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Relative time expression

travis Codecov Coverage relative-time-expression rte-moment period-edge

This is a expression for relative time. Inspired by Time Units of grafana.

Here is a chinese blog about why I create this library.


Install moment binding

npm install rte-moment

Install core (Optional, If you don't use moment)

npm install relative-time-expression



The expression usually start from "now", like "now", "now-1d". But you can also omit it, like ""(same as "now"), "-1d". After "now", you can append a series of manipulation. There are two types of manipulation, one is offset, the other is period.

  • Offset: Add(+) or Subtract(-) to current moment, constructed with op, integer(optional, default 1) and unit(you can check blow).
  • Period: Point to start(/) or end(\) of period that current moment fall into, constructed with op, integer(optional, default 1) and unit. The custom period (integer larger than 1) are not supported for year and month periods now.

unit table

unit duration
y year
M month
w week
d day
h hour
m minute
s second


  • now - 12h: 12 hours ago, same as moment().subtract(12, 'hours')
  • -1d: 1 day ago, same as moment().subtract(1, 'day')
  • now / d: the start of today, same as moment().startOf('day')
  • now \ w: the end of this week, same as moment().endOf('week')
  • now - w / w: the start of last week, same as moment().subtract(1, 'week').startOf('week')
  • +M\M: the end of next month, same as moment().add(1, 'month').endOf('week')
  • now/4w: Suppose divide time range from unix timestamp zero by 4 weeks = 4 * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 ms, and return start of period which now fall into.

Moment binding

import parse from 'rte-moment';
const m = parse('now-w/w');
// compatible with grafana, add forceEnd config to make `/` point to end of period
const m1 = parse('now-w/w', { forceEnd: true });

import moment from 'moment';
moment().subtract(1, 'week').startOf('week').isSame(m); // true
moment().subtract(1, 'week').endOf('week').isSame(m1); // true

Custom timezone

If this lib used at server side, you should use timezone from client.

import parse from 'rte-moment';
import moment from 'moment-timezone';
const m = parse('now/d', { base: moment().tz('Asia/Shanghai') });

moment().tz('Asia/Shanghai').startOf('day').isSame(m); // true

Custom binding

You can write binding with any time library.

See moment binding code here.

Parse to ast

import { parse } from 'relative-time-expression';
const ast = parse('+M/M');
/* ast
  type: 'Expression',
  start: 0,
  end: 4,
  body: [
      type: 'Offset',
      op: '+',
      number: 1,
      unit: 'M',
      start: 0,
      end: 2,
      type: 'Period',
      op: '/',
      number: 1,
      unit: 'M',
      start: 2,
      end: 4,

Encode to expression

import { encode } from 'relative-time-expression';
encode(ast); // return 'now+M/M'
encode(ast, { displayOne: true }); // return 'now+1M/M'


import { standardize } from 'relative-time-expression';
standardize(' now   - 1   d /w'); // return 'now-d/w'
standardize(' now   - 1   d /w', { displayOne: true }); // return 'now-1d/w'

Enable custom period

Custom period is disabled default. You should enable it manually.

import { parse } from 'relative-time-expression';
parse('+M/4M'); // error!
parse('+M/4M', { customPeriod: true }); // success



// parse expression to moment
function parseToMoment(
  exp: string,
  options?: { forceEnd?: boolean; base?: moment.Moment; customPeriod?: boolean; }
): moment.Moment;

// and all api from relative-time-expression


You can check type definitions here.

// parse expression to ast
function parse(exp: string, options?: { customPeriod?: boolean; }): Expression;
// same as parse
function decode(exp: string, options?: { customPeriod?: boolean; }): Expression;
// encode ast to expression
function encode(exp: InputExpression, options?: { displayOne?: boolean }): string;
// same as encode
function stringify(exp: InputExpression, options?: { displayOne?: boolean }): string;
// format expression as standard
function standardize(exp: string, options?: { displayOne?: boolean }): string;


The grammar is simple:

<expression> ::= [<ws>] [now] *([<ws>] <relative> [<ws>])
<relative>   ::= <offset> | <period>
<offset>     ::= (+ | -) <ws> [<number>] <ws> <unit>
<period>     ::= (/ | \) <ws> [<number>] <ws> <unit>
<number>     ::= ('0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9') [<number>]
<unit>       ::= 's' | 'm' | 'h' | 'd' | 'w' | 'M' | 'y'
<ws>         ::= ' ' | '\r' | '\n' | '\t' [<ws>]