JS, Node.js, Frontend, Backend, Firebase, Express, Patrones, HTML5_APIs, Asincronía, Websockets, Testing
- How to Build an High Availability - MQTT Cluster for the Internet of Things
- IBM | Conociendo MQTT
- MQTT: un protocolo específico para el internet de las cosas
Web Sockets
- Web Site
- Socket.io | Blog
- Socket.io Docs | Overview
- Socket.io | Demos
- Socket.io Docs | Server
- Socket.io Docs | Client
- Socket.io Docs | Introduction
- Socket.io Docs | The web framework
- Socket.io Docs | Serving HTML
- Socket.io Docs | Integrating Socket.IO
- Socket.io Docs | Emitting events
- Socket.io Docs | Broadcasting
- Socket.io Docs | Homework
- Socket.io Docs | Getting this example
- How to build a real time chat application in Node.js using Express, Mongoose and Socket.io
- Carlos Azaustre | WebSockets: Cómo utilizar Socket.io en tus aplicaciones web
- Introducción a Socket.io #nodejs
- Servidor real time con socket.io
- You don't need express to get started with socket.io
- Mosca Wiki
- Mosca Wiki | MQTT over Websockets
- Mosca Wiki | Authentication & Authorization
- Mosca Wiki | Docker support
- Mosca Wiki | FAQ (Frequently asked questions)
- Mosca Wiki | Mosca & Redis & Ascoltatori
- Mosca Wiki | Mosca advanced usage
- Mosca Wiki | Mosca as a standalone service
- Mosca Wiki | Mosca basic usage
- Mosca Wiki | Mosca Showcase
- Mosca Wiki | Persistence support
- Mosca Wiki | TLS SSL Configuration
- Mosca Wiki | Under the hood aka how mosca works
- Mosca in Github
- MQTT and Node.js - Messaging in the Internet of Things
- Setting up private MQTT broker using Mosca in Node.js
- Control your home using only Javascript
- Real time communications between IoT devices and Front-End JS apps
- Node-RED
- Node-RED | Blog
- Node-RED | Docs
- Node-RED | Flows
- Node-RED Docs | Getting Started
- Node-RED Docs | User Guide
- Node-RED Docs | Node-RED Cookbook
- Node-RED Docs | Creating Nodes
- Node-RED Docs | Developing Node-RED
- Node-RED Docs | API Reference
- Github
- Introducción a Node-RED y Raspberry Pi con un sistema de alarma con Arduino
- Node Red in 5 minutes
- Intro to Node-RED: Part 1 Fundamentals
- Node-RED un software para dominarlos a todos
- Programación Visual con Node-Red: Conectando el Internet de las Cosas con Facilidad