Fhmake Index / Fhmake / Audit
Auto-generated documentation for fhmake.audit module.
Calculate the cc grade from the complexity.
float - the complexity of a file/ project
- the grade
def getCCGrade(complexity: float) -> str: ...
Get the total number of lines python files under the project directory.
int: total number of lines
def getTotalLines() -> int: ...
Calculate the amount of duplicated code using the total number of lines and pylint output.
int - total number of lines
def subtaskDup(totalLines: int) -> None: ...
Calculate a score for the module files using the total number of lines and pylint output.
int - total number of lines for /.
def subtaskScore(totalLines: int) -> None: ...
Do the audit task, this includes checking requirements are up to date security analysis and code complexity metrics.
list[str] - optional args
def taskAudit(kwargs: list[str]) -> None: ...