This directory provides additional and more detailed documentation about the FIWARE Data Space Connector, specific flows and its deployment and integration with other frameworks.
Table of Contents
The FIWARE Data Space Connector provides components to perform contract management based on the TMForum APIs.
More information can be found here:
- Contract Management - Information about the Contract Management and its authentication/authorization
- TMForum contract management example - Example requests to interact with the TMForum APIs
A detailed description about the steps to be performed in a Machine-To-Machine (M2M) service interaction can be found here:
This is an example of a "Minimal Viable Dataspace", consisting of a fictitious data service provider called M&P Operations Inc. (using the FIWARE Data Space Connector), a data service consumer called Fancy Marketplace Co. and the data space's trust anchor.
The service is provided by the Scorpio Context via the NGSI-LD API, offering access to energy report entities.
The example uses k3s and helm for deployment on a local machine.
More information can be found here:
This is an example of a data service provider called Packet Delivery Company (PDC).
The deployment is performed via GitOps pattern and ArgoCD.
The configuration can be found at the fiware-gitops repository.
Note, that this is currently being reworked and above repository does not contain the latest configuration.
This is an example of a data service provider that is integrated with the AWS Garnet Framwork (formerly AWS STF).
In general, this example deploys a data service provider based on the Data Space Connector, but integrating the FIWARE Context Broker from the STF.
More information can be found here: