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Releases: Financial-Times/x-dash

Handle multiple customSlot components

27 May 12:04
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Non-breaking change to the customSlots parameter of x-teaser-timeline.

Now you can inject more than one custom element to the timeline, used initially for ads in the mobile app.

Make GDPR consent legislation-dependent

04 May 11:49
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This patch release ensures that users under California jurisdiction do not automatically give consent under GDPR.

The change is encapsulated such that consuming apps are not required to make any changes.

Release v5.0.0 - Remove unused live blogs abstraction

16 Apr 10:19
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Technical breaking change to live blogs to remove functionality that we moved into next-article.

  • Remove unused listener logic #590

Add a `setConsentCookie` prop to Consent Proxy requests

07 Apr 14:40
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Adding this property causes the server to correctly set the FTConsent_GDPR cookie for logged-in anonymous users.


22 Mar 15:08
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fix issue whereby head-shots in x-teaser had stopped being tinted blue

Release version v4.1.2 - Live Blog Post improvements

02 Mar 15:14
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Improve accessibility of byline and allow scroll-margin to work on posts.

  • Update Live Blog Post byline #587
  • Remove overflow: auto from live blog post #588

Patch to x-gift-article

18 Feb 11:15
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Previous release lacked an explicit return and was breaking things. This is a patch so that whoever needs to release next doesn't end up with a broken x-gift-article.

x-gift-article now has parts wrapped in an AB test flag

12 Feb 10:37
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We are working on improving the gifting experience. We have come up with minor copy changes that we think are going to encourage article sharing. We wrapped some parts of x-gift-article in the test flag to run an AB test to validate our theory.

Let The Right [Component] In

09 Feb 15:44
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ensure that components registered for x-interaction hydration are the actual wrapped components with actions, not the base component that renders the markup without actions that look like they've rendered properly but don't work at all lol

Explicit registering of components for x-interaction

27 Jan 14:17
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This is a major release because it includes breaking changes to x-interaction.

x-interaction allows you to serialise component data for server-rendered components, and hydrate those components on the client-side to enable actions with the client-side version of the component. Until now, it was registering components automatically for you relying on heuristics to determine the component name. This was unreliable since it had to work the same on the client and server-side for the component to hydrate properly.

The changes on x-interaction for this version export a registerComponent function, that needs to be called to explicitly register your component. It also throws errors if this has not been done correctly.

The LiveBlogWrapper was modified so that its usage of x-interaction is in accordance with these changes.