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File format: mxa

chino edited this page Jan 5, 2013 · 2 revisions
Execution list format with animated vertices (*.mxa):

num_texture_files : uint16
texture_file_name[num_texture_files] : '\\0' separated strings
num_groups : uint16
	num_exec_lists : uint16
	  exec_type : uint32 // 0 = entirely opaque, 1 = contains transparencies
	  num_vertices : uint16
	  vertex(x,y,z,reserved,colour,specular,tu,tv)[num_vertices] : x, y, z float, others uint32
	  num_texture_groups : uint16
	    texture_type : uint16 // 0 = normal, 1 = environment mapped
		start_vertex : uint16
		num_vertices : uint16
		texture_no : uint16
		num_triangles : uint16
		triangles(v0,v1,v2,pad16,nx,ny,nz)[num_triangles] : v? uint16, pad16 uint16, n? float
mxtype : uint16 // always 2 for mxa format
num_frames : uint16 // number of animation frames
				num_anim_vertices : uint16 // number of animating vertices for this texture group
				vertex(x, y, z)[num_anim_vertices] : all float
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