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Docker / Podman Image for PartKeepr

This is an up-to-date docker / podman image containing PartKeepr.


The architectures supported by this image are:

Architecture Tag
x86-64 latest
arm64 arm64v8-latest
armhf arm32v7-latest
all* multiarch-latest

* experimental


Switch to the directory for installation and create the folders db, data and config.

Pull the the image with docker pull f0rc3/partkeepr:latest. Alternatively you can build it yourself with the command docker build -t partkeepr:latest .


Migrating data

If you already have existing data, from the old installation copy the folder /data/ to the new folder data and /app/config to the new folder config. Export your old MySql table as an .sql file and save it as "database.sql" to the same folder.


If you are using Podman, execute the following commands:

podman pod create -p --name partkeepr-pod 
podman run --pod partkeepr-pod --name partkeepr-mariadb -v ./db:/var/lib/mysql -e MYSQL_RANDOM_ROOT_PASSWORD=yes -e MYSQL_DATABASE=partkeepr -e MYSQL_USER=partkeepr -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=partkeepr -d mariadb:10.0
podman run -d --name partkeepr-web --pod partkeepr-pod -v ./data:/app/data/ -v ./config:/app/app/config -d f0rc3/partkeepr:latest
podman exec -it partkeepr-web sh

If you need to access the server from a different device, replace the podman pod create -p part with podman pod create -p 7155:80. Please note that this is insecure, as the traffic is not encrypted!


If you are using Docker, execute the following commands (change the folder paths first):

docker run -p --name partkeepr-mariadb -v /path/to/your/folder/db:/var/lib/mysql -e MYSQL_RANDOM_ROOT_PASSWORD=yes -e MYSQL_DATABASE=partkeepr -e MYSQL_USER=partkeepr -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=partkeepr -d mariadb:10.0
docker run -d -p --name partkeepr-web -v /path/to/your/folder/data:/app/data/ -v /path/to/your/folder/config:/app/app/config -d f0rc3/partkeepr:latest
docker exec -it partkeepr-web sh

If you need to access the server from a different device, replace the docker run -p part with docker run -p 7155:80. Please note that this is insecure, as the traffic is not encrypted!

Container setup

You are now in the root shell of the container. Execute the following commands:

chown www-data:www-data -R /app/app/config
chown www-data:www-data -R /app/data

Go to and follow the setup. Caution: There seems to be a problem with the setup with the latest Chrome browser. If you are unable to proceed to the first setup page, try Firefox. When asked for the auth key, execute the following command in the container shell:

cat /app/app/authkey.php

You can now exit the shell. If you are migrating your old data, make sure to import your old data before you connect to the MySql server in the setup. To import execute

docker exec -i partkeepr-mariadb mysql -upartkeepr -ppartkeepr partkeepr < database.sql

In the MySql setup, enter the IP of the MySql server. If you are using podman, you need to enter instead of localhost! If you are using the default setup with docker, you need to select port 3010 instead of 3006 and point to the IP of the database container.

If you are running the image on slow hardware and the setup cannot finish the step "Warming up cache", run the following:

docker exec -it partkeepr-web php /app/app/console cache:warmup