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chino edited this page Mar 16, 2013 · 3 revisions


This list isn't fully complete.

If you've worked on something then just add your self or let someone know who has rights to edit this page.


For spear heading the project:

	* ported networking to custom p2p library on enet

	* finished port of d3d9

	* ported to opengl

	* ported to sdl

	* ported to linux

	* integrated lua

	* bug fixes

	* feature updates

	* enabled hidden features

	* web sites

	* irc bots

	* chat room

	* code refactoring

	* basically all existing documentation on engine

	* porting and moving everything to github

	TODO: sound

		Dan Aquino aka methods

For excellent insight into general programming and invaluable techniques:

	not withstanding

		* development of 6dof used as an example various times

			* lua integration

			* config file usage through lua

			* 3d stereo rendering

		* guidiance and work on porting file.c to be cross platform

		* bridging a void between the various 6dof simulation games

		* guidance using c and lua

		* developing build platforms for winelib

		* developing the native linux build platform

		* excellant code review

	aka Lion

Bug Fixes, Feature Additions, and Multiplayer Bots:

	Rich aka silence

For doing a large portion of the inital ground work for a D3D9 port and rendering abstraction:

	Barry Duncan aka sirlemonhead (ported avp to d3d9 and xbox)

For helping to port forsaken to OpenAL and maintaing the OpenAL Linux implementation

	Chris Robinson aka KittyCat (

For patching and fixing Wine:

	Alex D. aka frostbite4

For general game programming and porting advice:

	Christian aka zicodxx  (ported much of descent)

For giving us a place to call home:

For advice and insight into the game structure:

	Daniel Phillips	(original developer)

For making the game in the first place:

	The original Probe Entertainment team!

And of course but not least:

	All ProjectX players!
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