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Github Actions : Added Mypy and Python Bandit Security automation #1

Github Actions : Added Mypy and Python Bandit Security automation

Github Actions : Added Mypy and Python Bandit Security automation #1

Workflow file for this run

name: "mypy check" # Name of the GitHub Actions workflow
on: [push, pull_request] # Trigger the workflow
runs-on: ubuntu-latest # Executes the job on the latest version of Ubuntu
- uses: actions/checkout@v2 # Checks out your repository's code
- uses: actions/setup-python@v3 # Sets up Python for the job
python-version: '3.x' # Specifies Python version 3.x
- run: pip install mypy # Installs mypy for static type checking, you can specify a version here
- name: Get Python changed files # Identifies changed Python files
id: changed-py-files
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v23
files: |
- name: Run if any of the listed files above is changed # Runs mypy on changed files
if: steps.changed-py-files.outputs.any_changed == 'true' # Conditional execution if any Python files changed
run: mypy ${{ steps.changed-py-files.outputs.all_changed_files }} --ignore-missing-imports