- Over The Wire
- cmdchallenge
- PicoCTF
- CTFLearn
- 247ctf
- Intro. to CTF Course
- TryHackMe
- HackTheBox
- Root-Me
- VulnHub
- CTFLearn
- Exploit.Education
- imaginaryctf
- blueteamlabs
- Port Swigger/Burpsuite Academy
- Overthewire-natas
- Owasp-Juice-Shop
- WebHacking
- websec.fr
- Resources-for-Beginner-Bug-Bounty-Hunters
- zseano's-methodology-identifing-security-vulns
- cryptopals
- cryptohack
- crypto-stanford-notes
- crypton
- youtube-playlist :
Introduction to Cryptography by Christof Paar
:Book by Christof Paar . Jan Pelzl
- CyberChef - Web app for analysing and decoding data.
- FeatherDuster - An automated, modular cryptanalysis tool.
- Hash Extender - A utility tool for performing hash length extension attacks.
- padding-oracle-attacker - A CLI tool to execute padding oracle attacks.
- PkCrack - A tool for Breaking PkZip-encryption.
- QuipQuip - An online tool for breaking substitution ciphers or vigenere ciphers (without key).
- RSACTFTool - A tool for recovering RSA private key with various attack.
- RSATool - Generate private key with knowledge of p and q.
- XORTool - A tool to analyze multi-byte xor cipher
- nightmare
- ir0nstone
- Architecture 2001: x86-64 OS Internals
- Modern-Binary-Exploitation-by-RPISEC
:Book by Ed Prentice Hall, Brian W Kernighan and Dennis M Ritchie
- pwnable.xyz
- pwnable.kr
- ropemporium
- Binary Exploitation&MemoryCorruption by LiveOverflow
- how2heap
- heap-exploitation by dhavalkapil
- Gynvael Heap Basics
- Exploit-Exercises Protostar Heap Challenges
- x86-guide
- crackme.one
- Z0FCourse_ReverseEngineering
- Reversin.kr
Reverse Engineering for Beginners
:Book by Dennis Yurichev
- Overthewire-maze
- Micro Corruption
- Memlabs
- Wireshark Tutorial For Beginners
- DFIR.Science
- ree-digital-forensics-training
- digital-forensics-notes
- r/computerforensics
- TheCyberMentor
- John Hammond
- Nahamsec
- LiveOverflow
- Tib3rius
- TheXSSrat
- PwnFunction
- codingo
- DEFCONConference
- BugBountyReportsExplained
- phrack
- Diary of a Reverse Engineer
- gynvael-blogs
- fuzzysecurity
- codearcana-fmt-strings
- bugbounty-search-engine
- linux enumeration
- CTF Field Guide - Field Guide by Trails of Bits.
- CTF Resources - Start Guide maintained by community.
- How to Get Started in CTF - Short guideline for CTF beginners by Endgame
- Intro. to CTF Course - A free course that teaches beginners the basics of forensics, crypto, and web-ex.
- Tiny-XSS-Payloads
- PayloadsAllTheThings
- gtfobins
- PHP_Configuration_Cheat_Sheet.html
- hacktricks
- lfi-cheat-sheet
- steg
If you have any cool content, please link to it via a PR.