You need the following tools and instruments:
BluePill board USB-UART converter
stm32flash flash program for STM32 (Debian, Ubuntu)
Latest release of FreeJoy binaries
- Connect USB-UART converted to BluePill board as shown at picture below:
- Set jumper for BOOT0 to 1 position:
- Connect USB-UART converter to your PC
- Upload binary to the board.
- Make sure to use the .hex version.
- Adjust
if your USB port is different. - If you have problems connecting to the board try lower baud rates like
-b 9600
stm32flash -b 115200 -w build/FreeJoy.bin -v /dev/ttyUSB0
- Set BOOT0 jumper to 0 position and unplug all connections
- Connect your BluePill device to your PC with an USB cable. FreeJoy device should now appear in your system as a game controller.
There is a FreeJoyConfiguratorQt tool for Windows/Linux. Linux games (ubuntu, others not tested) need at least 1 logical button and X Y axes with enabled output. Otherwise, the games will not see the controller.
You may want to build the project yourself. In this case you need the arm-toolchain (Debian, Ubuntu) and make
to do so. Detailed instructions for building are placed in /armgcc folder of the project.