- Ads for the app
- TikTok videos?
- Reddit forums
- r/de, r/playmygame
- B16
- B15 When pressing back shortly before the finished dialog opens, the continue button throws an error
- B09 App going to blackscreen after pressing "back to overview" button after completing daily from homescreen
- Hint idea: reshuffle components in pool / hidden components
- Feature idea: watch ad to double level finished rewards
- Feature idea: Catalogues of collected words (for easy/medium/hard)
- English compounds?
- Streak for daily Goals? (May be confusing with daily levels)
- Make daily goal reward 3 levels of chainMode
- Add zigzag level generation? (a few easy ones, then getting harder, and then again dropping to easy and few compounds)
- Light / Dark mode
- UI Improvements:
- Keep common UI components on screen, and only change children during navigation
- BottomTabBar
- AppBar
- FlyStarAnimation
- Animate component move in pool: maybe have to create Wrap widget as stack
- Keep common UI components on screen, and only change children during navigation
- Tablet compatibility