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Simple FUSE Filesystem HOWTO in Python

I've written a few filesystems (k8055fs, ltspfs, etc) using FUSE, and something I keep seeing on the lists is a request for a tutorial from people new to FUSE. Here's my stab at one.

The Problem

Where I work, we access some government functions through a web based Java 3270 emulator. Recently, the government updated the Java client, and broke printing, so my users couldn't print out screenshots of information that they needed. Rather than trying to argue with the government that they should support my GNU/Linux clients, which would have gone nowhere, I started trying to come up with an alternative solution. It seemed that "printing to a text file" still worked fine within the client. So, all we need to do is just find a way to have text files automatically spit out on a printer as soon as they're written. We've got a thin-client environment, so multiple people are logged onto a server, and there are several printers defined on a server.

The Design

We needed the following:

  • To print to any of the printers defined on the server.
  • To have multiple people print to the same printer on the same server
  • Screen prints are small, typically less than 2k of text
  • I needed to get it going quickly

So, it seemed the following would make sense:

  • The filesystem, when mounted, would have a directory for each of the printers on the system
  • Under each of the "printer directories", any file could be created.
  • This file, when closed, would be sent to the printer whose directory it was in.

Seems simple enough. I've done this in Python, since it's fast to get something going in, and has good FUSE bindings.

So, how will we manage this within Python? Well, having three dictionaries seemed to make the most sense:

  1. A dictionary with an entry for each of the printers, that referenced a list of all the "files" that printer owned.
  2. Two dictionaries of all the files, one that is currently being written to, and a shadow one that contains the last file printed (in case you want to see the last thing printed for debugging, or to re-print it).

So, by way of example, lets say we have 3 printers, babypuss, dino, and hoparoo. Barney prints to dino, Wilma and Betty print to babypuss, and Fred prints to hoparoo. So:

 printers = {"dino": [ "barney.txt" ], "babypuss": [ "wilma.txt", "betty.txt" ], "hoparoo": [ "fred.txt" ]}
 files = { "barney.txt": "blahblah...", "wilma.txt": "etcetc...", ...}
 lastfiles = { "barney.txt": "lastblahblah...", "wilma.txt": "lastetcetc...", ...}

Fairly straightforward, and shouldn't take too much to get going.


Usually, when I'm implementing a filesystem using FUSE, the first three functions

I'll implement will be the init to kick things off, getattr, so that the attributes of a file can be passed back, and readdir, so I can "see" the files using ls. Once you implement those three functions, you've at least got a filesystem you can cd around in. We'll flesh it out from there.


So, first thing we're going to need is a list of printers. There's probably some cups bindings for Python, but lpstat will give us what we need:

   sbalneav@bedrock:~$ lpstat -p
   printer babypuss is idle.  enabled since Fri 27 Jun 2008 10:53:43 AM CDT
   printer dino is idle.  enabled since Mon 14 Jul 2008 11:15:56 AM CDT
   printer hoparoo is idle.  enabled since Tue 08 Jul 2008 05:30:44 PM CDT

So, we'll want to get this list going, and build our printer list in the init function using this output.

First, we'll subclass the Fuse object in the usual manner, and define the init function:

   class CupsFS(fuse.Fuse):
   def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
       fuse.Fuse.__init__(self, *args, **kw)

We'll need to get our list of printers. Let's split this out using the subprocess module:

    lpstat = Popen(['lpstat -p'], shell=True, stdout=PIPE)
    output = lpstat.communicate()[0]
    lines = output.split(b'\n');

And, we'll build our dictionary of printers, and the (currently empty) dictionary of files, and lastfiles:

   self.printers = {}
   self.files = {}
   self.lastfiles = {}
       for line in lines:
           words = line.split(b' ')
           if len(words) > 2:
               self.printers[words[1]] = []  # the second word on the line is the printer name


Next, we'll need to make up some attributes. Since this is a "fake" filesystem (i.e. it isn't really storing real file objects), we can be a little "loosey goosey" with the file attributes. Let's have all files owned by root, with the directories' mode 0755, and files 0666, so we won't have to worry about access problems.

So, first off, we'll need a separate class to return the status object. Fortunately, the Python fuse bindings give us one we can subclass:

   class MyStat(fuse.Stat):
   def __init__(self):
       self.st_mode = stat.S_IFDIR | 0o755
       self.st_ino = 0
       self.st_dev = 0
       self.st_nlink = 2
       self.st_uid = 0
       self.st_gid = 0
       self.st_size = 4096
       self.st_atime = 0
       self.st_mtime = 0
       self.st_ctime = 0

The inode and dev numbers we can ignore, as FUSE will handle those for us. We'll make the default status object be a directory, so we set the number of links to two (all directories have at least 2 links, itself, and the link back to ...) and a size of 4096, which is usually the "default" directory size. The access, modify, and change times are set to zero for now.

As well, we'll need to provide the getattr function in the CupsFS object itself:

   def getattr(self, path):
       st = MyStat()
       pe = path.split('/')[1:]

       st.st_atime = int(time())
       st.st_mtime = st.st_atime
       st.st_ctime = st.st_atime

So, we'll create a stat object, and split out our path we're handed on the '/' character, and set the access, modification, and change time to be "now". But why split up the path elements?

Well, for our little filesystem, we're either going to be handed paths like / for the root, /printer to look at the printer directory, or /printer/file to get attributes for one of the files, so, by breaking them into path elements:

   >>> path = "/dino/barney.txt"
   >>> path.split('/')[1:]
   ['dino', 'barney.txt']

We'll be able to look at the last element (pe[-1]), and see if it's either a printer, or a file. And that's what we'll do next:

    if path == '/':                         # root
    elif pe[-1] in self.printers:           # a printer
    elif pe[-1] in self.lastfiles:          # a file
        st.st_mode = stat.S_IFREG | o0666
        st.st_nlink = 1
        st.st_size = len(self.lastfiles[pe[-1]]
        return -errno.ENOENT
    return st

So, if the path is '/' (the root), or, we can find the last path element in the printers dictionary (i.e. '/dino'), then we don't have to do anything, since we defaulted the status object above to be a directory.

If, however, it's in the lastfiles dictionary, then we set the mode of the file with the all important stat.S_IFREG, which will mark this entry as a "regular" file, and give it mode 0666 (-rw-rw-rw). As well, we drop the link count to 1 (regular files that don't have hard links to them only have a link count of one), and set the size to the size of the string stored in lastfiles. If the file was simply created, via, say, the "touch" command, the lastfiles string will be zero length, and we'll get the expected return value. However, if we've written to a file, we'll get the size, as we'd expect if we do an ls in the printer directory.

If it didn't satisfy one of the three conditions ('/', '/printer', '/printer/file') we return -errno.ENOENT so we'll get the expected "no such file or directory" error if we try to access something that isn't there.

So much for our simple getattr! On to readdir!


If we're in the root directory of our filesystem, we'd like to see the list of printers:

   sbalneav@bedrock:/printer$ ls -la
   total 40K
   drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4.0K 2008-07-16 13:21 .
   drwxr-xr-x 23 root root 4.0K 2008-07-15 15:44 ..
   drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4.0K 2008-07-16 13:21 babypuss
   drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4.0K 2008-07-16 13:21 dino
   drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4.0K 2008-07-16 13:21 hoparoo

And, if we're in a printer directory, we'd like to see the list of files:

   sbalneav@bedrock:/printer/babypuss$ ls -la
   total 8.0K
   drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K 2008-07-16 13:24 .
   drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K 2008-07-16 13:24 ..
   -rw-rw-rw- 1 root root    0 2008-07-16 13:24 betty.txt
   -rw-rw-rw- 1 root root    0 2008-07-16 13:24 wilma.txt

FUSE requires that you return the standard '.' and '..' files, plus the list of files you want to display. If we're in the root, we want to return the list of keys that's in our printers dictionary, and if we're in a printer directory, we want to return the list of files that's associated with that printer key.

Since each key in the printers dictionary has a list of the files associated with it, this is fairly simple:

   def readdir(self, path, offset):
       dirents = [ '.', '..' ]
       if path == '/':
           # Note use of path[1:] to strip the leading '/'
           # from the path, so we just get the printer name
       for r in dirents:
           yield fuse.Direntry(r)

So, we start off with the list containing the '.' and '..' directory entries, and then check to see if we're in the root. If we are, we just add the list of keys by calling the .keys() method of the printers dictionary, and if not, we add the list associated with the path we've been given.

That's it. We should have a filesystem that we're able to cd around in. The full program's listed at the end of the page.


Well, we've got a boring filesystem that just has a few directories corresponding to printers on the system. Now we want to be able to create files, so we can print them! For that, we'll have to implement the mknod call.

Since we're not doing anything fancy with our filesystem, like making pipes, or /dev nodes, etc., we don't have to worry about examining the mode and dev parameters we're passed. If you were trying to implement something more complicated, you would, but since this is a simple example, and a quick tutorial, we'll gloss over that. All we need to do, to add a file for printing, is to add the filename to the printer entry in the printers dictionary, and create a new empty string entry in the files and lastfiles dictionaries for that file.

    def mknod(self, path, mode, dev):
        pe = path.split('/')[1:]        # Path elements 0 = printer 1 = file
        self.files[pe[1]] = ""
        self.lastfiles[pe[1]] = ""
        return 0

So, once again, we split up the path elements to get the printer name and filename easily. We then append the filename to the list of files associated with that printer, and add the empty string dictionary entries for the file.

So, when we start up the filesystem, there won't be any files under the printers, but if we do a:

sbalneav@bedrock$ touch /printers/babypuss/wilma.txt

the mknod function will be called, and we'll add the entry to the printers, files, and lastfiles dictionaries, so that doing an


will now list


in the right place.


For debugging purposes when trying to solve printer problems, it might be handy to be able to "remove" the file, so we can see if the application that's printing to the file is recreating the "print job" when it's supposed to. So,

let's implement the unlink function, so we can do a

rm wilma.txt

This is almost the exact opposite of the mknod. Now, we just want to remove the filename from the list associated with the printer, and delete the dictionary entries in the files and lastfiles dictionaries:

    def unlink(self, path):
        pe = path.split('/')[1:]        # Path elements 0 = printer 1 = file
        return 0



OK, meat and potatoes time. Although, for our little example here, a surprisingly small slice of meat! When FUSE calls the write function, you're passed the path, data buffer, and offset within the file to write the data to.

Since we're just handling files that are 1) small and 2) linear, we don't have to worry about the offset! In a real filesystem you would, for say, doing random access reads and writes to a database file. But for our little "text print" filesystem, we can just concatenate any data we receive to the dictionary entry associated with the filename in the files dictionary.

    def write(self, path, buf, offset):
        pe = path.split('/')[1:]        # Path elements 0 = printer 1 = file
        self.files[pe[1]] += buf
        return len(buf)

the length of the buffer. The write system call expects you to return the actual amount of data read or written, so if you have a short write, the kernel can handle it appropriately. We won't worry about that for our little application.


Reading's even simpler. We're just going to read from the lastfiles dictionary we're maintaining. We're passed a size and offset of the chunk to read, so all we need to do is take a string slice from the lastfiles dictionary.

    def read(self, path, size, offset):
        pe = path.split('/')[1:]        # Path elements 0 = printer 1 = file
        return self.lastfiles[pe[1]][offset:offset+size]

So, all that remains is: how do we actually print the data?


Nothing causes beginning FUSE filesystems authors more problems than how to handle the close() of a file. For reasons that are outlined in the FUSE FAQ, there IS no close function, but rather the flush and releasefunctions, the semantics of which are tricky for some files (devices, pipes, mmap()'d files, etc.). However, for OUR little example, we'll get one call to release when the text file's closed for writing, so we'll use that to be our signal to print the file.

All we want to do is check and see if the string length in the files dictionary is greater than zero. If it is, then we've written to the file, so we want to print out the text. However, if it isn't, we've gotten the release call from an open for reading. In that case, we'll just ignore it.

Once we get a release of the filename, all we want to do is pipe the text associated with the file to the lpr command. We know what printer to print to by the directory we're in. Once the file's printed, we just want to save the current text in the lastfiles dictionary (so it can be read later, by the "read" call) and zero out the text that's been built up in the files dictionary, so that every print job does what you'd expect. If we didn't do that, every time you'd print onto that file, you'd get all the previous print jobs out as well.

Once again, we'll use the subprocess module to pipe our data to lpr:

    def release(self, path, flags):
        pe = path.split('/')[1:]        # Path elements 0 = printer 1 = file
        if len(self.files[pe[1]]) > 0:
            lpr = Popen(['lpr -P ' + pe[0]], shell=True, stdin=PIPE)
            self.lastfiles[pe[1]] = self.files[pe[1]]
            self.files[pe[1]] = ""          # Clear out string
        return 0

The only fancy footwork is passing the string we've built up to the input of lpr via the communicate call.

The rest

As you'll see in the full listing below, we stub out the rest of the filesystem calls, just so they don't return "function not implemented" errors.


As you can see, it's pretty easy to throw together a FUSE filesystem that accomplishes a useful, non-trivial task in a relatively few lines of code. FUSE is a lot of fun to write filesystems with, and it's really nice tool to be able to solve problems that would otherwise be messy or impossible.

Have fun, and enjoy

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