Hyperlib is a Project i started for everyone who is tired of always searching for Scripts on YouTube. Now you only need one Script that has all the Scripts you need. And that keyless of course because key systems suck! I promise that you will never need any key or something like that and i will never obfuscate the main source code.
- Manipulate Walkspeed, Jumppower and Gravity
- Server Hop, Rejoin and Exit
- Chat Clear
- Thousands of Universal/Game Scrips and Hubs at your disposal
- A GUI Manager to remove other annoying and unclosable exploit GUIs you executed
- A powerful search tool with filters to search for your favorite Script without needing to manually find it.
- A favoriting System
- Online Functionality (Liking Scripts, saving Scripts in the cloud, etc...)
To offer such a huge amount of Scripts i programmed a Bot that fetches Roblox Scripts every hour from various sites like scriptblox.com and then uploads them onto here. Note though that the Bot does not know if a Script is working so you may encounter scripts that won't work.
You can run Hyperlib with a easy loadstring.
If you want to add a Script to the Hub feel free to join the Hyperlib Discord https://discord.gg/PCBRyautZq and submit your Script to the Bot in the dedicated Channel. If you want to contribute changes to the main Script just open a pull request. To suggest changes just join the Discord.
Check when the last Update was

This is the Player Tab

You can change Basic Stuff there
Find many basic and Universal Scripts here
Find The Best Game Hubs Here
You can find Keybinds here. Change Keybinds by clicking on them, then click your desired Key.
Credits and my Discord User can be found here

Find Scripts for your current Game! Hyperlib has (almost) the entire Script Library of Various Websites!