JS, Node.js, Frontend, Backend, Firebase, Express, Patrones, HTML5_APIs, Asincronía, Websockets, Testing
Frontend Team Lead en Sngular, Javier es un programador con experiencia en lenguajes de Back y Front. Ha trabajado siempre en el mundo startup usando diferentes tecnologías; desde el desarrollo con Windows Phone a programación de microservicios en Java, pasando por el desarrollo de aplicaciones de escritorio en .NET o el desarrollo web con PHP. Actualmente trabajando en React, ha encontrado en ES6 la oportunidad de aplicar las buenas prácticas de la programación orientada a objetos al Frontend web.
Redes Sociales
Cursos en Fictizia
- Wikipedia | React
- enaqx/awesome-react
- brillout/awesome-react-components
- SaraVieira/awesome-react-platforms
- TodoMVC React
- React Ecosystem Guide
- 15 Awesome React Components
- Learn React.js in 5 minutes
- How to Become a React Native Developer in 2018
- All the fundamental React.js concepts, jammed into this single Medium article
- The most important lessons I’ve learned after a year of working with React
- Yes, React is taking over front-end development. The question is why.
- Facebook just changed the license on React. Here’s a 2-minute explanation why.
- After building my first React Native app, I’m now convinced it’s the future
- Evolving Patterns in React
- Why we moved from Angular 2 to Vue.js (and why we didn’t choose React)
- I created the exact same app in React and Vue. Here are the differences.
- Our Best Practices for Writing React Components
- Progressive Web Apps with React.js: Part I — Introduction
- React Native at Airbnb
- React Native at Airbnb: The Technology
- 10 React mini-patterns
- How to better organize your React applications?
- What are the main differences between ReactJS and React-Native?
- React Component Patterns
- Step by Step Guide To Building React Redux Apps
- 11 mistakes I’ve made during React Native / Redux app development