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Custom Project Deployed with DigitalOcean Kubernetes (DOKS)

This repo is a template for customized, OpenRemote-based projects, which can be deployed with DigitalOcean k8s resource types using the included terraform configs.

The build pipeline starts with gradle and uses docker images, similar to what is described here:

Volume management happens through DigitialOcean apis via terraform commands, rather than via docker volumes. For this reason, the deployment volume (used for customization) is deployed as a kubernetes initContainer which copies the customization folders/files from your custom deployment docker image into the mounted persistent volume 'deployment-data'.

You may notice some of the AWS-specific resources from the original examples have no obvious analogs in the configurations, it's because Kubernetes has internally managed features which replaced these:

  • CloudFormation
  • VPC & Security Groups
  • Route 53
  • SNS

DevOps Setup

Create your environment config, and populate it with your project-specific values

cp .ci_ci/digital_ocean/live/dev/cluster/terragrunt.hcl.example \

To configure & deploy a new environment (i.e. production), copy dev/cluster to {envname}/cluster and populate the terragrunt.hcl for that env.

Install doctl, kubectl, terragrunt


brew install doctl
brew install terragrunt


sudo snap install doctl
brew install terragrunt


Install kubeseal cli


brew install kubeseal

other operating systems:

Install terraform


brew tap hashicorp/tap && brew install hashicorp/tap/terraform


Setup pass for local secrets management:

brew install pass # OSX
gpg --list-keys # check for plausible personal gpg key to encrypt secrets
# gpg --generate-key # use this if you don't already have one
gpg --list-keys # Copy the long string from the `pub` entry that it lists
pass init XXXXX # paste the string to initialize

For installation of pass on other OS's, check

Generate a personal access token for DigitalOcean

Go to the dashboard:

  • API > Tokens > Generate new token
  • give it a name
  • store it securely with pass insert openremote/do_token

Generate a spaces access credentials for DigitalOcean

Go to the daashboard:

  • API > Tokens > Spaces Keys
  • click "Generate New Key"
  • Give it a name, include environment
  • store securely with pass insert openremote/spaces_access_id, pass insert openremote/spaces_secret_key

Login to DigitalOcean cli tools

doctl auth init -t $(pass openremote/do_token)

Get the sealed-secrets helm chart

helm repo add sealed-secrets
helm repo update sealed-secrets

Docker image pipeline

DigitalOcean docker registry login

doctl registry login

Build & push the proxy image that was adjusted for the DigitalOcean & k8s architecture

Clone the special proxy repo and build it separately from this project:

pushd ../ && git clone [email protected]:FreeSK8/sk8net_proxy.git && pushd sk8net_proxy
export PROXY_VERSION=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
docker build -t openremote/proxy:$PROXY_VERSION .
docker tag openremote/proxy:$PROXY_VERSION$PROXY_VERSION
docker push$PROXY_VERSION
popd && popd

Build & push a your project customizations via Deployment docker image

./gradlew clean installDist
export DEPLOYMENT_VERSION=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
docker build -t openremote/custom-deployment:$DEPLOYMENT_VERSION ./deployment/build/
docker tag openremote/custom-deployment:$DEPLOYMENT_VERSION$DEPLOYMENT_VERSION

Deploy changes by updating this hash in terragrunt.hcl under custom_deployment_hash

Build & push a custom Manager docker image (optional, only if you need it)

You will also need to update the reference in kubernetes_stateful_set.web for the manager image, point it to your private repo & tag.

export MANAGER_VERSION="${commit_hash}"
docker build -t openremote/manager:$MANAGER_VERSION ./openremote/manager/build/install/manager/
docker tag openremote/manager:$MANAGER_VERSION$MANAGER_VERSION


We use terragrunt to manage k8s deployments using environment based configs. Terraform state is stored in digital ocean spaces (aka S3) under the bucket openremote-terraform-states.

Create kubernetes fabric in dev env (once only)

cd .ci_cd/digital_ocean/live/dev/cluster
export TF_VAR_do_token=$(pass openremote/do_token)
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=$(pass openremote/spaces_access_id)
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$(pass openremote/spaces_secret_key)
terragrunt apply -target=digitalocean_kubernetes_cluster.primary 

doctl kubernetes cluster kubeconfig save shared-dev

human do this: Go into the digital ocean dashboard

  • click container registry
  • click settings tab and enable integration for the newly created k8s cluster*

Install sealed-secrets controller and download it's public key

terragrunt apply -target=helm_release.sealed_secrets
kubeseal --fetch-cert --controller-name=sealed-secrets --controller-namespace=frontend > pub-sealed-secrets.pem

Create a k8s sealed secret with our CA cert/key for the mqtt server connections.

This will be used to restrict MQTT client connections at the proxy layer. Generate CA and client certs by following the guide:

cp tls-secret.yaml.example tls-secret.yaml

# get the b64 value for certificate pem
cat ca-cert.pem | base64 | pbcopy
# ^^ paste it into tls-secet.yaml

# get the b64 value for secret key pem
cat ca-cert-key.pem | base64 | pbcopy
# ^^ paste it into tls-secet.yaml

# encrypt keys using the public secret
kubeseal --format=yaml \
  --cert=pub-sealed-secrets.pem \
  --secret-file tls-secret.yaml \
  --sealed-secret-file tls-secret-sealed.yaml

# Clean up unencrypted key files, always keep safe some additional offline backups!
rm tls-secret.yaml
rm ca-cert-key.pem

# Deploy the sealed secret to the cluster
kubectl apply -f tls-secret-sealed.yaml

Deploy or modify terroform-managed volumes, statefulSets, services, proxies:

cd .ci_cd/digital_ocean/live/dev/cluster
export TF_VAR_do_token=$(pass openremote/do_token)
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=$(pass openremote/spaces_access_id)
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$(pass openremote/spaces_secret_key)
terragrunt apply

If a new loadbalancer was created (first time you deploy this env), you need to point a DNS record at it now. You can find the IP of the LB in the DigitalOcean dashboard.

Helpful things...

If a cluster is nuked and volumes are left orphaned, you can import them:

terragrunt import digitalocean_volume.deployment_data #(id available on inspection of the html table in DO volumes manager, lol)
terragrunt import digitalocean_volume.manager_data #(id)
terragrunt import digitalocean_volume.postgresql_data #(id)
terragrunt import digitalocean_volume.proxy_data #(id)

Remove state for already-deprovisioned resources, or if you want to detach existing resource from tf management

terragrunt state list

terragrunt state rm kubernetes_persistent_volume_claim.proxy_data # THIS IS AN EXAMPLE, target your desired resource