JS, Node.js, Frontend, Backend, Firebase, Express, Patrones, HTML5_APIs, Asincronía, Websockets, Testing
- Soporte en Navegadores
- MDN | Eventos online y offline
- HTML5 Rocks! | Offline
- HTML5 Rocks! | "Offline": What does it mean and why should I care?
- Trabaja offline gracias a la API de caché de HTML5
- MDN | Usar el caché de aplicaciones
- Ebook | Pro HTML5 Programming | Chapter 12: Creating HTML5 Offline Web Applications
- HTML5 Docter | let’s take this offline
- W3C Spec | Offline
- TheFox/html5-offline-example
- Tutorial: How to make an offline HTML5 web app, FT style
- How To Use HTML5 Offline Storage In Your Website
- Offline-capable applications with HTML5
- Offline Application: using manifest
- Researching HTML5 Offline