We hired a fresh MATH 187A student to create our login for us. After 6 months of backbreaking development, we're no longer storing passwords as plain text. Just try to break in!
Hash function : server.py*
Connect via:nc phc1.sdc.tf 1337
# A Prime Hash Candidate
# Based on the fact that database contains the hash of the password and not the actual password
# So the vulnerability is that what if another entirely differrent password will giva exactly the same hash
# **************************************************** #
# PASSWD = "59784015375233083673486266" ## the hash of the actual password
# def hash(data): ## A weak hash generator
# out = 0
# for c in data:
# out *= 31 #/*********************************************************
# out += ord(c) # * let n = len(data), o(i) is ord(data[i]), *
# return str(out) # * a^b is a to the power of b then the final out will be *
# # * out = o(1)*(31^(n-1)) + o(2)*(31^(n-2)) + ... + o(n) *
# # * So every time when divided, hashed_passwd with 31 *
# # * the remainder is the last term left {o(n)}. *
# # *********************************************************/
# **************************************************** #
hashed_passwd = 59784015375233083673486266
passwd_arr = []
possible_remainder = hashed_passwd % 31
also_possible_remainder = possible_remainder + 62
hashed_passwd = (hashed_passwd - also_possible_remainder)/31
another_passwd_with_same_hash = ''.join(passwd_arr[::-1])
print(another_passwd_with_same_hash) ## use this password in nc to get the flag
# Or alternatively find the hash of "another_passwd_with_same_hash"
# by declaring "data" with this in the server.py script :)
- Run server.py with
whereas Run weak-hash.py withpython2
This is most probably due to different behaviour of
and compare:(
- To download challenge files:
curl -O <link-of-the-file>
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