIsReplay.cpp
- section/LuaFuncRegs.cpp
Adds SetFocusArmy to Sim. Sets focus without restrictions
- section/SimSetFocusArmy.cpp
- section/LuaFuncRegs.cpp
Allow upgrades to be queued on units under construction
- hooks/BuildUnit.cpp
- section/BuildUnit.cpp
- section/SelectUnit.cpp
- section/SimArmyCreate.cpp
that forces game to use AltFootprint for the unit (applied to Salem in particular)- hooks/EntityGetFootprint.cpp
- section/EntityGetFootprint.cpp