This module, TeamCode, is the place where you will write/paste the code for your team's robot controller App. This module is currently empty (a clean slate板) but the process for adding OpModes is straightforward.
The easiest way to create your own OpMode is to copy a Sample OpMode and make it your own.
Sample opmodes exist in the FtcRobotController module. To locate these samples, find the FtcRobotController module in the "Project/Android" tab.
Expand the following tree elements: FtcRobotController/java/org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcontroller/external/samples
To gain a better understanding of how the samples are organized, and how to interpret the naming system, it will help to understand the conventions公约 that were used during their creation.
These conventions are described (in detail) in the sample_conventions.md file in this folder.
To summarize: A range of different samples classes will reside in the java/external/samples. The class names will follow a naming convention which indicates the purpose of each class. The prefix of the name will be one of the following:
Basic: This is a minimally functional OpMode used to illustrate the skeleton/structure of a particular style of OpMode. These are bare bones examples. 这是一个功能最少的 OpMode,用于说明特定 OpMode 样式的骨架/结构。这些是基本示例。
Sensor: This is a Sample OpMode that shows how to use a specific sensor. It is not intended to drive a functioning robot, it is simply showing the minimal code required to read and display the sensor values. 这是一个示例 OpMode,展示了如何使用特定的传感器。 它并非用于驱动功能齐全的机器人,而只是展示读取和显示传感器值所需的最少代码。
Robot: This is a Sample OpMode that assumes a simple two-motor (differential) drive base. It may be used to provide a common baseline driving OpMode, or to demonstrate how a particular sensor or concept can be used to navigate. 这是一个示例 OpMode,假设一个简单的双电机(差速)驱动基础。 它可用于提供通用基线驱动 OpMode,或演示如何使用特定传感器或概念进行导航。
Concept: This is a sample OpMode that illustrates performing a specific function or concept. These may be complex, but their operation should be explained clearly in the comments, or the comments should reference an external doc, guide or tutorial. Each OpMode should try to only demonstrate a single concept so they are easy to locate based on their name. These OpModes may not produce a drivable robot. 这是演示如何执行特定功能或概念的示例 OpMode。 这些可能很复杂,但应在注释中清楚地解释其操作, 或者注释应引用外部文档、指南或教程。 每个 OpMode 都应尝试仅演示一个概念,以便根据其名称轻松找到它们。这些 OpMode 可能无法生成可驾驶的机器人。
After the prefix, other conventions will apply:
- Sensor class names are constructed as: Sensor - Company - Type
- Robot class names are constructed as: Robot - Mode - Action - OpModetype
- Concept class names are constructed as: Concept - Topic - OpModetype
Once you are familiar with the range of samples available, you can choose one to be the basis for your own robot. In all cases, the desired sample(s) needs to be copied into your TeamCode module to be used.
This is done inside Android Studio directly, using the following steps:
Locate the desired sample class in the Project/Android tree.
Right click on the sample class and select "Copy"
Expand the TeamCode/java folder
Right click on the org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode folder and select "Paste"
You will be prompted for a class name for the copy. Choose something meaningful based on the purpose of this class. Start with a capital letter, and remember that there may be more similar classes later.
Once your copy has been created, you should prepare it for use on your robot. This is done by adjusting the OpMode's name, and enabling it to be displayed on the Driver Station's OpMode list.
Each OpMode sample class begins with several lines of code like the ones shown below:
@TeleOp(name="Template: Linear OpMode", group="Linear Opmode")
The name that will appear on the driver station's "opmode list" is defined by the code:
name="Template: Linear OpMode"
You can change what appears between the quotes to better describe your opmode.
The "group=" portion of the code can be used to help organize your list of OpModes.
As shown, the current OpMode will NOT appear on the driver station's OpMode list because of the
annotation which has been included.
This line can simply be deleted , or commented out, to make the OpMode visible.
In some situations, you have multiple teams in your club and you want them to all share a common code organization, with each being able to see the others code but each having their own team module with their own code that they maintain themselves.
In this situation, you might wish to clone the TeamCode module, once for each of these teams. Each of the clones would then appear along side each other in the Android Studio module list, together with the FtcRobotController module (and the original TeamCode module).
Selective Team phones can then be programmed by selecting the desired Module from the pulldown list prior to clicking to the green Run arrow.
Warning: This is not for the inexperienced Software developer. You will need to be comfortable with File manipulations and managing Android Studio Modules. These changes are performed OUTSIDE of Android Studios, so close Android Studios before you do this.
Also.. Make a full project backup before you start this :)
To clone TeamCode, do the following:
Note: Some names start with "Team" and others start with "team". This is intentional.
Using your operating system file management tools, copy the whole "TeamCode" folder to a sibling folder with a corresponding new name, eg: "Team0417".
In the new Team0417 folder, delete the TeamCode.iml file.
the new Team0417 folder, rename the "src/main/java/org/firstinspires/ftc/teamcode" folder to a matching name with a lowercase 'team' eg: "team0417".
In the new Team0417/src/main folder, edit the "AndroidManifest.xml" file, change the line that contains package="org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode" to be package="org.firstinspires.ftc.team0417"
Add: include ':Team0417' to the "/settings.gradle" file.
Open up Android Studios and clean out any old files by using the menu to "Build/Clean Project""