ReadMe.rst for BibleOrgSys
Enclosed are the data and program files for the Bible Organisational System.
The main folders are:
- DataFiles Where the XML data (the essence of this system) is stored
- DerivedFiles Where other exported forms of the data can be stored
- BibleOrgSys Where the Python3 scripts/programs to handle the data are stored
The scripts/programs are in UTF-8 .py files Python may automatically generate a __pycache__ folder or .pyc files
when these scripts/programs are runMost of the scripts/programs can be run with a --help parameter to display useful help
- Tests Where the Python3 scripts to test the above are stored
- The test scripts should not be run from the Tests subfolder,
- but rather from this containing folder.
- Documentation Where the main documentation for the Bible Organisational system is stored.
- A copy of the license for the system is also stored there
- along with other small files like ToDo.txt.